Thank you to everyone for coming out this weekend! You quad racers are an awesome bunch!
Doing these races has truly been a great experience in my life. I lead a dual life. My friends at home and family do not get it and never will. I have made so many new friends each year in FTR I cannot count. I have so many of you on speed dial and know I could call on you any time.
Putting on these races takes an enormous amount of planning and dedication. Many of you know that to get together and put one of these on is hard. Getting enough people to see everything through until after everyone is gone Sunday night is not easy. Getting enough people who know the rules and how it works is even harder. What you have left is short of an ego battle at times. I am so over it I can't stand it.
AFter everything is going smooth you wind up
My section was entrance, camping, club parking, sign-up, vendors, band, start/finish, section 1 going all the way to the fence and coming out of the fence all the way back to the finish.
Wednesday morning at 8am that whole pasture was full of cows. My little dog and I herded them out and 1 guy and I, Darrell Martin, beat and pounded most every stick and stake to make up that section. I used satellite imagery to make a loose picture of what would work and went with it. I studied how the GNCC does it and made it a goal not to use double green posts all over the pasture and use the 20ft rule with creative placement of the arrows and 30 feet of stakes and ribbon for turns or guidance. Sure makes for an easier teardown Sunday night.
It was very much fun and very much rewarding seeing everyone go the way intended and not be confused.
Practice shows any weaknesses or re-routes that may be needed. SEFTR is lucky enough to have some really great members who were there to see this through and make it as safe for you and fun as possible.
I have spent the last three months out there, fishing, hunting, and riding. Working, too. I am sure other clubs and their members reap the same rewards for belonging and being a part. I encourage you to seek out a club near you or one that maybe isn't so near but, you jive with the people better. Whatever the case, just try it. Thats how this whole thing keeps going.
Ok, I am 3/4 dead and going to bed.