this sh*t is better than Comedy Central.... I mean, who the hell cares who builds the fastest motors?
I am much more concerned with the typing/grammar skills that are BUTCHERED in these threads...... I cant even figure out what some of you CLOWN's (CS YAMAHA 130) are even attempting to say...And dont give a sh*t which REAL MEN went to the Olympics.... How did ya do up there hot shot?
If you didnt get your ass handed to ya up there, maybe the riders who attended the Olympics should come to Sand Mt. and check out some real fast dudes.......
Hey Brandon, you spell Rick's last name HINES......try to remember that.....
No disrespect meant to anyone who reads this reply... if ya cant stand the heat......... SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
See Yall on the 16th...............
J.Kirkland ( 918 ) mmuuuuuaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaahhhhhaaaaaaaa
P.S. Hey Jason........ Hey Wayne........ oops and Hey to you too, Clay and Brandon........ this sh*t was just too good to not get in on........