SOLORA is a collaboration of Florida’s off-road recreational enthusiasts and other associations that will identify and work together on off-road recreational and conservation issues in cooperation with land managers, legislators and the public to ensure a positive future for off-road recreation. We are an environmental organization that advocates and promotes the responsible use of public lands for the benefit of all recreational users by educating and empowering its members.
What is SOLORA?
It is an association that is dedicated to keeping our access to lands open in the state of Florida, and to preserve the future of off-road recreation.
It's about joining our efforts wherever we can, with land managers, state officials, legislators, and other associations by utilizing the volunteers of this association.
It is about finding unity in our efforts so we can support each other, and keep our trails and lands open.
It’s is about securing, protecting, and expanding shared outdoor recreation access and use.
Share information about what our many groups/clubs, and State OHV agency is doing.
Find areas where we can cooperate on a statewide/community basis, and assist land managers in setting up/keeping areas for responsible off-road recreation.
Sort out the key issues and prioritize them as a group (meaning those things that we're willing to get behind and do something about.)
Share Ideas with other types of recreational and land user groups.
To provide help and solutions to the land managers to keep our public lands open for the public; for all types of off-road recreation; for generations to come.
This is about communication, cooperation and volunteerism, in order to make us ALL more effective.
It is a volunteer association, run and supported by volunteers.
The bottom line is if we don't work together as a group, we will surely lose our lands.
If you are serious about finding riding places and want to contribute and help with the matter, this is your change -- Stewards will step up to the plate. Bottom line it is the volunteers corporation. You have two weeks to discuss this matter, discuss it amoung yourselves, at the end of two weeks if there aren't enough responses, Stewards of the land walks..
Putting a riding place together or finding a place requires a lot of volunteers willing to give an effort.. Doesn't have to be a lot of time, any time you can give to the cause.
Serious inquries only.. Questions email
Stewards of the Land
Off Road Recreation Assoc.