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Author Topic: KIDS SECTION IN RESTAURANTS???  (Read 62647 times)

« Reply #125 on: August 08, 2007, 09:10:27 PM »

Is this a good old fashioned debate.  Wink

« Last Edit: October 31, 2007, 11:03:27 PM by Bounty » Logged

« Reply #126 on: August 08, 2007, 09:10:42 PM »

I just gotta sing..........

(from lion king) ...... Can you feel the love tonight...........

QT you just need a good man to settle down with and then you will want kids out of the love you share with that special man. Hey, I hear Jackl is available  Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh

But if you two DID have a kid, he would probably be the anti-Christ spelling doom for the world as we know it  Undecided

I've been holding out for someone for quite some time.  I'll see where it goes as it unfolds.

And no like I said earlier I wouldn't wish my child aka the spawn of satan on anyone. haha

LMAO "spawn of satan"  Shocked  If nothing else he could put Jackl through some of the he!! he puts us all through   Wink
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« Reply #127 on: August 08, 2007, 09:11:51 PM »

So I guess there more folks on the side of having a kids or family section in restaurants, from what a gather from reading through all these post. I knew there would be some ignorant opinions like from Able, Joe Dirt, etc. They probably would still vote pres. Bush for another term. Huh
 Anyways the point of the conversation was smarts of keeping customers happy, along with restaurants and there waiting staff. I know this would make customers without kids very happy along with the ones with kids too. All of my friends that have kids agree with me on this, they told me their selves that they wish they had children and family sides to restaurants. They even stated when they go out without there children they would like a peaceful dinner out in a restaurant. I guess my friends have entered the 21st century along with most of us. For the few that are ignorant be ignorant and be left behind. Undecided  

Ignorant??..Let me explain something to you...I have worked in the service industry for years ..and judging by your attitude YOU are the kind of people we would try and dissuade from patronizing our establishment...you are rude and you think you are owed something. People like you wind up stealing the silverware and trying to get a free meal by complaining about the crying baby all the while cracking jokes on the handicapped to impress your Apple Martini drinking friends....because YOU think the world revolves around YOU and YOUR peaceful 21st Century evening.

2005 Vinson 4x4
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« Reply #128 on: August 08, 2007, 09:12:27 PM »

So I guess there more folks on the side of having a kids or family section in restaurants, from what a gather from reading through all these post. I knew there would be some ignorant opinions like from Able, Joe Dirt, etc. They probably would still vote pres. Bush for another term. Huh
 Anyways the point of the conversation was smarts of keeping customers happy, along with restaurants and there waiting staff. I know this would make customers without kids very happy along with the ones with kids too. All of my friends that have kids agree with me on this, they told me their selves that they wish they had children and family sides to restaurants. They even stated when they go out without there children they would like a peaceful dinner out in a restaurant. I guess my friends have entered the 21st century along with most of us. For the few that are ignorant be ignorant and be left behind. Undecided  

What a laugh.... you call people ignorant for having an opinion, while you assert yours like it is gold. Then try to incorporate politics LMAO. I'm so glad you and your friend of the 21st century have it all figured out  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

One person's rights end where another's begin, and like it or not kids have rights too, even though they can't be expected (at least not by those WITH common sense) to act like small adults.  for someone to say kids shouldn't be allowed in restraunts is insane. what's next ? sporting events ? malls ? hey maybe we should make them all wear veils and walk 5 steps behind ! yep that's a real progressive 21st century attitude you have there  Roll Eyes
No your not ignorant your stupid. Quit trying to change the facts of the conversation! Kids shouldn't be allowed in restaurants. Who in the hell are you trying to state here. I think you hear funny words in your head. We all know you like to twist the true for your own gain in your debates to entice other on our side.
 And yes ignorant people have opinions! You keep on typing! Wink

You're right Papahouse, when people do nothing but call names it gets old. But for some it appears that's all they have to hold on to  Cry
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« Reply #129 on: August 08, 2007, 09:13:36 PM »

So I guess there more folks on the side of having a kids or family section in restaurants, from what a gather from reading through all these post. I knew there would be some ignorant opinions like from Able, Joe Dirt, etc. They probably would still vote pres. Bush for another term. Huh
 Anyways the point of the conversation was smarts of keeping customers happy, along with restaurants and there waiting staff. I know this would make customers without kids very happy along with the ones with kids too. All of my friends that have kids agree with me on this, they told me their selves that they wish they had children and family sides to restaurants. They even stated when they go out without there children they would like a peaceful dinner out in a restaurant. I guess my friends have entered the 21st century along with most of us. For the few that are ignorant be ignorant and be left behind. Undecided  

Ok even on that one, I must jump in....

My first question, you got kids, NO!!!!

