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Do I have a case against Suzuki???
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Topic: Do I have a case against Suzuki??? (Read 22114 times)
is a Florida Mud Rider
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #25 on:
March 31, 2005, 11:51:09 AM »
BTW I am not a lawyer, but I do say at holiday Inns a lot.
07 Rhino
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #26 on:
March 31, 2005, 01:29:03 PM »
"The other thing that comes to mind is, you say you went 6-8ft at full speed before making impact Why didnt you just hit the freaking brakes? "
Good Question.
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #27 on:
March 31, 2005, 02:16:59 PM »
6 or 8 feet can go by real quick at full throttle , from the sound of it even if he hit the brakes he could have still hit the truck . It is easy to look back and say you could have done this or that but we all know how quickly accidents happen .I'm just sorry to hear about your problem , write Suzuki a letter and see how they handle it .Keep us informed . If they handle it good we can all say GO SUZUKI ...if they handle it poorly we can all say GO SOMEBODYELSE.
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #28 on:
March 31, 2005, 03:21:55 PM »
OK first off He never said he was going to SUE suzuki he asked if he had a case. If you call and complain about anything they will give you a case number or some sort of identification on how to get back with them regaurding the matter, Second off everyone on here is soo quick to judge everyone else and what they have done or what could have been done. Not everyone is as perfect as some of you on here. No matter what the post is about there are always some smart A$$ comments about the post. Why not just read them and try to understand what is getting said before you jump to conclusions. As for suzuki I'd call and see what they say or check out the recall center on NHTSA.com I think it is and they have reported problems with any motor vehicle. Good luck~!
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #29 on:
March 31, 2005, 04:02:41 PM »
OK first off He never said he was going to SUE suzuki he asked if he had a case. If you call and complain about anything they will give you a case number or some sort of identification on how to get back with them regaurding the matter, Second off everyone on here is soo quick to judge everyone else and what they have done or what could have been done. Not everyone is as perfect as some of you on here. No matter what the post is about there are always some smart A$$ comments about the post. Why not just read them and try to understand what is getting said before you jump to conclusions. As for suzuki I'd call and see what they say or check out the recall center on NHTSA.com I think it is and they have reported problems with any motor vehicle. Good luck~!
Yeh I agree, He was just wanting opinions on what he should do. He didn't plan on sueing suzuki for all there worth, And "lets change the site to atv drama" I feel if someone has A problem it's Good for them to post about it on Atvflorida.Espicially since most of the people on here are good people and wont give smart as$ comments or give the person A hard time, But it seems like that is changing..
Last Edit: March 31, 2005, 04:03:20 PM by o4250
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #30 on:
March 31, 2005, 07:46:39 PM »
No problems with my Eiger, sounds like the person operating it shouldn't be.
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #31 on:
March 31, 2005, 09:27:57 PM »
Sounds to me like a dealer setup issue. The atv comes with the handlebars off in the box & the dealer puts them on. The dealer should have turned the bars in all directions & tested the atv before it was delivered to you after the sale.
Good call. Maybe it is the dealers fault??? This would possibly explain the other guy who hasn't had problems with his eiger and also explain the guy who also HAS had problems with his...
The other thing that comes to mind is, you say you went 6-8ft at full speed before making impact
Why didnt you just hit the freaking brakes? I will make a wager with anyone here that Suzuki says "You should have been more careful in a tight surrounding & hit the brakes"!!! It sucks when you make a boo-boo, but man up & accept that you did this not Suzuki.
First of all, in the distance of 6-8ft (at OPEN throttle in REVERSE , which has more tq than any forward gear i believe), you have to ask yourself these questions: 1) why is the four-wheeler gunning in reverse? 2) how much of that 6-8 ft did I already cover when I was turning the four wheeler just a little bit to try and get out BEFORE i turned it hard? I didn't just TURN it all the way and reverse....I hit the gas AS I turned.
