Paul, I am glad you decided to try one of these out. You said it best. I remember the first timew I rode in one was only four short years ago in Clewsiton. I was hooked. Everything set up for us to ride. Different places around the state on private property. I know I've said this a time or two, but where else can you go all over the state on private property with the owners permission and ride?? AND if you go the extra mile and help host one of these events you get even more rtiding without the racing. AND most of the time you camp out on a work weekend.
Don't have to be a nerd to figure out this is a recipie for some fun.
Some guys don't race, they just ride and get out of the way of the racers.
Anyway, since this developed for quads and is a "Quad Only" event, we have classes for all ages beggining at 4 years old. There are cc/age restrictions and 50" width rule. The pee-wee course is seperate from the big boy course.
There are begginers utility classes as well as full race utility classes. Those are neat. The utility class is expected to grow the most.