Keeping customer's away, whatever...  Look I will agree that many parents need to do a better job parenting, and though again it may be said this has nothing to do with parenting, it has everything to do with parenting.  

"when the go out with out there kids they want a peaceful dinner", you know what as for me & my husband, I think we have been out maybe 4 times without my son, cause we don't we don't have anyone to leave my son with, and besides I rather enjoy the evening with my FAMILY.  Hey there's a word people leave behind in the 21'st century, now aint it.  

Look if you got a kid going off, take the kid for a walk and it is all good.  I so look forward to the day you have kids, cuz trust me, only then my friend will you get it.  

And yes I voted for BUSH!!!!


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« Reply #130 on: August 08, 2007, 09:14:35 PM »

Ignorant??..Let me explain something to you...I have worked in the service industry for years ..and judging by your attitude YOU are the kind of people we would try and dissuade from patronizing our establishment...you are rude and you think you are owed something. People like you wind up stealing the silverware and trying to get a free meal by complaining about the crying baby all the while cracking jokes on the handicapped to impress your Apple Martini drinking friends....because YOU think the world revolves around YOU and YOUR peaceful 21st Century evening.

Ok I have to do this quick so I can make time to kick my own azz, but here it goes.......


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« Last Edit: August 08, 2007, 09:16:09 PM by Able » Logged
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« Reply #131 on: August 08, 2007, 09:17:17 PM »

So I guess there more folks on the side of having a kids or family section in restaurants, from what a gather from reading through all these post. I knew there would be some ignorant opinions like from Able, Joe Dirt, etc. They probably would still vote pres. Bush for another term. Huh
 Anyways the point of the conversation was smarts of keeping customers happy, along with restaurants and there waiting staff. I know this would make customers without kids very happy along with the ones with kids too. All of my friends that have kids agree with me on this, they told me their selves that they wish they had children and family sides to restaurants. They even stated when they go out without there children they would like a peaceful dinner out in a restaurant. I guess my friends have entered the 21st century along with most of us. For the few that are ignorant be ignorant and be left behind. Undecided  

Ignorant??..Let me explain something to you...I have worked in the service industry for years ..and judging by your attitude YOU are the kind of people we would try and dissuade from patronizing our establishment...you are rude and you think you are owed something. People like you wind up stealing the silverware and trying to get a free meal by complaining about the crying baby all the while cracking jokes on the handicapped to impress your Apple Martini drinking friends....because YOU think the world revolves around YOU and YOUR peaceful 21st Century evening.
No I'll bring my kid in for that!

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« Reply #132 on: August 08, 2007, 09:18:06 PM »

Hey Tr atleast you have your age right in your profile, ya sa 2.....

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« Reply #133 on: August 08, 2007, 09:19:25 PM »

Ignorant??..Let me explain something to you...I have worked in the service industry for years ..and judging by your attitude YOU are the kind of people we would try and dissuade from patronizing our establishment...you are rude and you think you are owed something. People like you wind up stealing the silverware and trying to get a free meal by complaining about the crying baby all the while cracking jokes on the handicapped to impress your Apple Martini drinking friends....because YOU think the world revolves around YOU and YOUR peaceful 21st Century evening.

Ok I have to do this quick so I can make time to kick my own azz, but here it goes.......


(Please keep in mind this applauds one statement and any endorsements end there. This is no way condones or approves of the actions, ideals, or statements of the Florida Monkey Rapers in any way, shape or form. )

Cain - why don't you go out in the yard and practice falling down.  I'll be out there to kick your azz in a few minutes.  Shocked Grin Wink

« Reply #134 on: August 08, 2007, 09:19:57 PM »

No I'll bring my kid in for that!

That's it threaten us with little versions of you  Roll Eyes

« Reply #135 on: August 08, 2007, 09:21:22 PM »

Cain - why don't you go out in the yard and practice falling down.  I'll be out there to kick your azz in a few minutes.  Shocked Grin Wink

LMAO  Grin   great now I'm gonna get my azz kicked by a girl  Shocked

« Reply #136 on: August 08, 2007, 09:21:55 PM »

No I'll bring my kid in for that!

That's it threaten us with little versions of you  Roll Eyes

No that's my job.   Don't make my go and have little spawns of satan to do my dirty work.  Shouldn't you be in the yard practicing falling down? 

« Reply #137 on: August 08, 2007, 09:23:04 PM »

No that's my job.   Don't make my go and have little spawns of satan to do my dirty work.  Shouldn't you be in the yard practicing falling down? 

I only came in to stop the bleeding from my nose and bandage up my broken arm  Wink
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« Reply #138 on: August 08, 2007, 09:24:03 PM »

Hey Tr atleast you have your age right in your profile, ya sa 2.....