Also, the eiger has disc brakes up front and a drum in the rear and the eigers brakes SUCK. NO WAY that thing is stopping, once in motion, with the throttle at half, none-the-less full. And in 6-8ft, I'm not oging to diagnose the throttle as hitting the lever. The shifter hits the base of the throttle, so it doesn't take much for it to be "full throttle" because the travel distance is less the closer it gets to the base.
So how long does that 6-8 ft look now??
You stated you turned the bars "harder to the right", my question would be to you as legal council for Suzuki, "Mr Eiger, at what point did you lose sight of the bars & the throttle lever when you turned hard to the right in you garage next to your truck in a very tight surrounding?" (case closed)
So you look at your throttle everytime you back up?? sh*t man, I'd MUCH rather be looking behind me at WHERE I'm going. When you back your car out of the driveway, do you watch the steering wheel and the gas pedal or whats behind you? <case closed> phhhbt.
and 6-8 ft from my truck is not "close" surroundings". If the throttle didn't hit, I would have gotten out NO PROBLEM.
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #32 on:
March 31, 2005, 09:30:43 PM »
Trying to get sympathy on this site to sue a manufacturer so they can raise prices on the sport we love is what is nuts.
Last Edit: March 31, 2005, 09:31:06 PM by Shotgun
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #33 on:
March 31, 2005, 09:31:30 PM »
No problems with my Eiger, sounds like the person operating it shouldn't be.
I've been driving lawnmowers since I was 4 (and i'm talking John Deere F-911 with 72" decks and 0 degree Dixie Choppers with 60" decks), gokarts since i was 6, dirt bikes since i was 10 and ATVs since I was 16. I'm 21 now.
I've had two accidents that whole time...I drove a tractor a little bit into a lake because I didn't realize how slick the ground was. I quickly tied a rope to the chassis and a tree to keep it from going all teh way in...quick thinking. And the other time, I flipped a go-kart because my dog started chasing me and and I was about to run him over. Much rather would have flipped it and sprained my ankle with a few cuts than hit my dog and posisbly hurt him.
Other than that, no accidents. I think I'm qualified to drive an ATV.
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #34 on:
March 31, 2005, 09:41:41 PM »
I think you are qualified too, but sue the dealer that put the quad together. Suing Suzuki, weather you win or not just screws all of us.
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #35 on:
March 31, 2005, 10:03:56 PM »
Drama....Drama....Drama.... Dosen't anyone ride anymore [smiley=banghead.gif] [smiley=baby.gif]
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #36 on:
April 01, 2005, 05:38:28 AM »
I think you are qualified too, but sue the dealer that put the quad together. Suing Suzuki, weather you win or not just screws all of us.
Well, i'd really rather not sue ANYONE...i'd really rather just have them offer to pay for the damage to my truck because that would be the right thing to do since its apparently the dealers fault.
oh well, we'll see.
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #37 on:
April 01, 2005, 08:36:48 AM »
Trying to get sympathy on this site to sue a manufacturer so they can raise prices on the sport we love is what is nuts
[/color] No what's nuts is you bustin his chops about something that he was trying to get an honest opinion about. He never said he was going to SUE anyone. I have seen posts on here with anything from "Chevy or Ford" to "Going to a spa" No offense Chuck
But when it comes to a serious problem with a quad you make out like it's his fault. You know manufacturers aren't perfect and I bet my Quad your not either. Everyone makes mistakes but wonder if it was a defect? Wonder if there is a kid(16) on one and it does it but instead of hitting a truck it takes him in the road? You gonna blame the kid or the company? Only takes one person getting hurt or even killed from it before you blame the company. Or are you like many others I know Blame whoever it happened to until it's you that it happens to then it's the company's fault.
