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Author Topic: Rabbit Run  (Read 18145 times)
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« Reply #25 on: February 01, 2005, 05:28:06 PM »

The Pumkin Run is a blast! There seems to be quite a bit of mud and water ever time I have been. The Rabbit run does seem to be alot more dusty. The Pumkin Run this past time was kind of ridiculous because there were alot of people getting stuck and it caused large back ups. I think they should allow the 4x4 quads to go first that way we do not get held up. Alot of people started making their own trails. This is not a good practice because this is private land that we are on and if we destroy the property the owner may decide that he does not want us there anymore. My wife was hit in the head by a tree when someone decided to make his own trail. They were knocking down small trees. I guees they do not care about their quads either. I am sure I have ruffled somebodies feathers but I would like to see this event continue.

No offense, but 4x4's first would cause more of a backup. Everytime I have been to the Pumpkin Run it was the 4x4's sitting in the middle of the trails drinking beer. The people riding them dont even have the courtsey to get off the trails! That and they want to wait for the rest of thier party.... so they sit there... making you ride around them... ugh... I always loved the Pumpkin Run and have gone for years, but now I'm to the point where I wont waste my $40-$50... I can ride in poop anywhere (you guys know what I mean), instead I'll have a party out at Rodman Wink and a REALLY nice dinner date for $40-$50 afterwards.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2005, 05:30:06 PM by humrz28 » Logged

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« Reply #26 on: February 01, 2005, 05:55:15 PM »

I ride a 4X4 and I thought I would go last beings that it was my first time. I could not say who caused the backup but people need to get on the side of the trails if they need a break or need to wait on someone and let everyone else through. If it is the same way this time I will not go back, i just said that i will give it one more try cause I did have fun.

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« Reply #27 on: February 01, 2005, 06:07:03 PM »

I cant really point any fingers either on who was the hold up but I think they should let people through the gater earlier and let 4x4 go first, anybody could be sitting there drinking a beer even sport riders. Because every time we would get a chance to pass there were some 2wds in the mud. I dont really care if they get stuck, but they should time it better. Not let everyone go at once.

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« Reply #28 on: February 01, 2005, 06:09:22 PM »

I agree, whoever is holding everybody else up needs to get out of the way! It is a great time and it could be even better if people would just show some respect! As for the comment about guys on 4x4s drinking beer, you are correct there is alot of that. However I am not one of them. I bet there are even some sport quads and 2 wheelers that drink beer on the trail.

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« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2005, 06:12:30 PM »

Pumkin Run

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« Reply #30 on: February 01, 2005, 06:15:24 PM »

Pumkin Run

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« Reply #31 on: February 01, 2005, 07:45:12 PM »

If someone decides to sit and drink beer in the middle of the trail them muddy up the beer.  Roost the f out of them and they will move.
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« Reply #32 on: February 01, 2005, 08:45:30 PM »

You can not single one group out for holding up the trails. For every one 4x4 there is another 2wd blocking the trail or stuck in the middle of a hole w/ a 4x4 trying pull them out.
We all just need to use common sense to not create excess damage to the environment and to simply be courteous. FL750, I don't know if I could have kept my cool if someone knocked a tree over onto my wife (at least she had a helmet).
Unfortunatly the people on this forum are a small portion of the attendees. We need to bring it to the attention of the Apollo Motorcycle Club. Send them emails, letting them know of ideas to make the system flow smoother. "the squeeky wheel gets the grease" Customer/rider input is why they changed to the "Pre-Entery Only" policy as well as new parking areas. Do you vetrans think this helped ease conjestion and make it a more pleasurable experience?
With 1,000 ATVs and just as many ATVers it is hard to please eveyone, but if enough make similar suggestions (ideas for improvment not just complaints) perhaps we can make this event one of the best in the country.

Whew that was long...

