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The truth about New Orleans and America
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Topic: The truth about New Orleans and America (Read 4572 times)
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The truth about New Orleans and America
September 10, 2005, 04:08:46 PM »
This was sent to me by a friend so I don't know where it originated (paper, magazine,etc), but it is the truth about the mahem in New Orleans, and the state of America in general. It is non-partisan for you political hounds out there. It's long but worth reading.
by Robert Tracinski
Sep 02, 2005
It has taken four long days for state and federal officials to figure out how to deal with the disaster in New Orleans. I can't blame them, because it has also taken me four long days to figure out what is going on there. The reason is that the events there make no sense if you think that we are confronting a natural disaster.
If this is just a natural disaster, the response for public officials is obvious: you bring in food, water, and doctors; you send transportation to evacuate refugees to temporary shelters; you send engineers to stop the flooding and rebuild the city's infrastructure. For journalists, natural disasters also have a familiar pattern: the heroism of ordinary people pulling together to survive; the hard work and dedication of doctors, nurses, and rescue workers; the steps being taken to clean up and rebuild.
Public officials did not expect that the first thing they would have to do is to send thousands of armed troops in armored vehicle, as if they are suppressing an enemy insurgency. And journalists--myself included--did not expect that the story would not be about rain, wind, and flooding, but about rape, murder, and looting.
But this is not a natural disaster. It is a man-made disaster.
The man-made disaster is not an inadequate or incompetent response by federal relief agencies, and it was not directly caused by Hurricane Katrina. This is where just about every newspaper and television channel has gotten the story wrong.
The man-made disaster we are now witnessing in New Orleans did not happen over the past four days. It happened over the past four decades. Hurricane Katrina merely exposed it to public view.
The man-made disaster is the welfare state.
For the past few days, I have found the news from New Orleans to be confusing. People were not behaving as you would expect them to behave in an emergency--indeed, they were not behaving as they have behaved in other emergencies. That is what has shocked so many people: they have been saying that this is not what we expect from America. In fact, it is not even what we expect from a Third World country.
When confronted with a disaster, people usually rise to the occasion. They work together to rescue people in danger, and they spontaneously organize to keep order and solve problems. This is especially true in America. We are an enterprising people, used to relying on our own initiative rather than waiting around for the government to take care of us. I have seen this a hundred times, in small examples (a small town whose main traffic light had gone out, causing ordinary citizens to get out of their cars and serve as impromptu traffic cops, directing cars through the intersection) and large ones (the spontaneous response of New Yorkers to September 11).
So what explains the chaos in New Orleans?
To give you an idea of the magnitude of what is going on, here is a description from a Washington Times story:
"Storm victims are raped and beaten; fights erupt with flying fists, knives and guns; fires are breaking out; corpses litter the streets; and police and rescue helicopters are repeatedly fired on.
"The plea from Mayor C. Ray Nagin came even as National Guardsmen poured in to restore order and stop the looting, carjacking's and gunfire....
"Last night, Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco said 300 Iraq-hardened Arkansas National Guard members were inside New Orleans with shoot-to-kill orders.
" 'These troops are...under my orders to restore order in the streets,' she said. 'They have M-16s, and they are locked and loaded. These troops know how to shoot and kill and they are more than willing to do so if necessary and I expect they will.' "
The reference to Iraq is eerie. The photo that accompanies this article shows National Guard troops, with rifles and armored vests, riding on an armored vehicle through trash-strewn streets lined by a rabble of squalid, listless people, one of whom appears to be yelling at them. It looks exactly like a scene from Sadr City in Baghdad.
What explains bands of thugs using a natural disaster as an excuse for an orgy of looting, armed robbery, and rape? What causes unruly mobs to storm the very buses that have arrived to evacuate them, causing the drivers to drive away, frightened for their lives? What causes people to attack the doctors trying to treat patients at the Super Dome?
Why are people responding to natural destruction by causing further destruction? Why are they attacking the people who are trying to help them?
My wife, Sherri, figured it out first, and she figured it out on a sense-of-life level. While watching the coverage last night on Fox News Channel, she told me that she was getting a familiar feeling. She studied architecture at the Illinois Institute of Chicago, which is located in the South Side of Chicago just blocks away from the Robert Taylor Homes, one of the largest high-rise public housing projects in America. "The projects," as they were known, were infamous for uncontrollable crime and irremediable squalor. (They have since, mercifully, been demolished.)