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #38 on:
April 01, 2005, 08:46:14 AM »
No what's nuts is you bustin his chops about something that he was trying to get an honest opinion about. He never said he was going to SUE anyone. I have seen posts on here with anything from "Chevy or Ford" to "Going to a spa" No offense Chuck
But when it comes to a serious problem with a quad you make out like it's his fault. You know manufacturers aren't perfect and I bet my Quad your not either. Everyone makes mistakes but wonder if it was a defect? Wonder if there is a kid(16) on one and it does it but instead of hitting a truck it takes him in the road? You gonna blame the kid or the company? Only takes one person getting hurt or even killed from it before you blame the company. Or are you like many others I know Blame whoever it happened to until it's you that it happens to then it's the company's fault.
Thank you very much! That was my point all along...Suzuki should be so lucky that it only hit and dinged my truck up (pretty bad) and hasn't hurt the other guy that's flipped his due to this defect.
People want to jump to conclusions and just assume that the manufacturer or corporation is always perfect and its user fault.
And I admit, I used to be one of them. For example, I always used to ridicule the lady that sued McDonalds for spilling her coffee in her lap. Now, should the coffee have been in her lap? Nah, probably not, but the lid should have been on correct for one, but for two, and the part of the case that MOST people don't know is that McDonalds is required to serve their coffee at a certain temperature (I THINK its 140 degrees) because at that temperature, your skin would have to be exposed for like 6 or 7 seconds before it would cause any serious burns. Now, what McDonalds was doing was serving their coffee at something like 270 degrees in order to keep it "Fresh" !!!! At that temperature, it takes something like 2 seconds before it causes serve burns.
Now, I'm not saying that that lady was smart for putting it in her lap, but the bottom line is McDonalds broke a rule to cut a corner and now they have to pay.
Same with Ford and the pinto with the exploding gas tank. They tried to cut a corner and they had to pay.
And it appears as though Suzuki (or my dealership) may have the same problem. They should just consider themselves lucky that they didn't end up with a serious injury or wrongful death case.
Now, on a side note, how about the idiot that got a couple million because he wrecked his winnebago because he thought cruise control was autopilot and he got up and made breakfast on the highway???
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #39 on:
April 01, 2005, 08:54:50 AM »
All this [smiley=angry2.gif] [smiley=Angry.gif]
Need more [smiley=drink.gif] [smiley=Wacko.gif] [smiley=Confused.gif] [smiley=Smile.gif]
Last Edit: April 01, 2005, 08:56:19 AM by TRX350_On_The_Rack
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #40 on:
April 01, 2005, 09:07:18 AM »
All this [smiley=angry2.gif] [smiley=Angry.gif]
Need more [smiley=drink.gif] [smiley=Wacko.gif] [smiley=Confused.gif] [smiley=Smile.gif]
lol its all in good fun. I'm not even that pissed about my truck...I'm very thankful it didn't do more damage to the truck or myself though. I can live with a 6" gash in my door (but my point is i shouldn't have to...it shouldn't be there!)
have a cold one on me!
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #41 on:
April 01, 2005, 09:33:16 AM »
So pretty much what your saying is if your kid(s) were on a bike and the throttle went wide open just because they turned the handlebars it would be their fault! Your so full of BS that your over flowing. I know I'm a smartazz and I'm glad to be I speak my mind and I know alot of people on here do, but when something happens and you CAN'T control it or better yet I'll stop myself and ask this.... Why do YOU think SUZUKI and EVERYOTHER quad that has Reverse has it on there? TO USE IT!!! Why push the quad if you have enough space to RIDE it out? Suck it up and ride it?? That's what he was TRYING to do.
I don't know about you but if I had reverse on my Blaster I think I would use it. [smiley=Wacko.gif] And for the "RESPONSIBLY KNOWING YOUR EQUIPMENT & SURROUNDINGS!" How was he to know that it was going to do that? I don't think he's Psychic and he was watching his surroundings (trying not to back into them!) I think personally that you must be perfect and you don't need safety gear b/c you never wreck and you never have any accidents.
