I recently sent an email to Mike Long who is the Director for the Division of Forestry about how the planned OHV proposal is going for Picayune State Forest aka Bad Luck Prairie/South Blocks. He met with the US Fish and WildLife and the Army Corps of Engineers on Sept 27th. Here is what he said.
From: "Long, Mike" <
longm@doacs.state.fl.us> [Add to Address Book] [View Source]
To: "Gamer"
Subject: RE: Picayune State Forest
Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2005 23:46:53 +0000
The meeting did not go well and it looks like if we are ever to be able to come to a solution for OHV use on the forest that the US Fish and Wildlife and the Army Corps of Engineers are going to have to have a complete mind change. They will not flat out say no but they can give no guidance on what they will be willing to accept.
Bases on not being able to get a clear answer as to what is acceptable we are moving forward and sending our plan out for approval. At least then they have to comment in writing if they do not approve it.
I think we may be able to allow OHVs but it is still a long uphill battle.