These are the people to get help from on our situation. The article in the wide open section of the new Dirtwheels seemed like it was written about ONF. We keep losing all of our riding spots, but we keep paying all the fees they ask for. I just looked them up & we have a local central FL. guy on their staff as the "project coordinater" his name is Jack Terrell his email is He resides in Auburndale, FL. The Executive director is Russ Ehnes, I cant send email from work, but if someone could send them a link to the quad ralley thread they would be a huge asset to our cause & the ralley in May. Check them out. We should all send this group an email describing our situations which I am sure they are aware of, but this group is alligned with the large coalition groups that can make changes happen. Maybe this could get a sticky to stay up a while?