Here's my e=mail to Ray puta!
Dear Comissioner Judah. Your comment posted on the News Press newspaper about "ATV's should be banned form the face of the Earth" at the very least a reminder of what Adolf Hitler thought about the Jews as the rest of the world looked the other way. You're obviously are part of the leftist elite that knows what is best "for the rest of us" . We are allowed to participate along as long as we do not question or oppose your point of view. Here's a news flash for you sir. Swamp buggies and atv's were riding on those public lands way before the approved developments were put in place. You are nothing more than a HYPOCRITE!, what happened to all the "panther crossing" signs that were along the road that runs parallel to I-75 next to the airport, oh let me tell you, the signs were replaced with a beautiful building called the "panther" building. Only you would allow Lee cnty to pay 2 Miilion dollars to USFWS to do a panther study inside a gated area, the moving of the runway at RSW. I find it amazing that you approve all these developments but if someone comes along with their family to ride an atv, OMG the world has ended.
The only consolation that i have is that the carpet baggers that live close to those areas are getting up in age and soon they will meet their maker.
If Lee County or any other county cannot provide a safe and legal place to ride these machines, then have the county stop the sales of these vehicles, this is called Racketeering! I just hope none of us ever have to ride one of these vehicles in a search and rescue for anyone dear to you, maybe then you would appreciate the good that these vehicles can do. Remember that we as riders, have lent a hand before to the different Sheriffs dept in these type of activities and will continue to do when requested of us.
Rick Varela
Naples, Fl