I'll agree with all of you out there,we need fight
more for our riding areas in
near future if we don't we lose alot of our offroad riders
in near future and this why Offroad riders should keep on fighting
for there freedom rights to have right to ride in this world we lived
in and I'll say don't give up hope on it just keep on fighting
and don't give up on it. My best advice for you out there just show up these
OHV meetings and protest rallyies in near future to change our reasons around here get
our riding rights back on track in state of florida and i know we have long way to go by right now"
but, just keep on fighting them we still have chance
to win in many ways of we can go by sometime in near future around here.
Ps:Just think about it, we need new law that have atv riders can ride on unpaved roads
in near future if they made new law with protection act from opting other counties in rual areas around
here.I hope state of florida recreates a new atv law for ages 16 above to ride atvs on unpaved roads in near future that allow farmers and OHV people to ride freely at certain speed rate and It hads act with state of florida as long it's in state of florida and county commissions can't reject this new atv law when state had already act into effect through out state. If state of florida had new atv state law as today this would never happened from all other opt out counties around here as today. I know it sounds crazy to me but think about it can change alot things around here in near future..