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Author Topic: C&R MOTORSPORTS SAND DRAGS FEB 24  (Read 127462 times)
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« Reply #400 on: February 25, 2007, 06:00:26 PM »

lets see got the track record
won the heavy hitters class
won the 550 cc and  under class
won the 551 cc and over  class 

Don, I think that got em scared.  I am soo glad that I finally have picture proof of what happened in the time qualifies though.  I never worry about the guy racing next to me, I always look where I am going, so it is hard for me to respond to someone when the tell me they were pulling on me hard until this or that broke.  Now my response will be look at the pics.

Hey tony, what broke on papa's old bike. 

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« Reply #401 on: February 25, 2007, 06:03:36 PM »

No lies there brotha, AZZ CRACK racing was off the hook yesterday !!!!

Yep, a picture doesnt lie, Thats FO SHO !!!!!  Deal Wink

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« Reply #402 on: February 25, 2007, 06:05:38 PM »

I think I made alot of people happy with that one pass yesterday.....

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« Reply #403 on: February 25, 2007, 06:19:54 PM »

I think alot of peaps were getting MAD every time us FAT boys had a bike out run somebody else !!!!!!!! LMAO

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« Reply #404 on: February 25, 2007, 08:12:21 PM »

i would talk smack but i dont have a bike to talk about Cry
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« Reply #405 on: February 25, 2007, 09:40:32 PM »

i would talk smack but i dont have a bike to talk about Cry

um, neither do i.....

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« Reply #406 on: February 25, 2007, 09:45:56 PM »

i would talk smack but i dont have a bike to talk about Cry

um, neither do i.....
And he is KNOWN as the " Mouth of the south" !!!!!!!     Let her RIP Boys Wink

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« Reply #407 on: February 25, 2007, 10:08:20 PM »

I need to weld me a piece of metal that sticks in front of my bike about 5 inches and the heavy hitters class would have been alot diff. Wink BTW that was the best class ever,and the payout was pretty good too!
   Jay I got to give it to ya, you were riding your ass off! no matter what you were on great job. Don, you looked good out there too, were pretty comfortable it looked! The bike deff. was running awsome. I'll tell you, it seemed like everybody was breaking something! I think I got the record for worst fuel leak sorry Troy beat ya again Cheesy Cheesy I was coming out fast as I put it in. Stock tanks looking real good!

   Thanks to the Ga crew for coming down and supporting the track. It was a little crazy but I think for first race and as many bikes, we did a pretty good job and hope to see ya back.

 Old bits and pieces didn't do too bad for slapping it together in a couple of hours and really no tuning at all, never even checked the plugs Huh fired it up sat morning and took it for a test pass. to tote my big ass down the track at 4.25 at 83 mph I'm pretty happy with it.   I still think that prowedges would have faster times if everyone used them, but it's impossible to run them with paddles, starting line was way choped up to use them. Oh well great race can't wait for next one. I will be heavy hitter champ Shocked Cheesy Cheesy Did I say that was a bad ass class Cheesy

'91 banshee completely redone,lightened frame,cub motor, drag pipes = fast as hell
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« Reply #408 on: February 25, 2007, 10:31:42 PM »

I just went through the video camera and my wife did a good job, she got about 30 passes.  They all have troy, don, or myself in them and there are a few other people I know.  I will get them up on putfile probably wednesday night.  I will post links when I do.

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« Reply #409 on: February 26, 2007, 08:22:06 AM »

Lupo, You know your part of AZZ crack racing now, right Huh The Tribals abandened ya, so, we are what ya get now !! Grin

  Yeah, It was definately some good racing for sure !! Your bike was running good, especially for slapping it together like you did !!!!

        But, you better get a good 5" piece of metal, cuz my staging disc wasnt back from the painter yet, Mine mounts under the chassis, and sticks out the front of the bike about 6" !!!!LOL Wink

  I couldnt believe how bad Lupos bike was leaking, But then again Troy was pretty dang abd too, I dont know which was worse !?!?!?
 When we cleaned the bikes yesterday, Troy had a plug that was bouncing up and down ( ceramic was loose inside the metal housing)about 3/8 of an inch !!! and leaking fuel too, WOW, that could have been BAD !!!!

