Well everyone, we got back from Tampa General Hospital last night, and it is safe to say he's doing fine. My mom and I drove up and spent Thursday through Sunday there.
Now he has a sling and cast, tender ribs, and the pain medication. He should be feeling alright in a month or two and be completely healed in 3 months I'd guess. He said on Thursday that he thought he was feeling better because of all the prayers.
And thank you all very much. When I logged in just now it was great to see so much support build up from Wednesday when the thread was started. I'm sure my dad is feeling fine besides the pain because of all the praying. God has a plan for everyone and this accident very well could have happened for the best.
you are very wise with your words and thoughts
because of your strong faith your father will be fine. get better dad and
stay off that death trap and stick to quads 10-4 on that
Mario glad to hear your dad is doing better.