My name is Manny aka CAOSPOP, Ive been out for some time but now in back. AGAIN !!!!
I'm hoping that some old timers will remember and shoot back a hello,or a PM or even call. I have some real fond memories with this group. we have laughed and even cried when someone got hurt real bad. id like to come back to the old family club i used to be a part of... I hope your all still here lurching for someone like me to come out and bring us all out again, new and old.
make this the family it used to be. of course where would we be without out village idiots. he had some of those lol.
Well if this post gets to DA_MTG_MAN, Mr. Bones, and a few others i cant remember. just shoot me a love to get together with you guys again.Hope to hear from you soon.