Please forward to all staff:
I have just returned from a status report meeting about Hurricane Katrina. I have been advised that both Kristin Jacobs, Mayor of Broward County and Tony Carper, Director of Broward County Emergency Management have both filed a letter of appeal with FEMA to re-inspect Broward County to be approved for the Individual Public Assistance Program (IAP). Since the notice went out looking for more houses or other places of residence that were damaged in Broward County, the County has received over 200 addresses of damaged residences where they are inhabitable. Please continue to provide additional information to (954) 831-3900 of residences that were damaged by Hurricane Katrina, where the residents cannot occupy the building. We need to get the IAP approved by FEMA for Broward County.
Broward County is attempting to demonstrate to FEMA and the State of Florida, that there has been a substantial impact to individuals within Broward County as a result of Hurricane Katrina that warrant inclusion in the Presidential Declaration under Individual Assistance. The Federal Guidelines require that 100 residences must have sustained substantial damage that makes them uninhabitable. Over the last 4 days some 60 locations have been identified. The Emergency Management Officials in Broward County feel that there are numerous more houses and other residences spread out sporadically throughout our community that meet this criteria but have not been identified.
If you or anyone on your staff has any knowledge of houses or other types of residences that experienced substantial damage from Hurricane Katrina, please contact the following person at Broward County Emergency Management and provide the specific address as soon as possible.
Please contact:
Mr. Glenn Margoles at 954-831-3933 or email at
gmargoles@broward.orgIf Broward County fails to document this need, many of our residents who are least able to deal with this disaster will be left without options to secure necessary housing. The FEMA Individual Assistance program is important for the county and the unfortunate impacted individuals full recovery from this disaster.