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Author Topic: IS MILITARY PAY TOO HIGH  (Read 10673 times)
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« on: May 12, 2005, 12:21:26 AM »

This letter was written in response to an Op/Ed piece that appeared in the Washington Post on Jan. 12, 2000 written by a Ms. Cindy Williams of MIT denouncing the pay raise(s) coming servicemembers' way this year -- citing that the stated 13% wage was more than they deserve.

A young airman from Hill AFB responded to her article as follows. (He ought to get a bonus for this!)

Ms. Williams:

I just had the pleasure of reading your column, "Our GIs earn enough" and I am a bit confused. Frankly, I'm wondering where this vaunted overpayment is going, because as far as I can tell, it disappears every month between DFAS (The Defense Finance and Accounting Service) and my bank account. Checking my latest leave and earnings statement (LES), I see that I make $1,117.80 before taxes. After taxes, I take home $874.20. When I run that through Windows' Calculator, I come up with an annual salary of $13,413.60 before taxes, and $10,490.40 after.

I work in the Air Force Network Control Center (AFNCC), where I am part of the team responsible for the administration of a 5,000-host computer network. I am involved with infrastructure segments, specifically with Cisco Systems equipment. A quick check under jobs for Network Technicians in the Washington, D.C. area reveals a position in my career field, requiring three years experience with my job. Amazingly, this job does NOT pay $13,413.60 a year, nor does it pay less than this. No, this job is being offered at $70,000 to $80,000 per annum. I'm sure you can draw the obvious conclusions.

Also, you tout increases to Basic Allowance for Housing and Basic Allowance for Subsistence(housing and food allowances, respectively) as being a further boon to an already overcompensated force. Again, I'm curious as to where this money has gone, as BAH and BAS were both slashed 15% in the Hill AFB area effective in January 00.

Given the tenor of your column, I would assume that you have NEVER had the pleasure of serving your country in her armed forces. Before you take it upon yourself to once more castigate congressional and DOD leadership for attempting to get the families in the military's lowest pay brackets off AFDC, WIC, and food stamps, I suggest that you join a group of deploying soldiers headed for AFGHANISTAN, I leave the choice of service branch up to you. Whatever choice you make, though, opt for the SIX month rotation: it will guarantee you the longest possible time away from your family and friends, thus giving you full "deployment experience."(not to mention if you are stationed overseas, then you are allready away from your family for 2 too 3 years. and tours to the middle east are usally extened over the 6 month mark.)

As your group prepares to board the plane, make sure to note the spouses and children who are saying good-bye to their loved ones. Also take care to note that several families are still unsure of how they'll be able to make ends meet while the primary breadwinner is gone -- obviously they've been squandering the vast piles of cash the DOD has been giving them.

Try to deploy over a major holiday; Christmas and Thanksgiving are perennial favorites. And when you're actually over there, sitting in a DFP (Defensive Fire Position, the modern-day foxhole), shivering against the cold desert night; and the flight sergeant tells you that there aren't enough people on shift to relieve you for chow, remember this: trade whatever MRE (meal-ready-to-eat) you manage to get for the tuna noodle casserole or cheese tortellini, and add Tabasco to everything. This gives some flavor.

Talk to your loved ones as often as you are permitted; it won't be nearly be long enough or often enough, but take what you can get and be thankful for it. You may have picked up on the act that I disagree with most of the points you present in your op-ed piece. But, to borrow from Voltaire, "I will defend to the death your right to say it." You see, I am an American fighting man, a guarantor of your First Amendment rights and every other right you cherish. On a daily basis, my brother and sister soldiers worldwide ensure that you and people like you can thumb your collective nose at us, all on a salary that is nothing short of pitiful and under conditions that would make most people cringe.

We hemorrhage our best and brightest into the private sector because we can't offer the stability and pay of civilian companies. And you, Ms. Williams, have the gall to say that we make more than we deserve?


