On Sat, June 11th starting at 4pm, Dirty Foot will be holding cross country races on our 1800 acre ranch! If you have endurance and skill to negotiate through the approx 10-12 mile natural terrain of creek crossings (no high water), light mud, hill climbs, and wide-open fields, then make plans to compete in the dirt bike, ATV, or SxS divisions! Please note any utility 4 wheelers who want to participate will run at the same time as... ......the SxS class. If we get enough interest from utility/4wd this will be a separate class, but will run with the SxS class with a 5 minute delay on start time for utilities.
Only $20 to enter with cash prizes for the top winners in each class. Race will be based on first to finish. Total lap count to be announced closer to race day. We will use a dead start format and will have 2 or possibly 3 checkpoints in the course. Race participants and spectators will be allowed to take their vehicles in the trail gate to the staging/starting area in the open field which is north of the rock road. Take rock road into trail area and turn left (only rock road on left) and follow to end. Pit area will be located west of start/finish line. Please note the course crosses this rock road very near trail gate entrance, so extreme caution is needed when entering and leaving trail area. Dirty Foot will have personnel at this crossing and all vehicles must stop until cleared to cross. We cut some new trails this weekend that will be used in our cross country race.
Please note proper riding safety gear is needed in order to compete. For more information, including specific location information, check us out at
www.dirtyfootadventures.com or call us at (863) 245-3676. Gates open Fri from 3pm to 8am, Sat 8am to 8pm, and Sun 8am to 5pm.
-Type of Bike/ATV