ole Billy was right, ''kill all the lawers killem tonight''
Come on now...if you're going to quote Shakespeare, quote him completely and in context....
The phrase comes from Shakespeare's Henry VI, Part 2 from a scence where a charater called "thingy the Butcher" is talking to "Jack Cade" a gang leader, about a life of crime and how bold and macho each of them are. thingy and Jack are discussing ways to live freely in a life of crime when thingy comments that [the only sure way to live a life of crime without worry] is tp "First we kill all the lawyers." It is actually Shakespeare's praise of lawyers and the roles they play in society.
In fact, Shakespeare's own quote regarding the line "First we kill all the lawyers." is as follows. When asked about the role of lawyers and taking his play line regarding killing them literally, Shakespeare said, "the surest way to chaos and tyranny is to remove the guardians of independent thinking." (ie. - Lawyers)
Regardless, I can't stand ambulance chasers and the types that prey on peoples' misfortune.