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« Reply #33 on: February 02, 2005, 04:49:16 AM »

The pre-entry only idea definately helped a bit with congestion. It's still bad due to how popular it is, but the new rules did help a lot. I think the parking can still be worked on, but it's mainly due to the attendees being stupid, lol. They park all crazy instead of in order. Overall, it's all good considering how many people attend the event. I've just had it with the crowdedness and the dust... and the sh*t (literally), if I have to pick one more tampon off of my 4wheeler I will die. So I will spend my $50 on a great time else where.

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« Reply #34 on: February 02, 2005, 06:21:33 AM »

I guess you just have to know which "mud" hole to stay out of. There is only thing that bugs me about the parking. Last time I went I got there early and parked along side the rode in waiting for them to open. By the time I got into the parking area, a lot of the area was filled already (this is around 845 & gates opened at 8AM) People had there camps completly set up fire going etc like they had been there all night. To top it of they take cautiontape and flag off what look like football fields. I mean I truck and trailer has roped off enough room for ten trucks and trailers. I understand they could be holding space for a freind. But they all need to get there early if they want to stay together. The "officials" just need to do a better job of policing this, so it does not get ridiculous.

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« Reply #35 on: February 03, 2005, 11:09:46 AM »

Yea stay out of the ones that smell like poop

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« Reply #36 on: February 04, 2005, 03:53:19 PM »

This place is on some kind of DUMP... or so I was lead to believe.. I remember someone on here telling a story about how unsanitary the whole thing is... I went to both last year..even uploaded a movie..  Wink ...was awesome both times...and yeah us idiots make our own trails... and traffic or not thats why I own a 4x4, 1/2 the fun in riding is making trails. Tell you wife I'm sorry!! For all I know, with all the trees I was plowin over.. it very well could have been me..  Embarrassed

by the was my helmet flew off 1/2 way thru the run.. if anyone found a black and silver helmet MX helmet.. I'd like my plant holder back!!

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« Reply #37 on: February 05, 2005, 04:33:20 AM »

I own a 4x4 also and yes sometimes it is necessary to mae a new trail. My concern about making new trails is this, one what about the safety of others like what if my wife did not have a helmet on? The other concern is that the land owner will get upset and stop an event that has gone on for 33 years. Like I said before some people just do not have any respect for other peoples property.

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« Reply #38 on: February 05, 2005, 05:41:15 AM »

fl 750 mudder I feel you the drunks give us hardcore utility quadders a bad name we just wanna ride and mud like a outlaw and drink before we ride or after but not in the middle of the trail. I perfer to drink a little in the afternoon and eat some grub then hit the trail running . lol but there always been a hold of a deep rut and 20inche holeshot

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« Reply #39 on: February 05, 2005, 11:39:03 AM »

fl 750 mudder I feel you the drunks give us hardcore utility quadders a bad name we just wanna ride and mud like a outlaw and drink before we ride or after but not in the middle of the trail. I perfer to drink a little in the afternoon and eat some grub then hit the trail running . lol but there always been a hold of a deep rut and 20inche holeshot

Team_Quad_Green, I think you must be completely mistaken on who you are talking to. I am not a drunk! I am commenting on the people that were making new trails at the Pumpkin Run and hit my wife in the head with a tree. I agree with you I just want to hit the trails and mud and have a good time. I DO NOT DRINK WHILE RIDING!!!! When you make a comment like that make sure you read the posts you are replying to.

2005 Brute Force- HL Lift Kit, 29.5" Outlaws, 1.5" Wide trac spacers, HL Temp Gauge, Ramsey 3000 Winch, HL Diamond plate bumper and bash plate,HL ICM, Bayou snorkel kit
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« Reply #40 on: February 05, 2005, 11:44:25 AM »

uhh... i think he forgot to use a comma...
i believe he meant .."he feels you"

don't think he was callin ya a drunk... he was ageein with ya.

enough internet.. time to clock out and go riding!!
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« Reply #41 on: February 05, 2005, 04:07:14 PM »

I think no matter what kind of trail you are on, whether you are making your own trails or on an already cut trail, you run the risk of getting injured...i mean you are in the middle of the woods. As for stopping in the middle of a mudhole or trail and drinking, well that is just ridiculous. Now i do not understand how utility riders got this bad wrap of stopping and drinking...i saw plenty of sport quads drinking along with some other stuff.

