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Author Topic: Stewards of the Land -- Organizing for places to ride  (Read 4206 times)

« on: August 11, 2006, 06:38:13 PM »


SOLORA is a collaboration of Florida’s off-road recreational enthusiasts and other associations that will identify and work together on off-road recreational and conservation issues in cooperation with land managers, legislators and the public to ensure a positive future for off-road recreation. We are an environmental organization that advocates and promotes the responsible use of public lands for the benefit of all recreational users by educating and empowering its members.

What is SOLORA?

  It is an association that is dedicated to keeping our access to lands open in the state of Florida, and to preserve the future of off-road recreation.

  It's about joining our efforts wherever we can, with land managers, state officials, legislators, and other associations by utilizing the volunteers of this association.

  It is about finding unity in our efforts so we can support each other, and keep our trails and lands open.

  It’s is about securing, protecting, and expanding shared outdoor recreation access and use.


  Share information about what our many groups/clubs, and State OHV agency is doing.

   Find areas where we can cooperate on a statewide/community basis, and assist land managers in setting up/keeping areas for responsible off-road recreation.

  Sort out the key issues and prioritize them as a group (meaning those things that we're willing to get behind and do something about.)

  Share Ideas with other types of recreational and land user groups.

  To provide help and solutions to the land managers to keep our public lands open for the public; for all types of off-road recreation; for generations to come.

   This is about communication, cooperation and volunteerism, in order to make us ALL more effective.


  It is a volunteer association, run and supported by volunteers.

The bottom line is if we don't work together as a group, we will surely lose our lands.

If you are serious about finding riding places and want to contribute and help with the matter, this is your change -- Stewards will step up to the plate. Bottom line it is the volunteers corporation. You have two weeks to discuss this matter, discuss it amoung yourselves, at the end of two weeks if there aren't enough responses, Stewards of the land walks..

Putting a riding place together or finding a place requires a lot of volunteers willing to give an effort.. Doesn't have to be a lot of time, any time you can give to the cause.

Serious inquries only.. Questions email soloffroad@hotmail.com

Stewards of the Land
Off Road Recreation Assoc.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2006, 06:27:41 AM by raptor » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2006, 09:10:51 PM »

I am extremely serious and I know a few others that are as well. We represent at least 200 riders in S FLA. Most on here know what we have been trying to do in S FLA. It is ridiculous down here and the last we want is more land taken from us. They won't kill our Ocala trips!! We will do whatever it takes.

So, put me down as a front runner and a troop of about 200. Also, please feel free to PM me with whatever questions and/or suggestions you may have.....

« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2006, 06:16:57 AM »

Eworm - thank you, let's see how many other people we get. The second part of this is being stewards to the land we ride on. Once the organization gets the land, you have to work with everyone to maintain the land.

This will be a lot of work, but there are going to be aspects that are going to be fun. The thing your club or the 200 people you have is to start participating in the community in someway.. Something that will give reconition to the club and Stewards. Something good within the community. Example - habitat for humanity, let say you get 100 peoeple to help them out, you get your club and Stewards name in the press... Examples like that will start getting the community on your side. The ATV's have a bad rep --- you have to start changing that. Get together with your 200 people and figure out what you can do to start changing that.

If you give me the names of local newspapers -- and your name of the club --- I will see if I can put something in the paper or the opinion section. Let them know you exist and stewards exist.

This isn't ony you --- this should be everyone..



« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2006, 04:26:26 PM »


« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2006, 06:13:26 AM »

Raptor is getting tired of listening to everyone talk and no one walks.. You guys are complaining about riding places and no where to go, but your not willing to do anything but voice your opinion, and wine.. The government officials are not going to step up to the plate and say ya we will find you a place to ride.. It won't happen. Being organized is the beginning but that is just the beginning.. So your oganized and you have numbers so what.. One person isn't going to do it. Either you pull together and everyone works together or you all loose.

Check out Stewards of the Land - I am trying to work and organize a group of people, to get places to ride not only south florida but also north florida. Maybe a better solution instead of complaining is offering some help to the local police to help stop the people cutting your fences. Ask you county what you can do to help stop these people. Maybe that would work in your favor in getting a place to ride.
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« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2006, 02:51:37 PM »

116 views and counting!!!

