Hey Randy that sux man. I had both of mine done. The right in 96 and the left done twice in 99-2000. I didn't listen to the doc and went back to work too fast and retore mine climbing a ladder. Its one of the most painful recoveries you'll ever go through. Not trying to scare you but make damn sure before you go home from the hospital they give you plenty of meds you will need them. My leg is painful and I've had more surgeries on it then I can count but I think the shoulder is right up there with being the most painful. How did you tear it? Is he going to do a decompression to open up the space on top of the shoulder so it doesn't happen again. Best of luck with it bro hope you get back quick. You can probly count on not riding "hard" for a good 2 months or more. You don't want to do anything that will pull or twist your arm up or make an upward pulling action like hanging on the bars or picking up anything heavy. I got "staytac's" like little screws holding mine.You gotta take the time to heal.Your "rotator cuff" is more like a tendon not muscle or bone and heals different. After you see how painful it is you won't want to go through it again so just chill and heal.
We are thinking about hittin onf Sunday. Are you going to the group ride? Get your summers worth in before your surgery.
I'll say a prayer or two for ya