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« Reply #42 on: February 05, 2005, 06:44:59 PM »

i have been going to the pumpkin run for about 3 years now and usually don't go on the ride until about 9 pm.  So i don't have to deal with AS MUCH traffic in the woods.  Most of the time that I have seen it is sport quads stuck that hold up the trails, and I stop and pull them out all the time.  I would think that apollo motorcycle club is fully aware that the trails will be torn up and new trails will be made when you have 1,000 quads making the same run.  I think there is a thing called responsible riding and respect that people need to consider when riding on the ride.  I myself have never had a problem with anyone on the ride or during the day.  By the way, I usually take my banshee and smoke all the other quads during the day.  I did not go to the pumpkin run this past year, but plan on going to the rabbit run.  It is invitation only, but you can download the invitation off of the apollo site and send in your registration and go.  You do not have to be invited.  

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« Reply #43 on: February 06, 2005, 02:27:33 AM »

Last year the quad I was riding broke down and I must have asked over 15 people to pull me to the powerlines so i could meet my group. Noone would help. We need to help our fellow atver out in a time like this. Some of the people had ropes and some didn't but even the people with ropes would not do it. One guy said to look for one of the security guys that waas supposed to be in the trails. I did not see any of them and had to walk out about a mile to get my brother. Then we had no choice but to go against the trail to get my quad. I know that you were not supposed to do it but we had no choice. We just headed back in when we saw no headlights against us and got in the ditch when we saw headlights. Noone even offered a ride. Lets remember to help each other out while out there. Everyone in my group will have a rope with them this time, even if its a small one. You can pick one up at tractor supply for $15.

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« Reply #44 on: February 06, 2005, 06:01:06 AM »

yunt, if you see a 04 limited grizzly with a powertech exhaust (or  hear it), throw something at me, I will pull you out.  I think that is half the fun.  I mean it is cool to make it through the mud by yourself, but much better when your pulling something else, like a HONDA.......Haha, had to throw that in there.

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« Reply #45 on: February 06, 2005, 06:43:42 AM »

750 I put it wrong I didnt mean to make sound like you were a drunk. Im sorry I know some of the people you have rode with and there extremist

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« Reply #46 on: February 06, 2005, 07:17:16 AM »

I pulled a P700 with a 350 Rancher for around 11 miles on the trails a couple years back. It was not vey fun, but its something you do, if you want the favor returned some day.

It was sad to see that even though I was obviouly towing a bike, folks would not move to the side of the trails when they were taking a break. I just don't understand there is never a shortage of open areas available to stop at. Its all about common sense.

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« Reply #47 on: February 06, 2005, 10:08:08 AM »

750 I put it wrong I didnt mean to make sound like you were a drunk. Im sorry I know some of the people you have rode with and there extremist

Team Quad Green,
     Thank you for clarifying that. I was surprised at the way the post sounded. Yes we do have some guys that are hardcore utility riders. We have alot of fun when we ride!

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« Reply #48 on: February 06, 2005, 11:07:56 AM »

Ya, as long as we can keep ron out of the water. Grin
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« Reply #49 on: February 06, 2005, 05:57:11 PM »

yunt, if you see a 04 limited grizzly with a powertech exhaust (or  hear it), throw something at me, I will pull you out.  I think that is half the fun.  I mean it is cool to make it through the mud by yourself, but much better when your pulling something else, like a HONDA.......Haha, had to throw that in there.

Thanks man, I was not stuck. What had happened was I had cleaned the carburator earlier in the day and my nephew did not tighten it back up and it had fell off. It was pitch black dark and I did not have a clue what had happened but it sounded like the thing blew up. HEHE The thing is, the way its set up. You can ride 3 or 5 miles and be back at the powerlines so I would not have needed to be pulled very far, and I was over half way there. Even walking out, noone offered a ride.

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