What Sherri was getting from last night's television coverage was a whiff of the sense of life of "the projects." Then the "crawl"--the informational phrases flashed at the bottom of the screen on most news channels--gave some vital statistics to confirm this sense: 75% of the residents of New Orleans had already evacuated before the hurricane, and of the 300,000 or so who remained, a large number were from the city's public housing projects. Jack Wakeland then gave me an additional, crucial fact: early reports from CNN and Fox indicated that the city had no plan for evacuating all of the prisoners in the city's jails--so they just let many of them loose. The is no doubt a significant overlap between these two populations--that is, a large number of people in the jails used to live in the housing projects, and vice versa.
There were many decent, innocent people trapped in New Orleans when the deluge hit--but they were trapped alongside large numbers of people from two groups: criminals--and wards of the welfare state, people selected, over decades, for their lack of initiative and self-induced helplessness. The welfare wards were a mass of sheep--on whom the incompetent administration of New Orleans unleashed a pack of wolves.
All of this is related, incidentally, to the apparent incompetence of the city government, which failed to plan for a total evacuation of the city, despite the knowledge that this might be necessary. But in a city corrupted by the welfare state, the job of city officials is to ensure the flow of handouts to welfare recipients and patronage to political supporters--not to ensure a lawful, orderly evacuation in case of emergency.
No one has really reported this story, as far as I can tell. In fact, some are already actively distorting it, blaming President Bush, for example, for failing to personally ensure that the Mayor of New Orleans had drafted an adequate evacuation plan. The worst example is an execrable piece from the Toronto Globe and Mail, by a supercilious Canadian who blames the chaos on American "individualism." But the truth is precisely the opposite: the chaos was caused by a system that was the exa opposite of individualism.
What Hurricane Katrina exposed was the psychological consequences of the welfare state. What we consider "normal" behavior in an emergency is behavior that is normal for people who have values and take the responsibility to pursue and protect them. People with values respond to a disaster by fighting against it and doing whatever it takes to overcome the difficulties they face. They don't sit around and complain that the government hasn't taken care of them. They don't use the chaos of a disaster as an opportunity to prey on their fellow men.
But what about criminals and welfare parasites? Do they worry about saving their houses and property? They don't, because they don't own anything. Do they worry about what is going to happen to their businesses or how they are going to make a living? They never worried about those things before. Do they worry about crime and looting? But living off of stolen wealth is a way of life for them.
The welfare state--and the brutish, uncivilized mentality it sustains and encourages--is the man-made disaster that explains the moral ugliness that has swamped New Orleans. And that is the story that no one is reporting.
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Re: The truth about New Orleans and America
Reply #1 on:
September 10, 2005, 05:03:16 PM »
Quote from: cain73 on September 10, 2005, 04:08:46 PM
People with values respond to a disaster by fighting against it and doing whatever it takes to overcome the difficulties they face. They don't sit around and complain that the government hasn't taken care of them. They don't use the chaos of a disaster as an opportunity to prey on their fellow men.
key point!
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Re: The truth about New Orleans and America
Reply #2 on:
September 10, 2005, 05:07:46 PM »
Good report. now I wonder how long it will take before someone turns this into a racial ordeal
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Re: The truth about New Orleans and America
Reply #3 on:
September 10, 2005, 05:26:53 PM »
Quote from: Chuck_Norris on September 10, 2005, 05:07:46 PM
Good report. now I wonder how long it will take before someone turns this into a racial ordeal
hahahahaha. but thinking like this is supposed to be racial, cause the ppl that live in the projects don't have the same opportunities you and i have had. hahahahahah
thinking like that and i would've never amounted to anything. i would be sitting on my but and collecting welfare. and don't get me wrong i have collected welfare before when i was not in such a good position, but the difference was that when i was able to get back on my feet and found the right job i got off, and started to work my way up the ladder so that i could provide for my family. in my opinion that was why welfare was created. to help ppl in their time of need. but once your able to you should get off.