A1C Michael Bragg, Hill AFB AFNCC


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« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2005, 01:18:18 AM »

My freind there is no $$$$$ that can pay for what you guys are doing over there.
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« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2005, 10:01:19 AM »

its not enough..not for what thoses guys are doing for this county....well it all depends...you can get family seperation allowance, BAQ allowance, spouce and child allowance, hazadous pay when in combat, free clothing, free meall until E5 or above...

ok vets help me out here........

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« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2005, 10:20:14 AM »

Can someone really put a fair price on risking their own life?  We who are free will be forever indebted to these brave men and women.  God bless America and our troops!


« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2005, 10:28:57 AM »

nuff said, you can not put a price on security that is provided by our armed forces. the commitment to serve and protect out ways any amount of money. you'd be amazed how much you lift up a military man or woman when you cross their paths and say THANK YOU.
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« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2005, 10:36:39 AM »

nuff said..great..Thank you Roll Eyes

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« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2005, 01:28:20 PM »

How much would you give My lil girl if she found out that I got Killed in the line of duty. HOW the F**K DO YOU TELL A  LITTLE GIRL OR A LITTLE BOY THAT DAADY ISNT COMING HOME ANYMORE...
You go and tell her. This kid lives for me.  [smiley=Cry.gif]
She see's life through my eyes.
A person who is fighting for another persons freedom deserves anything in thing would that it has to offer. Some come back Unremembered with no job. Overseas a soldier can deal with MILIIONS & MILLIONS of dollars with of eqiupment.
He returns to the US and all he can get a job is as a school janitor pushing a $10.00 Broom !!!!

I'm sorry to say that the people of this country can be a lil unappriciatetive.(sp sorry)  [smiley=Cry.gif] . I'm sorry I hope I got my point across.

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« Last Edit: May 12, 2005, 01:35:39 PM by CAOSPOP » Logged
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« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2005, 01:49:20 PM »

It is completely rediculous for that woman to say that, i am so sick of these ppl sayin crap like this without thinkin through what they are sayin.


« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2005, 01:51:14 PM »

It is completely rediculous for that woman to say that, i am so sick of these ppl sayin crap like this without thinkin through what they are sayin.

Huh Huh
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« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2005, 01:55:54 PM »

i dont know. whats the going rate on human life these days.

hey this is klutchbuster350, me and rl400*mostly rl400* made my dad this sig. now lets see how long it takes him to notice lol
hey while im here...........klutchbuster rules!!!!!!
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« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2005, 01:56:32 PM »

Well Manny..life is not always fair....yes we all once ran million dollar equipment.and back to the real world have to do what we can to feed our families..and infact..not only soldiers..but any life is priceless...no one can put a price on life.....but the young men and women that is serving this great nation look at it as a job...and they will do their job proudly...all we can do is prayed that each one of them makes it home safely to their loves ones.....i know 1st hand what a war feels like...along with other vets in here...and i tell you its a scary feeling...but ppl try and support your troops overseas..these guys are fighting for not only us...but humanity as well..their jobs and responsibilities has gotten greater in the years.......
« Last Edit: May 12, 2005, 01:59:48 PM by dmljohnson » Logged

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« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2005, 02:19:02 PM »

For the two people who voted yes.  My sister in-law, best friend, brother-in law, and a lot of other people I know have or are in Iraq right now!!!! Most have kids!!!  My wife is in the Air Force and Thank the Lord that her job makes her non-deployable.  I couldn't imaging saying good-bye to her with the possiblilty of not being able to see her again, and trying to explain why Mom is gone to our two younger kids. I know it's hard enough to say good-bye to all my friends.  My wife does not bring home enough to support even herself.  If the two people that voted yes have a problem with what the people in our service make to fight for your rights  please feel free to contact me and we will work it out!!  Oh yeah, I forgot I use to be in the service too.  Stationed in Veilsek Germany.  (19 Kilo-1st ID)  

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« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2005, 07:16:45 PM »

Here is how I feel.  If f**k**g actor/actresses, sports player and other people get paid millons for what they do...I would say the military is under paid!!!

