I modified it to a real life situation....Thanks
After a few days of BO and 686RAPTOR arguring on an ATV forum,
about how much a 04 Raptor 660 Limited is worth from just the pictures/brief description,
BO finally tells 686RAPTOR to come look at the ATV in person before he runs
his mouth on how much the ATV is and saying it isnt worth it from the pictures posted
on the forums.
686RAPTOR agrees with BO, and 686RAPTOR goes to BO's house to see
this ATV in person. 686RAPTOR arrives at BO's, and 686RAPTOR says, "Okay, BO show me this badass ATV of yours..." BO replys, "First show me some
cash of yours." 686RAPTOR says, "I didn't bring any cash." So BO replys, "Then
let me show you the way out of here. Go left, then head straight until you
hit that f**k**g tree up there."