Those little hondas are great. They are so quiet you barely here them running and they are easy to transport. I got two out of the Norther tool and equipment catalog.
How much did you pay.
At the time they were on sale for 799 each.
As a HONDA OPE dealer I cant even come close to that price. They are only making 4% r.o.i. MSRP on the EU1000 is $789. My cost + shipping on one single EU2000 is $10 more than they can sell them for. This is the reason small businesses go out of business. The big box gets pricing that allows them to sell product at nearly a loss to me. To make matters worse we are expected to fix them & take care of their customers who they promised the world to & made them think "everything is warranty". Ok I am ranting now. All I ask is when you need to purchase these things give your local guy a chance.
EU2000 at Norhtern Tool = $799!
A broke down generator on Thursday before camp trip weekend = $0!
Same day service when supporting a local business/dealer & you dont screw up your weekend trip= priceless.
Had to do it.