Okay dang I did it again, got into this crap, first let me say I apologize for the 2 year old remark, but it was in your profile, so ya kind of left yourself open for that one.

Second, as Toby Keith says, let's just agree to disagree, and yea, I am going to go back to just reading so I don't get involved in this drama stuff again.  But your just touched a subject that is dear to me, and that's my son and my family.  Personally I think society is already done enough damage to what is called a family.  And if a family wants to go out to dinner, so be it, family first!

If a crying kid is the least of worries, than you know what, you got a pretty good damn life....


Kawi-360 4WD/Camo
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« Reply #139 on: August 08, 2007, 09:29:27 PM »

What ?! Kids in restraunts ? Let me get my shotgun! The nerve of those little guys Angry
 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

« Reply #140 on: August 08, 2007, 09:32:12 PM »

What ?! Kids in restraunts ? Let me get my shotgun! The nerve of those little guys Angry
 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

No you're thinkin' snakes.  Mudda f'in snakes on a mudda f'in plane.
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« Reply #141 on: August 08, 2007, 09:32:26 PM »

Hey Tr atleast you have your age right in your profile, ya sa 2.....

Somebody must of hacked into my profile. Must be cain! Wink I'm 3 now. Cheesy

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« Reply #142 on: August 08, 2007, 09:32:42 PM »

Ignorant??..Let me explain something to you...I have worked in the service industry for years ..and judging by your attitude YOU are the kind of people we would try and dissuade from patronizing our establishment...you are rude and you think you are owed something. People like you wind up stealing the silverware and trying to get a free meal by complaining about the crying baby all the while cracking jokes on the handicapped to impress your Apple Martini drinking friends....because YOU think the world revolves around YOU and YOUR peaceful 21st Century evening.

Ok I have to do this quick so I can make time to kick my own azz, but here it goes.......


(Please keep in mind this applauds one statement and any endorsements end there. This is no way condones or approves of the actions, ideals, or statements of the Florida Monkey Rapers in any way, shape or form. )

Ahh nice to see you Ablecains......I see you have not been hit by a speeding bus yet.. Roll Eyes Grin

2005 Vinson 4x4
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« Reply #143 on: August 08, 2007, 09:34:05 PM »

Ahh nice to see you Ablecains......I see you have not been hit by a speeding bus yet.. Roll Eyes Grin

Yeah but don't cry QT is on her way to beat me up   Nerd

« Reply #144 on: August 08, 2007, 09:35:28 PM »

Hey Tr atleast you have your age right in your profile, ya sa 2.....

Somebody must of hacked into my profile. Must be cain! Wink I'm 3 now. Cheesy

That's me, I'm omnipotent  Cool  They say the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was making the world think he didn't exist......maybe Cain is just a figment of your imagination  Huh

« Reply #145 on: August 08, 2007, 09:37:23 PM »

Ahh nice to see you Ablecains......I see you have not been hit by a speeding bus yet.. Roll Eyes Grin

Yeah but don't cry QT is on her way to beat me up   Nerd

get ya arse back in the yard and practice falling down. Kiss

« Reply #146 on: August 08, 2007, 09:38:33 PM »

I was gonna run into that tree again, but both my eyes are swollen shut and I missed  Cry
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« Reply #147 on: August 08, 2007, 09:39:54 PM »

Hey Tr atleast you have your age right in your profile, ya sa 2.....

Somebody must of hacked into my profile. Must be cain! Wink I'm 3 now. Cheesy

That's me, I'm omnipotent  Cool  They say the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was making the world think he didn't exist......maybe Cain is just a figment of your imagination  Huh
Yeah but I don't know about that Able guy. He's been making my a$$ itch all night.! Embarrassed

Big Knob racing!, NewMembers Mom!
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« Reply #148 on: August 08, 2007, 09:41:02 PM »

Are we adults here? We should know when and where to take our kids. If people do not know the difference on what is appropriate or inappropriate, to take our kids, something is wrong with this picture. The most important thing here is to tell your kids you love them and make sure you hug them every day.

« Last Edit: October 31, 2007, 11:04:34 PM by Bounty » Logged

« Reply #149 on: August 08, 2007, 09:41:20 PM »

Hey Tr atleast you have your age right in your profile, ya sa 2.....

Somebody must of hacked into my profile. Must be cain! Wink I'm 3 now. Cheesy

That's me, I'm omnipotent  Cool  They say the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was making the world think he didn't exist......maybe Cain is just a figment of your imagination  Huh
Yeah but I don't know about that Able guy. He's been making my a$$ itch all night.! Embarrassed

I'm guessing that was your crabs again. I told you about those cheap hookers Jackl set you up with   Loved by All
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