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Author Topic: PRAYERS NEEDED!  (Read 42697 times)

« Reply #125 on: October 05, 2005, 07:58:46 PM »

Definately keep us posted on how the new treatments go. I hope you are still going to have him a form of therapy though. He is still so young that therapy would be nothing but beneficial. Kids are so resiliant (sp)! At least the EEG is improving... theres a step up already! I'll still be sending my prayers your way, be strong. I'm sure your wife knows how you're feeling even though you havent told her yet... us women can read that! Not to mention, you'd be crazy not to be feeling however you are, I cant imagine how emotionally draining this has to be. If I lived closer I would be more then willing to help out in anyway I could... but considering I dont.. I'll just keep sending my prayers. Stay strong guys... every cloud has a silver lining, some just take a little longer to come to the surface.  Hug

Thank you Sky, Your prayers are more than enough and more help than you could ever imagine!!! Yes we are still following the direction of therapy and his steroids but we have had someone put in our path and we are not going to question why or how!! I can only tell you that you would not believe me if I told you Grin This is the most positive thing that has happend with our son!! Grin
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« Reply #126 on: October 05, 2005, 08:01:22 PM »

Geeze, now the suspense is killin me! I'm looking forward to hearing all the details on Monday!

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« Reply #127 on: October 05, 2005, 09:37:23 PM »

Lil Colton stays in my prayers and thoughts. I agree with Sky every cloud has a silver lining !
I too cant wait to hear what your trying what ever it is I wish him all the best . My daughter was born with a heart problem so I know how stressful it is when your child is ill, heck she is almost 20 and its still sometimes stressful ! hahaha  He has alot of "Aunts" and "Uncles" pulling for him we will keep praying and you all keep lovin and huggin him and he will pull thru this !
xoxoxo to colton

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« Reply #128 on: October 05, 2005, 09:59:15 PM »

scott, can't wait to hear who has been sent to you, I love hearing stories of the lord answering prayers in ways we never expected. your family is still in my prayers.

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« Reply #129 on: October 05, 2005, 10:45:44 PM »

At Memorial Hospital in Hollywood Fl they give the parents a steak dinner the night before you go home with your newborn. " At least they did 15 years ago" Before serving my wife and I they took our daughter back to the nursery so we could eat. Before we could finish the doctor came in and told us our daughter is having seizures. My wife fell apart and I was in shock and felt like throwing up. She had to stay at the hospital for two weeks being monitored and tested, etc. I remember it like it was yesterday. We were crushed, drained, empty, scared, and like zombies and practically lived at the hospital. I remember how saddened we were because they drew blood so many times and she was always getting stuck for this and stuck for that.  It really wore on us. I remember praying that she would not die. It didn't matter if she had a disability as long as we had her with us.The first night I remember going to the hospital gift shop and buying a ceramic angel and a nurse "the nice nurse" put it next to her incubator for me. As strange as it sounds that really gave me strength and a little peace of mind. That was 15 years ago and as suggested by the doctors she has grown out of them and has not had one since. The only effects she had from the whole ordeal was that for months she would not go to sleep unless the lights were on. We finally figured out that it was because they allways kept it bright in the newborn ICU. After a couple of years that ceramic angel fell and broke. I crazy glued it together and it still sits on a shelf in her room. Every night for the first 7 to 8 years I would open her door and look at her several times before going to sleep to make sure she was still breathing. I still check on her every night now but just once. LOL. I know it was gods grace that healed her but to this day I would fight to the death if someone tried to take that angel. I feel for your family and understand what you both are going thru. Just know that it's all in gods hands and even though something as simple as a ceramic angel may ease your mind it will be gods love and mercy that will give you peace. Trust in him and use this time to strengthen your bond with your wife and give each other encouragement and support knowing that all things will turn out okay. As my wife would say. " Don't think or say negative thoughts because it only gives satan a way to work on you"  My wife is so smart sometimes. SOMETIMES. jk. I will be praying for you.   Your friend.     Keith.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2005, 10:51:40 PM by CABLEGUY1 » Logged

« Reply #130 on: October 06, 2005, 09:22:11 AM »