I wonder what people really think about our situation. Do they not care? Most don't have kids so in reality probably don't care........ They have their secret little riding areas and they keep it that way. I finally got my part in River Ranch so me and my family will be fine but regardless, this is ridiculous......We need more involvment

« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2006, 04:44:45 PM »

I have a hard time believing that there are 116 views and nobody wants to do anything about it. Raptor is only looking for whatever time you can give to your riding places. It is not like he is looking for a days work, nobody is going to hand this to you guys, we either unite as a group, or you loose your land, it is that simple. One ogranization, or one person isn't going to do this. What do you say. This will happen, the board of the organization is starting to form, and from what I hear the organization is serious about what it stands for.

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« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2006, 07:43:16 PM »

Hey Raptor,

I got your email, as soon as things settle down here tonight, I will sign up.  Just came in for quick check, getting son ready to start school tomorrow.  Oh boy, here we go.  But like I said, I will respond - Count Me In!!!!!

Thanks for all the info


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« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2006, 09:15:53 AM »

I didn't see anywhere how to join?

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« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2006, 04:01:24 PM »

Loven it - is all you have to do is email me, and let me know your in... the only requirements are whatever time you can give to volunteer. Eventually I will put up a website asking for donations. Again it will be whatever you want to donate to the cause. The only thing this organization is looking for is just enough money to make it run, that is it.

My point of view - I pay enough money to the government, I pay enough money for food, for gas, that is enough. I belong to a mountain bike organization, I pay 20.00 membership fees, but I don't seem to get anything in return. They say it goes to maintaining the trails well I am one of those people who help maintain the trails.

The only thing I am looking for is people who care and are willing to give me sometime. Just email me and let me know --

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« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2006, 07:52:27 PM »

C' mon folks. All we hear is everyone griping and complaing about these and that being shut down, where is the land of the free and the home of the brave??i dont see much of it here....
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« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2006, 03:54:44 PM »

AT LEAST RESPOND AND GIVE SOME SUPPORT!!!!! PERHAPS, SOMETHING LIKE, "I can't right now but let me know if I can do anything from my home or locally in my county". SAD TO SEE SOCIETY AT SUCH A LOW!!!!!
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« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2006, 06:18:17 PM »

how do you join?HuhHuh??

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« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2006, 08:15:44 AM »

I'm not familiar with this group...is it new? I dont have any problem donating a little bit of time (and maybe some money) but I need some more information. Does this work hand in hand with other groups such as the Blue ribbon coalition and NOHVCC or is it a stand alone association? I'm sorry call me skeptical I guess but I have a hard time believing (understanding?) an enviromenatlist group supporting and advocating off-road enthusiasts. Its just, I dunno, kind of an oxymoron? I'm all for helping out any group that wants to get together and make a stand for places to ride. Hell I 've been doing that on my own since the beginning of this year trying to open up my track that doesnt look like it will end up working. Please understand, I'm not trying to be negative or cause a problem, I'm just trying to figure this out Smiley

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« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2006, 03:04:08 PM »

never heard of this organization either contact predator from n.port offroad and the army will do what ever they can to help

if u can't be good be good at it

« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2006, 12:25:04 PM »

Sorry I haven't got back to you sooner. To answer your questions Hondaatc and 4fittyr - the organization is just starting to form. We are new, and like I said at the beginning stewards formed because the need for land to ride on is getting less and less. The only thing I am asking right now is a little of your blood and sweat. I am just looking for people to volunteer time right now. We are backed by several groups already, and we are backed by the florida ohv committee. At least the last time I talked with them we were. As this organization moves along we hope to be part of blue ribbon coalition, and get support from the AMA. Our main objective is to find land to ride on. There seems to be a more of a need for that in the south end of the state. In order for this to work everyone has to chip in and do what they can to get new lands to ride on and keep the ones we have.

There are plans for the future of the organization, that will play a role in the new rules that are going to be passed in 2008.

Again just email me if you want and can volunteer sometime.

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« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2006, 12:51:13 PM »

Just a follow-up Joan...

Did you get my email from awhile ago.  Just let me know, and again let me know what I can do to help.

thanks - Becky

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« Reply #17 on: August 21, 2006, 11:21:23 AM »

cheropride - got you email --- eldiabolo64 - to join just email me and let me know if you want to put in some hours.

Again thanks to everyone who is willing to help --- I hope as time goes on we will get more people involved..

Stewards of the Land

« Reply #18 on: August 26, 2006, 11:05:11 AM »

Stewards of the Land will be holding an internet meeting in the middle of September, date and time to be announced. Items will be places to ride.

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