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Author Topic: This is HORRIBLE ! ! ! Protect your children ....  (Read 9796 times)
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« on: August 10, 2006, 09:36:36 AM »

Ex-radio DJ, teacher accused of soliciting 13-year-old girl
By Kevin Deutsch

Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Bruno Moore, a former South Florida television news traffic reporter, country music station disc jockey and newly hired Martin County teacher, was arrested Tuesday for allegedly trying to seduce a 13-year-old girl online, investigators said.

Moore, 34, who was slated to teach during the first day of school today at Sandy Pines, a psychiatric treatment facility in Tequesta, instead found himself face-to-face with detectives after he showed up at work Tuesday. Questioned about his involvement with the girl, Moore gave a full confession, admitting he'd had sexually explicit online and phone chats with her, though he knew she was underage, according to the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office.

The investigation began June 30 when the girl's mother contacted the sheriff's office, saying Moore was soliciting her daughter. Investigators got the girl's AOL and myspace.com account passwords, and Detective Cass Collins assumed the identity of the Wellington teen.

During eight chat sessions on AOL and eight other communications on myspace.com, Moore gave Collins (posing as the girl) sexually explicit instructions, talked about wanting to have sex with her and tried to arrange meetings for sexual activity, Collins said.

During a July 6 online chat, Moore asked Collins, "ur the cops aren't u?" Collins replied: "me? RU a retard?"

Moore's involvement with the 13-year-old began innocently enough. She wanted to hear a Carrie Underwood song, probably Jesus, Take the Wheel, on WIRK 107.9 FM, the country music station in Palm Beach County where Moore worked part time as a disc jockey, Collins said.

The girl typed a note to an instant message account the station uses to get song requests from listeners, investigators said. Moore saw her message and kept the girl's screen name.

When she called in to make a request, he had a sexually explicit chat with her and began sending explicit messages to her online, Collins said.

Investigators had to move fast with the arrest because Martin County schools begin class today and they did not want Moore to be around children. Moore was held without bail at the Palm Beach County Jail Tuesday on charges of child pornography and solicitation of a child.

Moore has a 5-year-old son and is going through a divorce, Collins said.

He was hired this year to teach English at Sandy Pines in the Martin County School District. He worked less than a day on the job, said district officials who expect to fire Moore in the wake of the arrest.

Moore also worked as a substitute teacher last school year at Stuart Middle School, Challenger and the Martin County Boot Camp.

Moore also no longer is employed at WIRK, said Lee Strasser, the station's general manager.

Moore also is listed on the Summit Christian Web site as a member of the school's film and television club.

Moore freelanced some stories to the Neighborhood Post section of The Palm Beach Post for a few months in 2003.

At various times, he also worked as a media specialist for Martin Memorial Medical Center, a television commercial voice-over man and as on-air talent for several television news stations

According to a résumé on his personal Web site, Moore worked as an overnight news writer at WSVN-7 and a fill-in helicopter traffic reporter for WTVJ-6 in Miami Dade. He also worked for Metro Networks, a national traffic reporting service company, according to his Web site.

He appeared on Palm Beach County's WPTV-5 as a traffic reporter, but was never an employee of WPTV, the station reported on its Web site.


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« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2006, 09:45:34 AM »

PBSO detectives say there are more girls too .....

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« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2006, 11:56:07 AM »

It seems there are too many people these days who think it is entirely okay to take advantage of adolescent females; leering and making inappropriate comments because the way they are dressed or actually pursuing them for sexual gratification.  Having two daughters makes me particularly sensitive to this subject.  My wife and I wonder what is going on?  When we were kids, you never heard of such crimes.  Yes, we were warned not to talk to strangers, but you never heard about it on the news.  Today, hardly a day goes by that this type of crime isn't in the papers or on tv.  Has society's mores changed or is it a function of more active enforcement?  Is it the lure of 'anonymity' on the Internet that causes these people to cross the line?  My meaning there is that before the Internet, pedophiles would actually have to make contact with a child at a playground or school or some other locale to develop their target.  Now they can do it online and, if unsuccessful, remain anonymous.  We must be careful if we want to protect our children (both boys and girls) from these sick bastards.  Obviously, we can't lock our children up or put a law enforcement officer on every corner, but we must be sure to educate.  You cannot tell your children often enough about strangers, good touch, bad touch, proper Internet safety and safe behavior on the streets.  Some people would say it is the clothes today's kids wear that causes these insatiable desires in the perpetrator.  I say that's crap.  That's keeping with the archaic view that rape victims had it coming because of the way they were dressed or acted.  All you have to do is look at one of Florida's most despicable crimes against an adolescent; Carlie Bruscia.  There was nothing provocative about the way she was dressed; jeans and a tee shirt.  No, these crimes and abuses are the fault of the perpetrator; not the victim, the parents, MTV, movies, actors/actresses, clothing or otherwise.  Only the sick bastard that sits around fantasizing about little girls or boys. 