 Cant wait till the next race, Definately gonna be good !!!!!!

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« Reply #410 on: February 26, 2007, 09:31:21 AM »

Yeh them bikes were hooking so hard they were twisting all over the place!  like smoke showed in the pics. even my stock frame was twisting up like a pretzel in a couple of those pics. i think that's why my tank busted, somethings got to give and aluminum doesn't bend  Huh

 Don next time I'm just gonna cut the flag pole down and stap it under my bike, see if you can beat that Cheesy Cheesy gurentteed to win by 10 bikes Wink

was awsome racing though, finally Grin Cool

'91 banshee completely redone,lightened frame,cub motor, drag pipes = fast as hell
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« Reply #411 on: February 26, 2007, 10:48:18 AM »

Thats FUNNY right there Lupo !!!!!!
 I agree, hat was some good racing FINALLY !!!!!!!

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« Reply #412 on: February 26, 2007, 01:32:20 PM »

There seems to be a little misunderstanding or some bad info going on here. First let me say congrates to everyone and Jeff. Sounds like the New track was a hit!! Congrates to Lupo, I heard he held his own in the heavy hitters class. Not to bad for a motor that has been setting on a bench for a year. And Tony with all the problems he was having gave the big boys all they could handle. Don pretty impressive for the first time out. Troy thats a sick looking bike! Im mean that in a good way. The comment about the tribals abanding Lupo kinda hit a nerve with me. I was the one who was going to GA. month after month solo to race and keep the interest going. I had ask all of you on several occasions to go to GA. but it just didn't work out. Smoke is the only one who made it up. But after months of doing it on my own it just got to costly. I offered to go in with Lupo after I sold my bike And buy a drag chassis after the deal I had on here with some one else went bad. But I didn't feel like I could get a real comitment from Mike. And that is fine. I understand he had a lot of other things on his plate at the time. I haven't heard from anyone on here in along time, Except for my little buddy Tony Smiley I always had fun with all of you guys when we were racing. But sometimes it just got to personal. To the point that I was starting to develope a dislike for some. And that really sucked because thats not who I am. Racing in general can cause a lot of bad feelings between even the best of friends if you dont keep in perspective. And for that reason I walked away before I started hating the guys I knew I really liked hanging around with. Some times friendships are more important than winning a race. I wish all of you the best of luck and have no bitter feelings towards any of you. Your all a bunch of great guys, I just felt it was important set some things straight. Who knows, I may show up in the heavy hitters class one day Grin Im sure Tony has a seat for me Grin Good luck and be safe guys!!
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« Reply #413 on: February 26, 2007, 02:18:10 PM »

Frankie, there was NO pun Intended there, just a lack of a better choice of words is all !!!! Dont take offense, Its all good Grin
 All I was trying to say, Is that we adopted him so he wouldnt be alone, He should feel MORE than a part of the group. Mike had his bike running real good, especially after sitting around for such a long time.

 there was several times that we tried to contact you about going to Ga. BUT, we never got a call back. I do understand about the cost of the travel, Thats why Troy and I usually travel together.

Everything was more a joke, that a Tribal is now running with us Grin

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« Reply #414 on: February 26, 2007, 02:56:16 PM »

I know Don. No offense taken. I was just talking to an old friend the other day. I was telling him the difference between the crazy azz hill climbing we all use to do and the drag racing. When we were hill climbing in the secret place, everyone was there to help each other. We would spot people we didn't even know, Just to see them make it up some crazy azz hill. Thats how I met Troy. At croom. You would just pull for them to make it up and be there in case something went wrong. And do whatever you could to insure there safty. But the sand drag thing is every man for them selfs. I guess thats the biggest difference. Oh well, Didn't mean to hijack this thread. Take care. Got to get some sleep. You know the crazy schedule Im on.
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« Reply #415 on: February 26, 2007, 02:58:48 PM »

