My family just purchased 3 used ATVs, 2 Polaris Scrambler's 500 and 1 Polaris Explorer 400. We are already having problems with 2 of them. We are not sure how to fix them and we don't have the money to take them to a mechanic.
The one that has me puzzled the most is the Scrambler. After driving it about 30 min it starts to spit and sputter and when giving it gas it doesn't want to go. At first I thought maybe it was bad gas, but we filled it up and it continued to have the same issue. So I decided to explore a little to find out the issue. I looked under the seat were the filter in take is located. The filter seemed to be clean, but when I gave it gas it began to rattle and vibrate a little and then it would backfire. So I took the filter off and I put my hand completely over the in take and it died out. Then I cupped my hand over it and it seemed to run a little better. I am not sure what this issue is. Maybe it needs a new filter or maybe there is another issue that I am unaware of. Has any one had this happen to them? Does any one know where I should start with this issue?
Please let me know.
We really appreciate any help!
We would love to start going out as a family soon. We really want to thank you in advance for any suggestions!
New family riders.