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« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2006, 12:05:09 PM »

The worst thing is that he was a TEACHER ! ! ! ! !!

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« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2006, 12:33:10 PM »

this justs shows how you can do all kinds of backround checks and yet these animals still can get close to children, thank god in this case he was caught before any more damage was done.

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« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2006, 12:52:53 PM »

hello everyone  well ure not going to believe this but bruno moore was a teacher at my skool  we where told that he was doing the child pornography  in his office at are skool  he left  during the skool year he was the media teacher i never had him   but  he was always a weird person he was always sleeping and he alwyas had kids around him and the thing is is he has a son    well thought i would say something

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« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2006, 12:54:55 PM »

the other teaching jobs that i just read about  i never new he had those jobs  he was working at summit christian school thats my skool  but i never new about the boot camp  he must of went there after summit

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« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2006, 01:20:30 PM »

Never knew he was a teacher but did always hear him as news traffic reporter, he's been around for years doing that.

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« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2006, 02:02:30 PM »

... When we were kids, you never heard of such crimes.  Yes, we were warned not to talk to strangers, but you never heard about it on the news... 

Think back, it was there, I remember two right off the top of my head.  Adam Walsh and that Karate instructor in Louisana that was killed by the father.  I'm sure people can remember many more.  My family also had and experience around 25 years ago when a man tried to lure my little sister to his car.  It's just getting easier to get into contact with a little one without being notice.  It's not only girls, boys are targets also, as Dateline NBC has shown.  There always was stranger dangers and there always will be.  Be mindful of what your kids are doing.  And if they have a Myspace account look at it and make sure they aren't giving any info out;  No names, address, phone #, schools, friend' names.  Even the clothing they are wearing in pictures; be sure there are no school logos, they aren't standing in front of a house with the address showing, or in front of cars with license tag showing.  The local news tracked down a girl in less than 30min. just by the info they found on her myspace page.

These are just a few deterants.  Others, please join in and give advice, there is a lot to think about.
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« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2006, 02:20:28 PM »

this justs shows how you can do all kinds of backround checks and yet these animals still can get close to children, thank god in this case he was caught before any more damage was done.

There are possibly more girls besides the one who turned him in including a 12 yr old .....

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« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2006, 03:14:11 PM »

I hope there arent any more victims, that would be tragic.

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« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2006, 03:29:35 PM »

I wont get into what I think they should do to people like this. The problem is all these activist groups that are so worried about his rights. He shouldnt have any if he is found guilty. On the other side parents are letting their kids do things we were never allowed to, this crap has got to stop. If you let your 13 year old do whatever because you are afraid of invading their privacy you better not be crying when god forbid something happens to them.

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« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2006, 03:50:44 PM »

get a rope!!! problem solved!
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« Reply #13 on: August 10, 2006, 03:53:33 PM »

get a rope!!! problem solved!

With this one.  What about all the others we don't know about.
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« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2006, 04:09:42 PM »

I hope there arent any more victims, that would be tragic.

if you go to


watch the video on the police persuing other victims

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« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2006, 10:33:36 PM »

I understand what you are saying there Digginfool so let me clarify what I said earlier. I dont believe that someone can dress in a way that makes it alright too molest/rape them. I do believe that parents should stop letting their kids run around and do what they want. I know kids will be kids, but parents need to teach their kids better. This whole "well my parents thought i was bad....." and so on stuff is rediculous. Look at how different things are, they are continually getting worse and people just seem to sit back and say well thats just the way things are. If people keep going like this I dont wanna be around 50 years from now to see how it is. 

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« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2006, 06:54:26 AM »

To the extent of how some kids behave these days, I agree.  For the most part, that behavior is limited to certain social and economic classes.  A lot of that behavior is a function of nobody paying attention; kids need guidance and if they are not getting it at home, they will find it on the street.  When you have both parents working (if both are still around) and everybody's too tired to care where junior is when they get home from work, then it's not a surprise when junior ends up in the slam for committing some type of crime.  But that situation is outside the scope of this thread.  We were talking about protecting our children from the sick bastards who think it's okay to pursue our kids for their own sexual gratification.  And that's all it is.  It seems that half the time, once they get their gratification and realize what they've done, they decide it's time to get rid of the evidence.  The irony is that staying involved protects children from both dangers.  That's the best gift you can give your children; be involved and try to get them involved in something that will occupy their minds and bodies, whether it's sports, music, crafts or 4-wheeling.  Stay involved and keep them involved.

