It is pretty dry for almost a half a mile off the boat ramp, perfect for sport quads, beyond that it gets THICK! UTES only!!
The swamp claimed my camera's lcd and a CV joint on the bike, but it was
well worth it.
I sure hope the camera was still taking pics, time to check....YES IT WAS!!! I did deserve one break this week.
Empty parking lot, too bad for you. L-Cross must be packed!!
So nice in the morning!
Sport guys take note:
Getting deeper:
Beware of the purple flowers. They always mean trouble...getting deeper..
Water is out there. This thing was stocked with fish!
Not today boys.
Darn new guy. Get some tires already. LOL, I think this was too much for him. I suspect that bike will be for sale tomorrow.
Bomber on the way to the airshow.
The first fish ever caught with my quad!!
Getting deeper....
This was for you 2x4guys, the next post is for UTES and fulltracks.