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Re: The truth about New Orleans and America
Reply #4 on:
September 10, 2005, 06:46:47 PM »
Quote from: ish on September 10, 2005, 05:26:53 PM
Quote from: Chuck_Norris on September 10, 2005, 05:07:46 PM
Good report. now I wonder how long it will take before someone turns this into a racial ordeal
hahahahaha. but thinking like this is supposed to be racial, cause the ppl that live in the projects don't have the same opportunities you and i have had. hahahahahah
thinking like that and i would've never amounted to anything. i would be sitting on my but and collecting welfare. and don't get me wrong i have collected welfare before when i was not in such a good position, but the difference was that when i was able to get back on my feet and found the right job i got off, and started to work my way up the ladder so that i could provide for my family. in my opinion that was why welfare was created. to help ppl in their time of need. but once your able to you should get off.
i agree everyone needs help once in a while, the difference is recognizing that it is help to get you off your feet.(not a way of life). when i came from cuba my grandpa worked in 2 factories and my grandma sewed in a factory and then at night at home. i gaurantee that if these people had the ambition and desire to get off welfare they could. just like you and i did.
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Re: The truth about New Orleans and America
Reply #5 on:
September 10, 2005, 06:56:59 PM »
Quote from: ish on September 10, 2005, 05:26:53 PM
Quote from: Chuck_Norris on September 10, 2005, 05:07:46 PM
Good report. now I wonder how long it will take before someone turns this into a racial ordeal
hahahahaha. but thinking like this is supposed to be racial, cause the ppl that live in the projects don't have the same opportunities you and i have had. hahahahahah
thinking like that and i would've never amounted to anything. i would be sitting on my but and collecting welfare. and don't get me wrong i have collected welfare before when i was not in such a good position, but the difference was that when i was able to get back on my feet and found the right job i got off, and started to work my way up the ladder so that i could provide for my family. in my opinion that was why welfare was created. to help ppl in their time of need. but once your able to you should get off.
that's right. welfare is for help not a lifestyle. There is no shame in needing or accepting help. You should be proud of the fact that you are a stong enough person to do what you need to not only get off assistance, but provide for yourseld and family. The problem is that many get on, and stay on it forever. Then their kids grow up thinking that's how they should do it. It's not a race issue at all, it's a quality of person issue in that good strong people don't want to mooch off the system just because they can. They would rather work hard and achieve things in life including being economically self sufficient. It's the dregs of society that live in public housing, use their food stamps, and collect a welfare check while not even trying to get a job or better themselves. Race doesn't factor in. If there are more whites doing it, then state the facts. If more blacks do it it's still facts. Today's Political correctness dictates that we avoid such things in fear of offending someone. I say offend them all it takes to get them off their @$$es and get a job! White or black... scum is scum. No one can hide behind a "race card" forever. At some point people need to acknowledge that they are responsible for their own actions. If it's murder, drugs, looting, or mooching off the system it's all up to the person doing the behavior.
On a more personal note ish - I don't know or care what color you are. We need more people like you. respectable, responsible, motivated people that are willing to do what is right not what is easiest.
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Re: The truth about New Orleans and America
Reply #6 on:
September 10, 2005, 07:18:34 PM »
Here is where it came from.
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Re: The truth about New Orleans and America
Reply #7 on:
September 10, 2005, 07:51:12 PM »
Great article, yet oh so True
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Re: The truth about New Orleans and America
Reply #8 on:
September 10, 2005, 08:05:29 PM »
Great article!! Also, If anyone wants to call this a racial issue they need to look at these figures from the census of New Orleans. The reason that most of the people left stranded are black is not because President Bush is racist, its because of a great little thing we call ODDS.
White persons, percent, 2000 (a) 28.1%
Black or African American persons, percent, 2000 (a) 67.3%
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Re: The truth about New Orleans and America
Reply #9 on:
September 10, 2005, 09:15:25 PM »
Black or African Americans
My ancestors are from Germany . I am NOT a German American !!! Besides , Africa is a continent. So would I be a European American along with the Italians , French, Poland , GR. Britain . .......... ect.
There were white people and black people that died in this tradgedy !!!!