At Memorial Hospital in Hollywood Fl they give the parents a steak dinner the night before you go home with your newborn. " At least they did 15 years ago" Before serving my wife and I they took our daughter back to the nursery so we could eat. Before we could finish the doctor came in and told us our daughter is having seizures. My wife fell apart and I was in shock and felt like throwing up. She had to stay at the hospital for two weeks being monitored and tested, etc. I remember it like it was yesterday. We were crushed, drained, empty, scared, and like zombies and practically lived at the hospital. I remember how saddened we were because they drew blood so many times and she was always getting stuck for this and stuck for that.  It really wore on us. I remember praying that she would not die. It didn't matter if she had a disability as long as we had her with us.The first night I remember going to the hospital gift shop and buying a ceramic angel and a nurse "the nice nurse" put it next to her incubator for me. As strange as it sounds that really gave me strength and a little peace of mind. That was 15 years ago and as suggested by the doctors she has grown out of them and has not had one since. The only effects she had from the whole ordeal was that for months she would not go to sleep unless the lights were on. We finally figured out that it was because they allways kept it bright in the newborn ICU. After a couple of years that ceramic angel fell and broke. I crazy glued it together and it still sits on a shelf in her room. Every night for the first 7 to 8 years I would open her door and look at her several times before going to sleep to make sure she was still breathing. I still check on her every night now but just once. LOL. I know it was gods grace that healed her but to this day I would fight to the death if someone tried to take that angel. I feel for your family and understand what you both are going thru. Just know that it's all in gods hands and even though something as simple as a ceramic angel may ease your mind it will be gods love and mercy that will give you peace. Trust in him and use this time to strengthen your bond with your wife and give each other encouragement and support knowing that all things will turn out okay. As my wife would say. " Don't think or say negative thoughts because it only gives satan a way to work on you"  My wife is so smart sometimes. SOMETIMES. jk. I will be praying for you.   Your friend.     Keith.

What a insperational story and you are so right about the negative thoughts. I am sure I will be telling you all very soon that Colton is going to be fine!! Keep those prayers coming Grin

« Reply #131 on: October 06, 2005, 06:41:14 PM »

    Grin Grin Grin you will not believe today Grin Grin Grin
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« Reply #132 on: October 06, 2005, 07:32:25 PM »

you gotta tell us!!!!!!! mods ban him! he is being mean:) lol cant wait to hear about it all scott.

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« Reply #133 on: October 06, 2005, 09:10:00 PM »

Cableguy...what a story....Thanks for sharing!   Tongue

SwampDonkey....you're teasing us.....come on.....what's up???  Roll Eyes
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« Reply #134 on: October 06, 2005, 09:29:42 PM »

    Grin Grin Grin you will not believe today Grin Grin Grin
If it has you this happy i cant wait to hear it.

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« Reply #135 on: October 06, 2005, 09:32:36 PM »

    Grin Grin Grin you will not believe today Grin Grin Grin
If it has you this happy i cant wait to hear it.

Maybe Notre dame is looking for a new QB? Wink

« Reply #136 on: October 06, 2005, 09:37:47 PM »

    Grin Grin Grin you will not believe today Grin Grin Grin
If it has you this happy i cant wait to hear it.

Maybe Notre dame is looking for a new QB? Wink

Wow you guys are awesome..I will tell you all soon, I dont want to be overconfident or misclaim anything!!! But soo far its all good Grin
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« Reply #137 on: October 06, 2005, 09:42:33 PM »

Thats it, From now on do not say anything until you're ready to spill the beans. The suspense is killing us.  Wink

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« Reply #138 on: October 06, 2005, 10:13:05 PM »

YES IT IS ! But whatever it is Im SO GLAD its helping!!!!!
Dont keep us in the dark to long !!!!

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« Reply #139 on: October 06, 2005, 10:47:06 PM »

Scott it is good to see the positive way you are posting. I hope that whatever it is it will work.

My daughter ashley is the best EVER!!!!! I wish I could have been more like her when I was her age!!!
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« Reply #140 on: October 07, 2005, 09:20:37 AM »

I hope I am reading this with enough time to throw in my prayers as well.  My entire family is praying for you all.  We are giving a general prayer of strength, peace and healing, since we are uncertain of the situation.  God is Awesome.  God's Blessings to you all.  It is so wonderful to hear so many people praising God's name.

As was nicely expressed earlier by SKYHIGH ....
""Stay strong guys... every cloud has a silver lining, some just take a little longer to come to the surface.""  I never heard that put so nicely.  I hope you dont mind if I use your phrase once in a while.

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« Reply #141 on: October 07, 2005, 09:28:23 AM »

Hehe, not at all.. it's quite flattering actually Smiley Glad you liked it!

Only 3 more days until Monday... the suspense is driving me crazy over here!!