There seems to be a little misunderstanding or some bad info going on here. First let me say congrates to everyone and Jeff. Sounds like the New track was a hit!! Congrates to Lupo, I heard he held his own in the heavy hitters class. Not to bad for a motor that has been setting on a bench for a year. And Tony with all the problems he was having gave the big boys all they could handle. Don pretty impressive for the first time out. Troy thats a sick looking bike! Im mean that in a good way. The comment about the tribals abanding Lupo kinda hit a nerve with me. I was the one who was going to GA. month after month solo to race and keep the interest going. I had ask all of you on several occasions to go to GA. but it just didn't work out. Smoke is the only one who made it up. But after months of doing it on my own it just got to costly. I offered to go in with Lupo after I sold my bike And buy a drag chassis after the deal I had on here with some one else went bad. But I didn't feel like I could get a real comitment from Mike. And that is fine. I understand he had a lot of other things on his plate at the time. I haven't heard from anyone on here in along time, Except for my little buddy Tony Smiley I always had fun with all of you guys when we were racing. But sometimes it just got to personal. To the point that I was starting to develope a dislike for some. And that really sucked because thats not who I am. Racing in general can cause a lot of bad feelings between even the best of friends if you dont keep in perspective. And for that reason I walked away before I started hating the guys I knew I really liked hanging around with. Some times friendships are more important than winning a race. I wish all of you the best of luck and have no bitter feelings towards any of you. Your all a bunch of great guys, I just felt it was important set some things straight. Who knows, I may show up in the heavy hitters class one day Grin Im sure Tony has a seat for me Grin Good luck and be safe guys!!

damn he's alive!!! Where the hell have you been. Sheri was asking the other day if I had heard from you cause the last we talked you where coming back over the next day to take momma for a ride on your Harley. and for the record I will always be a Tribal whether one or five. but it is nice to race together and help anyone and not be over competitive cause like Frank said it's not worth it. my bike will be there to race and is competitive with the biggest of bikes so now it's all about fun. If I win I win, If I loose I loose. no need to try to have the biggest cause like we saw this weekend they don't always win Wink and if it breaks then I'll go mudding and have fun in the mudd hole, but the track is an awsome facility lots of fun for the whole family. Your always welcome to ride my bike Frank if you come down. Your one of the few I trust on it and even though it's stock frame it'll hang with the best of em. would have seen some real #'s out of it if the tank hadn't broke. Would suck to see Tony's little nutty buddies get charred half track and not be able to get off Cheesy Cheesy Tongue  oh well give me a call spankie

'91 banshee completely redone,lightened frame,cub motor, drag pipes = fast as hell
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« Reply #416 on: February 26, 2007, 03:23:39 PM »

first off glad to see you are doing good frank.  I admit I have talked to you a few times, but it has been months.  And yes, racing does change people in my eyes.  There was a lot of scandelous stuff that went down from alot of people.  I do have to admit that it was not that way saturday though.  We were all working together to all bikes on the track and that was great.  Hey frank, you really need to come out sometime and see the new smoke, I have definetly changed, FOR THE GOOD.  Well atleast when momma is there I am different.  No, for real it would be great to see you, I actually called Shawn on friday and talked to him, but he was saving up to go to Texas.

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« Reply #417 on: February 26, 2007, 04:24:36 PM »

I definatley agree with that !!!!, Lets all keep it simple, get along, help each other if needed. We are all friends, and win or lose, we are still gonna be friends .........

I know Lupo is still a "Tribal", but its kinda fun saying he is a azz crack racer, you know what I mean ?!?!?!?!?

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« Reply #418 on: February 26, 2007, 05:19:12 PM »

hey got more a$$ and crack than me...i think you reach a point in time where when you ride a fast bike you don't have to talk about it anymore...i kid around at the track and on here a little, but the old school trash talking does not interest me anymore...i do all my talking at the track now, you know what i mean?

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