I would like to know how many AFRICANS were there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: The truth about New Orleans and America
Reply #10 on:
September 10, 2005, 09:23:04 PM »
Black or African Americans is a category of a race. I know both whites and blacks die, but before people started to say that more blacks are dead than whites that its because there are alot more blacks in the first place.
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Re: The truth about New Orleans and America
Reply #11 on:
September 11, 2005, 02:40:28 PM »
It's not a race issue at all
I agree that it is not, but the way that the NAACP, Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton have put it, we as Americans are not Helping them because they are black. Why is the media focusing in on the racial side of things.( is getting the story worth that much) It is going to do nothing but divide the country more than bring it together.
When confronted with a disaster, people usually rise to the occasion. They work together to rescue people in danger, and they spontaneously organize to keep order and solve problems. This is especially true in America. We are an enterprising people, used to relying on our own initiative rather than waiting around for the government to take care of us. I have seen this a hundred times, in small examples (a small town whose main traffic light had gone out, causing ordinary citizens to get out of their cars and serve as impromptu traffic cops, directing cars through the intersection) and large ones (the spontaneous response of New Yorkers to September 11)
HOW TRUE THIS IS. If I were riding somewhere and came across a fellow ATV rider in need of help wether he/she is black/white/yellow if you need help I am there. Or at least until you can get going on your own.
Last Edit: September 11, 2005, 02:42:36 PM by Chuck_Norris
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Re: The truth about New Orleans and America
Reply #12 on:
September 11, 2005, 06:10:30 PM »
Good article!!!, and dreadfullt true!!!!!
But , I agree "help" welfare system was designed as a "help" program, NOT a way of life!, But when you have the state telling peaple that they could get an additional 85.00 per week if they had another child- they HAVE another child. Its wrong, but unfortunately thats the brutal truth of today.
We should be limited to the time aloud to be on assistance, that would get some off their butts, and stop haveing soooo many illegitament kids!
just my 2 cents worth
But again GReat article thanks for sharing!
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Re: The truth about New Orleans and America
Reply #13 on:
September 12, 2005, 12:33:45 PM »
"George Bush hates black people"
That article said that they basically let some of the prisoners loose. But I remember seeing and underpass section of the interstate where armed guards had a bunch of convicts quarantined(sp?). If the looting was a chain reaction resulting from the jailbirds, then yes it is the governments fault that they should of bussed them to another holding facility. But I still can't believe that they just decided to let them roam free. Everytime there is a major catastrophy/event the race card is always played. I'm so frickin sick of it. It's not a racist thing, it's a lazy thing. Get off your arse, get and education, job, and do something. -Mark
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Re: The truth about New Orleans and America
Reply #14 on:
September 12, 2005, 01:09:28 PM »
If everyone that has a problem, ends up in trouble, or doesn't get something always claims racism (out of convenience not truth) then it will always be an issue. These are not the days of old. Racism would not be a problem in today's society if it were not used as an excuse and a crutch to be a thief, loser, criminal, or underachiever. It is time the we as AMERICANS (not individualized groups) take responsibility for our own actions instead of looking for someone else to blame it on. As far as assistance and getting rewarded for having more kids.... I think we should enforce a no procreation policy that would restrict anyone on welfare from having more kids. If we keep increasing the check they'll have more and never get off it. If you can't support the ones you have you should not be able to have more until you can support yourself. Instead of rewarding lazy people for producing more that they can't support we should force them on birth control until they can be self sufficient. I know the ACLU would freak at the suggestion, but I for one am tired of paying for others to lay around and reproduce. I say if you need the government to take care of you that having kids should be postponed for you. that's not a violation of rights, it's preservation of the rights of those working for a living and making sure they only have to support their kids not someone elses through taxation. Racism will not go away until we quit sensationalizing it, and using it to sale papers and get higher ratings or use it as an excuss for not working hard enough to get what you want. Race should not be on applications for jobs, colleges, surveys, etc. It seems like the political correct (pansey) policy has worked against the US as a union. Lately we find more and more ways to break apart from each other and denounce our American selves. Instead of African American, Irish American, Latin American, etc, it should be American. Be proud of your heritage, but honor your country first. If not then go to where your ancestors came from so you don't need to claim one country before another. No need to be African African - just African. And those that are Americans can be American and share more in the way of a national identity.
