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Author Topic: holylands closed effective july 1, 2008  (Read 30216 times)

« Reply #50 on: February 15, 2008, 02:25:02 PM »

I hate to tell you all this but, as leeward said, this is a done deal. There is no appeal and no changing this one. All of the lobbying, rallying, speaking up and beating the drum should have happened a year or so ago when the Holyland closure discussion began. Public comment was taken, meetings were held and discussions had. All of it was published (most of it on this website).

You missed your chance. You can bet there's more closures to come. It's just a matter of time. As those same imbeciles that ruined the Holylands creep into other areas, those areas will close too.

The manufacturers don't care. Why should they? How many people do you know (maybe you're one of them) who purchased a bike knowing full well they/you have no legal place to ride? Those people are the problem. Nobody owes you a place to ride. You have no "right" to ride. A legal area to ride is a gift and privilege and nothing more.

Too bad. It was a nice place too.
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« Reply #51 on: February 15, 2008, 05:23:58 PM »

Last time I was at Holeylands(several years ago) there was one main road in & out off of Hwy 27. How hard is it gonna be to set a pair of officers at the entrance & they will turn back every truck with an atv on it? Huh

That little road isn't the only way to get into 3a.  I don't ride on the north side often (holey lands rotenburger).  I'm not saying how I can get in...because this is a public forum. 

Trust me, there are several ways to get back there...I can count about 14 to get to 3a and about 4 to get to 3b.  Obviously by that statement you made...you don't ride where i ride.  No offense by any means, but just to let you know, that little road isn't the only way to get in...  Kiss

And FWC already knows this...so I'm not spilling any beans.  Thats why I said it's going to take quite a few officers.

BTW for everyone else, L-Cross, C&R, and others are open...I know of a few other spots too.


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« Reply #52 on: February 15, 2008, 05:40:10 PM »

I believe Anoriginal said this, "The only legal places to ride are where the land owner has given you permission" Sorry Anorignal if I butchered your meaning. I prepared myself for this and have secured two places to ride legally in South Florida. Others have done the same. "The few" of us.  Anoriginal Let me know when you are ready to ride. Maybe July 2nd.


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« Reply #53 on: February 15, 2008, 06:37:24 PM »

The real question now is how does the state allow ATV sales and tax collections to ensure riding areas and continually close them down. Basically they are selling products you cannot use.... Cry

Thats why I sold mine 2 years ago. The guy that bought it lives near the yucapan in Cape Coral. Told me"they'll have to catch me" Cool  Wink Wink Wonder how many times they "caught" him Huh??

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« Reply #54 on: February 15, 2008, 09:44:47 PM »

Like I said before...it sucks because it's close to me, but bottom line is that theres plenty of other places.  I'm just partial to holey lands because once you get you 6 miles, there is no one else around. 

If you go to l-cross, your surrounded by people.

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« Reply #55 on: February 16, 2008, 11:49:14 PM »

Regulations are made and regulations can be changed

First a lobbyist type group needs to be formed.  This should include Riders as well as manufactureres and the local dealers.

Do you not think this will have re-procutions for people like Rick Case and Riva and Broward Motor Sports

Yamaha has just formed  an alliance team just to prevent this type of area from closing.
It will not be easy and it will take more much more than words on a forum.

My group hopefully on Monday will meet with an attorney to form a NON Prof to see how far we can take this.  Had I known prior to the end of last month that this was on the docket for the meeting this month I would have moved to form this months ago,  However a national Forrest ranger in Ocala told me about this closure forth coming

please keep us posted

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« Reply #56 on: February 17, 2008, 09:03:18 PM »

This really sucks for the people who ride at holylands alot and actually respect it
too many idiots are going out there racing and littering and killing the place
thats why their shutting it down
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« Reply #57 on: February 17, 2008, 10:40:54 PM »

well , its time to tell a story.  this closesure all started 4 yrs ago. when the FWC lost there $10.00 per OHV  permit fee, now they hate any type of OHV use. you see the green sticker fee $$$ doesnt come back to them. but thats not the real problem. The head director of the FWC needs to take a look at how other states run ATV areas, and stop being lazy.  4years ago  no one could care about riding in holylands, we had the goldengate swamp to ride at . then came the OHV ATV TITLE SCAM!  along with the restore the everglades water flow .  Gov BUSH turned over the land to FWC ,AND GUESS WHAT  no more ATV use! so then comes the holyland area , knowing this is not a atv park but its is the swamp and any impact on the area is very little, with all the FULL TRACK OHV USE . my little atv could not be doing any damage! as time went on and the sport quads that cant run the swap and can only do donuts in the parking area, the atvers that got killed in the parking area because they thought they were evil kneveil.  but  found out the hard way ..continue next
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« Reply #58 on: February 17, 2008, 10:59:50 PM »

and then the trash dumpers, the banshee speeders on the leeve . but the FWC is to blame, the FWC could of had a $$$$ maker there. put a $8hr intern , colect a day user fee like $10.00 and on any weekend they would bring in over 2k.  like other area due now { ocala croom}..  but no the FWC is lazy.  were just going to close this area down . now heres the problem FWC, the funnel affect, area like { bull creek, 3 lakes, big cypress, macks fish camp} will all get over ran with atvers. but you know this FWC so you will be shutting those area down too.. you would think the FWC would get a clue right?  just think with the tax cuts we wont need all of the  FWC officers. there might not be $$$ for them.  cont next
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« Reply #59 on: February 17, 2008, 11:29:29 PM »

but the real sad story is, we have no support !! the ATV dealers were makeing big greedy $$$$$$  on sales&service. our rally support was low when we were fightin for goldengates. so i hope the ATV dealers saved some $$$ because atv sales will be going down!!!!  and in the tough times were gonig thur now i see some dealers shutting down.. BUT  the biggest SCAM  is the OHV TITLE SCAM!!!!  The state of Flordia Ranks 2nd in atv sales buts has no state or deal support for the sport!!!  the Mark T schmitt bill  was to collet tax $$$ from sales and green sticker fees. in turn the state was too open 4 atv parks.  Well like i told fellow ATVERS before and after this bill was passed it was a scam to make $$$ for the state .  i told people of ths B.S scam . this is was happen in the state of P.A  same thing TITLE you ATVS we will open states parks. well ATVers the STATE of  P.A  closes all areas and takes the $$$$ so the atvers there Stop paying to get there atvs title and now ride on private  pay areas .  I  for one see the same thing here in F.L  we have lost more areas and payed more$$$  , I for one think the State of  F.L  owes us are $$$ back, of lets us make ours bikes street legal so we can ride. in the mean time if you are going to buy a ATV  buy it used or go out of State to buy new . that way you save the tax $$$ YOU wont need to get a title there will be no state riding areas . we are still waiting for the 640 ac that was going to be a atv park near Naples.  i guess that was a scam too.  all i can say now is WAKE UP FWC , and take note ATVers are not going away!!  and too the dealers cough up some profit to help with ATV rallys..  i will be riding holylands up until the last days. hope the rain stops so i can make it to the radio tower. because it will be the last time......
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