Anyone want to join forces and make a ton of money!?
Ship security. We use your boat and we boat over to the coast of Africa. We will be security for these ships being pirated.
They are looking for help and will pay big $$ to just float next to them. If any boats come close, we pull out the 50 cal. and help make an artificial reef.
This was actually discussed by a few friends about 2 years ago. Looks like they were right and the shipping industry needed help. They still need help and I hate the idea of the US military being the security guards for these ships, BUT! Something has to be done NOW! and with FORCE! These frigging scumbags have seized 3 more ships over night!
I commend the S.E.A.L.S. for what we were told happened. The way they describe it, it went off like a scene out of a Hollywood movie. 3 shots-3 kills.
Anyway, I have a canoe and strong desire to make money. I just need someone to sit up front.