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Re: The truth about New Orleans and America
Reply #15 on:
September 12, 2005, 01:20:52 PM »
That was a great article. Everyone here has some really valid points, but again it is the system not a racial issue. There are just as many "white people" on welfare as there are African American. I am a single mom with a 5 year old and I make hourly what the average person does. However my son and I do not qualify for any public assistance other than medicaid (which I am very thankful for especially since I pay my taxes and have worked since I was 16). However I make enough to pay the rent sometimes with out grocery money and have even had the electric shut off more that once. (trust me I am not proud of that). I work 2 jobs and still manage to do the sports stuff with my son but still have no money. The point of this is I was also told by the state that if I quit my job and re-applied in 1 week I would qualify for cash assistance, emergency food stamps, as well as help with my rent. So gee lets see....Unfortunatley I was raised better, but let me say I really considered my options. I would have gotten more money monthly (than both of my jobs) and actually been able to afford the fenders for my quad that has been sitting for 2 months. So lets see they issue really lies with public assistance. There is no one to blame other than each individual that chose not to get out of the area. This hurricane did not come over night, regardless if you have a vehicle or not. I personally and many others that I know, would have started walking a long time ago if my feet were my only option. What ever it took to get out of there. People had more than enough time to evacuate. Do you really need someone to tell you there is really huge hurricane to decide what is right for you or your family.
Thank you for allowing me to say all of this. Sorry to be so long winded. One more thing
Re: The truth about New Orleans and America
Reply #16 on:
September 12, 2005, 01:27:37 PM »
i have to say,that i agree with you 100%.IF YOU CANT FEED EM DONT BREED EM.
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Re: The truth about New Orleans and America
Reply #17 on:
September 12, 2005, 01:32:44 PM »
I don't have the info as to how many white vs black are on welfare, but since it was said that it's due to socioeconomic status and race that help didn't get there sooner for hurricane victims it needed to be addressed. I don't care if you're white, black or polka dots. If you can't help yourseld you shouldn't be making more that you can't support. If you need help get it until you can support yourself and get off. to sit back and milk the system is wrong. And the system is geared toward black people in the first place. if you have the same economic situation but are white you are less likely to get help. Like it or not it's the truth. the entire system needs to be overhauled to get the slugs of all colors off it and help those in need regardless of their color. back to the original topic it's a shame that it's being blamed on so many and racism being used when it is more about idiots refusing to leave with a huge hurricane coming, then attacking police and rescuers only to blame it on Bush, racism, and everything but what it is.... their own fault.
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Re: The truth about New Orleans and America
Reply #18 on:
January 02, 2006, 01:55:43 AM »
I agree with a lot that was said on this post. I think it's all up to the person. I hope my kids grow up in a time were race will no longer be a issue and when a natural event happens our focus as a country can be on helping people get back on there feet and not how we had to send the military in to establish order. There may be a lot wrong with a lot of the public assistance programs in this country believe me I know. I worked for the State of Florida for two years for the agency for workforce innovation. So I know 1st hand what programs work and which one's don't. There lots of people who are on welfare that may be milking the system I am sure of that and I agree thats wrong. But there are also lots who work there butts off while on the system and it's hard. I remember in 1992 while a junior in high school I told myself I was not going to be like a lot of other guys in my school. I was not going to sit back and let society tell me what I should be. So I joined the marines it was a hard but honest life; 8 years of it. But, it gave me a chance to see the world outside of Tampa, fl. You can be what ever you want in life in this day in age. The only thing that can hold you back is your self. I feel really bad about what happen in New Orleans. But, people have to take care of there family 1st and not always wait for a helping hand because it's not always going to be there. I don't blame the hurricane on Bush who can? The programs we have in place started out good but they have really hurt some folks. Everyone may need help from time to time nothing wrong with that but you have to have a plan. The welfare system is based on earned income & members of the family that are financial dependants of the person applying for aid not on race. I think the city of New Orleans did not have a plan. There is a lot of new info coming out on this story everyday. It’s so sad that all those folks had to die.
Last Edit: January 02, 2006, 02:26:00 AM by donnie_darko
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