Are you in your Top gear right?? It's prabably installed wrong.
Dude, it's an automatic. I have yet to see you post something that was accurate, or wasn't an exact repeat of something someone said previously in that thread or another. Please don't give anyone ANY advise anymore, someone who's new here may actually listen to you to their own demise. If you don't know....don't say anything
Mudhawg, I'm no expert, but it sounds to me like the clutch spring is too heavy, and the belt isn't riding up the clutch far enough. I noticed in another post you stated you're topping out at around 45....that can't be right. My knowledge of these type clutches comes from snowmobiling (the clutches are essentially the same I think). You shouldn't lose any top end. I assume the clutch is engaging at a higher rpm than before?