I"ve been siiting watching this news coverage everyday trying to stay objective as to what could be done or should have been done to prevent this magnamonous catastrophe.
First I do believe that before the storm hit at least 2 days in advance all the people living in the big fish bowl were to to GET THE HELL OUT!!!! So all the people crying that they are stuck in the middle of a nasty puddle of fuel water and poo poo should be crying to themselves and not crying because our government can't pull a rabbit out of there ass and get 100k people out of the toilet. The levy system was substandard, they knew that, it was being worked on. Bushheld back funding because the dollars were needed elseware but this little "las Vegas" of the east with all its tourist dollars should have stepped up to the plate and finished it or made some sort of effort to do so and they did nothing.
I know there are allot of people that can do nothing for themselves now because of age or physical limitations. But there are way toooo many loud mouths jerkoffs doing nothing but inciting anger and violence like they do when they start riots.
Whets the answer to it all. There isn't one. Its going to take time and people will die, that sux but if your warned to get out then get the hell out.
It takes time to mobilize thousands upon thousands of troops to go bail these folks out. Its been 4 days 5 hrs since the storm hit. Something like 50k people have already been evacuated to Houston and other areas. I don't think that's that bad if you consider the methods that must be used to get them out. There are only so many choppers and they only hold a few people at a time.
I REALLY REALLLY HOPE AND PRAY that this will be a learning experience for not just these folks but for our nation and the world.
Look at the tsunami.They lost what 300k or more?
I'm not taking side or saying anyone is right or wrong but the media needs to STOP trying to place blame on a person or party and use there communication resources to aid in the help of these poor folks