I say, stop paying some dumb ass 5 million a year to play basketball and start putting the money to good use.  I am not saying that this can be done since the gov. doesn't regulate the amount of money one can make.  But I say, lower the price of a basketball ticket to $3, pay them less and allow families to enjoy going out more.

This, in return, will put more money in the average persons hands to stay on top of bills and not worry so much about a 1/2 cent sales tax increase.

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« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2005, 07:28:45 PM »

Are the most under paid taken for granted jobs there are.

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« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2005, 07:48:14 PM »

For the two people who voted yes.  My sister in-law, best friend, brother-in law, and a lot of other people I know have or are in Iraq right now!!!! Most have kids!!!  My wife is in the Air Force and Thank the Lord that her job makes her non-deployable.  I couldn't imaging saying good-bye to her with the possiblilty of not being able to see her again, and trying to explain why Mom is gone to our two younger kids. I know it's hard enough to say good-bye to all my friends.  My wife does not bring home enough to support even herself.  If the two people that voted yes have a problem with what the people in our service make to fight for your rights  please feel free to contact me and we will work it out!!  Oh yeah, I forgot I use to be in the service too.  Stationed in Veilsek Germany.  (19 Kilo-1st ID)  

It sounds to me that your wifes family likes the military, LOL Grin

BTW about the person who voted yes, It was probaly a couple punk kids Angry
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« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2005, 04:17:18 PM »

man some people are just plain stupid!!!!!!!!!
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« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2005, 04:43:45 PM »

Is Military pay too high? First, no one can put a dollar amount on the work they do.
Think about that everyday you wake up knowing that you and your family STILL have your FREEDOM.

Here's to the comrades in the Military and their families.
IMO they don't get enough recognition.
I am one of them that has a family member in Iraq...Gods speed........
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« Reply #17 on: May 15, 2005, 05:53:14 PM »

for a job that you are expected to do 24/7  thats about
$o.16 an hour   how many peopel do you know that would work for $0.16 an hour
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« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2005, 06:15:30 PM »

as a lcpl living over seas i make about 2 dollars an hour [smiley=ThumbsUp.gif]

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« Reply #19 on: May 17, 2005, 11:15:26 AM »

As a former MARINE i can tell you that you cant put a price on what  THE MARINES do when thay show up!!! A MARINE says i will take that round for my country & i will give 110% for my country nothing against the other services. how can someone say i will sleep well tonight because of a MARINE standing post but i think we pay him to much for that person i say if thay make to much join & make to much with them & be willing take that round & give your life for your country.nuf said willy

p.s. my bro was in iraq for 8 months & the xtra pay is nice while your over sea's but "ssdd" when you get back !!

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« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2005, 11:51:55 AM »

i'll take that back bigwilly....lol..only playing marine....yea..the pay sucks big time....i dont think we could ever put a price on a life.....just the other day i had it out with someone for that.....and i had to set them straight....heh..i serve this country proudly......and if you dont like it...you need to leave...we fight for ppl like them to have a freedom of speech, and yet they speak all the wrong things.....so sometimes i wonder if we contradict ourselves by doing this......have you all ever thought of this.......oh and bigwilly


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« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2005, 12:57:09 PM »

what is RTLW???

Ronald Reagan once said "Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem."

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« Reply #22 on: May 17, 2005, 01:23:32 PM »

its RLTW...Rangers lead the way..........only jk with you

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« Reply #23 on: May 17, 2005, 09:20:42 PM »

Are the most under paid taken for granted jobs there are.

Now thats the truth.  I would vote for a pay raise for all of them.
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« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2005, 10:38:36 AM »

I think if you are in the millitary and go to BATTLE "Battle being the key word " you should never have to pay fed income taxes again ! It would help a little .

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