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #42 on:
April 01, 2005, 09:56:16 AM »
All this [smiley=angry2.gif] [smiley=Angry.gif]
Need more [smiley=drink.gif] [smiley=Wacko.gif] [smiley=Confused.gif] [smiley=Smile.gif]
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #43 on:
April 01, 2005, 09:56:25 AM »
You said you were "blurbing the throttle as to avoid hitting my truck", it is plain & simple, you said it yourself. you were doing something cautiousley to "AVOID HITTING MY TRUCK". The bottom line is you KNOW for a fact you were in close proximity of your truck & YOU chose to drive it instead of push it or move the truck. YOU hit the truck on YOUR atv & damaged YOUR truck. Now why would any of that be anybodies fault but YOURS?
? No offense to all of you guys who are throwing around the "smartazzes" term, but this is his fault & it sucks he has to now fix his problem that he caused by turning the wheel too far. And yes I do check my throttle when backing up or going forward or sitting still idling, it is called riding RESPONSIBLY KNOWING YOUR EQUIPMENT & SURROUNDINGS! Sounds like you were in a hurry & disregarded the possibilities of error. Now get some o/t to fix your truck, put it behind you & suck it up & go riding!!!
Is this guy FOR REAL??? You must be the stupidest son of a pregnant dog I've ever heard! Its MY FAULT that there is something that interferes with teh throttle on my four-wheeler?
WOW. And I WAS being careful. I had 6-8 ft BETWEEN ME AND MY TRUCK. I was VERY WELL CLEAR of my truck. Like I said earlier, and you still haven't answered me, when you back out of a driveway in your car (if you're even old enough to drive and with bone-headed comments like yours, you probably aren't), do you watch whats BEHIND you or do you watch the gas pedal??? When You're backing OUT of a spot and there's a car behind you, do you get out and PUSH your car? Because, hell, your gas pedal could get stuck and you could RAM into the car behind you!
You are pretty thick-headed.
And I highly, highly, highly doubt you back up your fourwheeler and keep your eyes glued to the throttle.
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #44 on:
April 01, 2005, 10:01:14 AM »
operater error read the warning labels no one under 16 (even if your aged 45 with a lil kid in u ) sory about the damage
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #45 on:
April 01, 2005, 10:08:28 AM »
Hey SoFlaEiger best thing to do with these guys is wait till it happens to them. Like I said before it didn't happen to them so they are going to pin it on you when it does happen to them it will be everyone elses fault but theres. Atleast you have a reason it happened to you. And it's not just on the Eiger it happens on alot of quads but with yours being new I'd see what they have to say. What can it hurt to ask? It's smart people like the ones making rude comments that are giving ATVr's a bad name not the ones who have a problem with the manufacturer. They think they don't have to follow the rules and that they know everything about everyone.
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #46 on:
April 01, 2005, 10:31:52 AM »
operater error read the warning labels no one under 16 (even if your aged 45 with a lil kid in u ) sory about the damage
lol...i'm 21...definetly past my 16 year old mentality when it comes to four-wheelin!
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #47 on:
April 01, 2005, 10:33:14 AM »
Hey SoFlaEiger best thing to do with these guys is wait till it happens to them. Like I said before it didn't happen to them so they are going to pin it on you when it does happen to them it will be everyone elses fault but theres. Atleast you have a reason it happened to you. And it's not just on the Eiger it happens on alot of quads but with yours being new I'd see what they have to say. What can it hurt to ask? It's smart people like the ones making rude comments that are giving ATVr's a bad name not the ones who have a problem with the manufacturer. They think they don't have to follow the rules and that they know everything about everyone.
well, it'd be wrong to stereotype everyone into that category when its just one bone-head that i can think off...maybe a couple others. The majority just don't want any suit against suzuki because then prices go up lol
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #48 on:
April 01, 2005, 10:50:36 AM »
I say sue them.
I got your back.
We'll split it.
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Re: Do I have a case against Suzuki???
Reply #49 on:
April 01, 2005, 11:52:01 AM »
I say sue them.
I got your back.
We'll split it.
lol lets do it hehe
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