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« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2006, 11:33:03 AM »

I am not sure if any of you who have children have ever heard of a program that goes by the name "Escape School". It is an awsome program that I encourage all parents to take their kids to or inquire about your school putting this together. It is a hands on example from a local law enforcement agency that shows kids what strangers do. As in one of the example they do is a child riding their bike and a person walks up to them and takes them off of the bike. The next thing they do is explain with hands on examples of kids in the audience riding a bike what to do in that situation. They tell the kid hold on to the bike with all of your might at the same time screaming this is a stranger, i am in trouble, if your mouth is covered bite them. If they get you off the bike, hit them, scream, go for their privates and do not stop struggling, if you can grab the bike again. Its harder to steal you attached to the bike!

Sorry my point was they also go into the whole good touch bad touch how to get out of that situation as well. Kids think that they have to stay in that situation because the person doing this to them is an adult. Kids think this happens to them because they are bad!! That is why sometimes so many cases go unknown. They are afraid to tell their parents. There are so many signs that we as parents miss that show sexual abuse because we all walk around going "that will not happen to us". I have my son so afraid of strangers it could be good it could be bad. 

All I can is kids have a tendency to remember things when they are given a hands on experience. My son is 6yrs old and still a year later has not forgotten about that program we attended.  Maybe it was because it wasn't mom saying the same ole thing about strangers. Someone showed them what WILL not can happen to them if they are not aware of their surroundings.

Sorry to be so lenghty, but I strongly suggest anyone with a child look into this program or others like it! It will and can save your child wether it be kidnapping or sexually.

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« Reply #18 on: August 11, 2006, 11:57:00 AM »

I am not sure if any of you who have children have ever heard of a program that goes by the name "Escape School". It is an awsome program that I encourage all parents to take their kids to or inquire about your school putting this together. It is a hands on example from a local law enforcement agency that shows kids what strangers do. As in one of the example they do is a child riding their bike and a person walks up to them and takes them off of the bike. The next thing they do is explain with hands on examples of kids in the audience riding a bike what to do in that situation. They tell the kid hold on to the bike with all of your might at the same time screaming this is a stranger, i am in trouble, if your mouth is covered bite them. If they get you off the bike, hit them, scream, go for their privates and do not stop struggling, if you can grab the bike again. Its harder to steal you attached to the bike!

Sorry my point was they also go into the whole good touch bad touch how to get out of that situation as well. Kids think that they have to stay in that situation because the person doing this to them is an adult. Kids think this happens to them because they are bad!! That is why sometimes so many cases go unknown. They are afraid to tell their parents. There are so many signs that we as parents miss that show sexual abuse because we all walk around going "that will not happen to us". I have my son so afraid of strangers it could be good it could be bad. 

All I can is kids have a tendency to remember things when they are given a hands on experience. My son is 6yrs old and still a year later has not forgotten about that program we attended.  Maybe it was because it wasn't mom saying the same ole thing about strangers. Someone showed them what WILL not can happen to them if they are not aware of their surroundings.

Sorry to be so lenghty, but I strongly suggest anyone with a child look into this program or others like it! It will and can save your child wether it be kidnapping or sexually.

Hopefully this comes naturally for most....

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« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2006, 11:57:25 AM »

It really is a sad thing that innocent children have to be careful about these things.  

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« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2006, 12:20:16 PM »

Eworm - not sure what you are meaning by hopefully this comes naturally to most.

All I was trying to do was inform parents there are programs out there that are hands on real life situations that are extremely beneficial to kids. 

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« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2006, 12:33:09 PM »

he ment "I hope parents would teach that anyway"

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« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2006, 12:38:44 PM »

It really is a sad thing that innocent children have to be careful about these things.  

the worst thing was that the first girl had innocently im'ed the radio station for a song request then he tracked her down my her aol sn through myspace .... at first they made it seem like it was the websites fault, but her profile was kept private to anyone who did not know her email address, which myspace admin thinks is a good security tactic, i think it is too... but this all happened because the girl wanted to hear a song ! it's really sad when a child can't call or contact the local radio station with out something like this happening ....

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« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2006, 12:55:21 PM »

i wonder if this or something like this is responsible for him getting a divorce too. He just got married maybe a year ago. If his ex knew something and  didnt say that would be damn near criminal! Unfortunetly hes not getting the jail house justice thats usually given out, cause high profile people are segragated from the jails general population. Maybe after hes convicted and has to do some real time( which Im told may not happen) hell be dealt with , with severe prejudice! Angry

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« Reply #24 on: August 11, 2006, 01:33:19 PM »

Just in.  This problem is all over and like I said before it's not just girls

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