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« Reply #142 on: October 07, 2005, 10:58:52 AM »

Hehe, not at all.. it's quite flattering actually Smiley Glad you liked it!

Only 3 more days until Monday... the suspense is driving me crazy over here!!

Ok ,Ok You all deserve to have all of the information as I feel you are partially responsible for putting this man in our path through prayer!!! Some will believe and some will not and I am ok with that. Two weeks ago a man came to see my mother from Orlando. This man informed my mother that he had heard about Colton through prayer and he could help, My mother asked are you a Dr.? This man made no claims for himself other than God has given him a gift and heals through him. My mother promptly asked how much do you charge (being a bit skeptical) and the man replied nothing I take no payment. This man told a story of life after death and being dead for over 5 minutes and being sent back by an angel but not wanting to leave, waking up and being in rehab for 8 months and realizing he has an ability to help others with no knowledge of how to use it. He found out a year later after healing others he could not save his own mother, it was like the switch was turned off and he could not use it for personal gain. The man then asked to see a picture of Colton and Informed mom that his LEFT side of the brain is where the problem lays and through God he could heal Colton. My mother shared this information with me this last Saturday, and I informed her that I had enough people telling us how to treat Colton and we were continuing to pray and follow the Dr's direction for the EEG on Tuesday. As most of you have Read the Dr informed us on Tuesday (three days after this man) that Colton had been showing signs of Retardation and the LEFT Side of his Brain was abnormal!!!! I HIT THE FLOOR and GOT COLD CHILLS!!! I had not shared this information about this man with Sherry until that point; as I had not truly placed any validity to it myself. Long story short he came to see us yesterday and spent an hour with Colton passing his hand over Colton's head and taking short breaks to rest as his hand became very hot, and Colton's head would sweat on the left side. I asked if he felt the energy himself and he in response put his hand on mine, the heat was increasable. After an hour or so this man looked very tired and Claimed in Jesus name Colton would be fine and Colton went to sleep. This mans story is so awesome to hear and very credible. Colton for the first time in a month was cooing, smiling repetitively and this morning playing with his toys, and his breathing is no longer labored. Praise God for answering our prayers and hearing our claims of healing. We are following the direction of the Dr's with the steroids and weaning him off as advised. This man informed us Colton will have a 360 turn around when the steroids stop completely. I did not want to claim it so early but the results I have seen in Colton and the pronouncing of Colton's illness by this man before the dr's by only looking at a photo leaves no doubt in my mind.... God Heals!!! Grin
« Last Edit: October 07, 2005, 11:16:11 AM by SWAMP_DONKEY » Logged
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« Reply #143 on: October 07, 2005, 11:10:50 AM »

Due to acertain TV Church Show (you all know the one), I have become skeptical every time I hear someone claiming that God heals through them. I do however believe that there are people out there who have truely been given that gift. It sounds to me that you may have found one of the true "healers". Considering how many prayers have been sent Colton's way, I do not doubt that God has sent him an angel. It's so good to hear that Colton is getting back to acting like himself and doing things he hasnt done in awhile... the smallest steps can be the biggest! I look forward to hearing what the doctors have to say Wink Glad to know he is being weened off the steriods too.... YAY COLTON!! Smiley

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« Reply #144 on: October 07, 2005, 11:26:04 AM »

Man that is awesome news. If the man charged you for it i would be skeptical, but with him saying he doesnt charge you know he must be a gift from god. Thank you for telling us, now i can relax this weekend not wondering what happened. We will continue the prayers.

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« Reply #145 on: October 07, 2005, 11:31:25 AM »

Glad to hear that.. Hope your boy turns out fine....

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« Reply #146 on: October 07, 2005, 11:32:34 AM »

Thats awesome news! Its amazing how God answers prayers in the most unusual ways.

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« Reply #147 on: October 07, 2005, 02:42:42 PM »

That is Incredible Scott!!  I believe in Angels!  Hug 
I'm sure you and Sherry are Thrilled.  Colton has been blessed  Smiley 

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« Reply #148 on: October 07, 2005, 06:35:47 PM »

I just read this forum for the first time, read through several pages, brought tears to my eyes.
Arriving to the end, I am so happy to hear of the Angel that went to see Colton and Colton is doing better.  Thumbs Up

« Reply #149 on: October 07, 2005, 07:45:26 PM »

God's looking out for the little man......what an awesome story!  God bless your entire family!  XO  Roll Eyes
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