« Reply #25 on: August 01, 2006, 10:07:07 PM » |
you should have gotten something with a motor. like a mo-ped  Wel I got a Fully moded Go-Ped.......................I was going to get a HINSON Clutch and a LT Swinger but i couldn't make up my mind. Anyways I can get my HINSON & LT Swinger later in the racin season probably in the winter when I go in the B-Class. I dont know why a HINSON clutch is like $1,000?? u will be waiting more than that 
« Reply #26 on: August 01, 2006, 10:08:04 PM » |
hahha yeah. your positive about that. i didnt even know you still rode. 
« Reply #27 on: August 01, 2006, 10:09:33 PM » |
hahha yeah. your positive about that. i didnt even know you still rode.  I actually do But Yes FOX's aren't the best cuz my rear shock is loosing air like a mofo..I have to hook my compressor everytime I ride. I cant figure out whats wrong?
Thanks to my Sponsors at.....
***OMF Performance*** ***Liquid Performance*** ***Fasst Flexx Handlebars*** ***Laeger's Racing*** ***AMSOIL Racing*** ***VORTEX Racing*** ***PowerMadd Handgaurds***
"Your mom? Yeah I know her. She took more shots in the mouth than Stallone in Rocky III"
« Reply #28 on: August 01, 2006, 10:10:25 PM » |
welcome to the world of AIR shocks. they are going to leak. 
« Reply #29 on: August 01, 2006, 10:11:48 PM » |
my fronts leak about 5 psi every ride.....but i can ride them stiff or soft, so i pump them up once and let them go  i havnt checked them since we went to hardrock i think its about time 
« Reply #30 on: August 01, 2006, 10:12:58 PM » |
welcome to the world of AIR shocks. they are going to leak.  No Seriously they loose air?    No wonder I was bottoming out towards the end of my ride around the Beach........I should of known
Thanks to my Sponsors at.....
***OMF Performance*** ***Liquid Performance*** ***Fasst Flexx Handlebars*** ***Laeger's Racing*** ***AMSOIL Racing*** ***VORTEX Racing*** ***PowerMadd Handgaurds***
"Your mom? Yeah I know her. She took more shots in the mouth than Stallone in Rocky III"
« Reply #31 on: August 01, 2006, 10:13:47 PM » |
yes they do.
« Reply #32 on: August 01, 2006, 10:14:38 PM » |
Thats cool besim, I didnt know they made those for bikes, I hope youre into mountian biking too though or it was just another waste of cash 
« Reply #33 on: August 01, 2006, 10:16:02 PM » |
Thats cool besim, I didnt know they made those for bikes, I hope youre into mountian biking too though or it was just another waste of cash  Thanks.....And yea every morning I take out my bike and go to Peir 60 and just chill and just ride around and find stairs to ride down or kool riding spots.
Thanks to my Sponsors at.....
***OMF Performance*** ***Liquid Performance*** ***Fasst Flexx Handlebars*** ***Laeger's Racing*** ***AMSOIL Racing*** ***VORTEX Racing*** ***PowerMadd Handgaurds***
"Your mom? Yeah I know her. She took more shots in the mouth than Stallone in Rocky III"
« Reply #34 on: August 01, 2006, 10:16:58 PM » |
yes they do.
So how can I keep them from leaking soo quick? 
Thanks to my Sponsors at.....
***OMF Performance*** ***Liquid Performance*** ***Fasst Flexx Handlebars*** ***Laeger's Racing*** ***AMSOIL Racing*** ***VORTEX Racing*** ***PowerMadd Handgaurds***
"Your mom? Yeah I know her. She took more shots in the mouth than Stallone in Rocky III"
« Reply #35 on: August 01, 2006, 10:32:23 PM » |
how quick are we talking
« Reply #36 on: August 01, 2006, 10:56:52 PM » |
how quick are we talking
Like the rear goes feather soft in like 45 minutes of riding and if im hitting bih jumps and just rolling of stairs it will loose are faster. SO is this normal right??? Just gotta buy me that hand pump thing and keep it with me
Thanks to my Sponsors at.....
***OMF Performance*** ***Liquid Performance*** ***Fasst Flexx Handlebars*** ***Laeger's Racing*** ***AMSOIL Racing*** ***VORTEX Racing*** ***PowerMadd Handgaurds***
"Your mom? Yeah I know her. She took more shots in the mouth than Stallone in Rocky III"
« Reply #37 on: August 01, 2006, 11:00:21 PM » |
you mean to tell me it didnt come with the hand pump.  you were using a compresser. maybee you blew the seals. 
« Reply #38 on: August 01, 2006, 11:08:44 PM » |
you mean to tell me it didnt come with the hand pump.  you were using a compresser. maybee you blew the seals.  Uh....................w00ter man......Cuz they told me the hand pump was $30 and I said WTF and said I didn't need it. So if I blew the seals im gunna take it in at Chainwheel Drive. Cuz i got a 3 yr warranty any way. And im gunna buy the hand pump. Thanks Jake
Thanks to my Sponsors at.....
***OMF Performance*** ***Liquid Performance*** ***Fasst Flexx Handlebars*** ***Laeger's Racing*** ***AMSOIL Racing*** ***VORTEX Racing*** ***PowerMadd Handgaurds***
"Your mom? Yeah I know her. She took more shots in the mouth than Stallone in Rocky III"
« Reply #39 on: August 01, 2006, 11:10:28 PM » |
well i know the ATV ones come with them. the shicks arent that big. im almost positive a compresser would blow the seals.
« Reply #40 on: August 01, 2006, 11:12:34 PM » |
ya bro the atv ones will go rock solid with a few pumps from the hand pump. I can't imagine those being able to hold even half of what the atv ones do so the compressor would just destroy the seals
« Reply #41 on: August 02, 2006, 12:00:42 AM » |
ya bro the atv ones will go rock solid with a few pumps from the hand pump. I can't imagine those being able to hold even half of what the atv ones do so the compressor would just destroy the seals
OK........SO I basically screwed up my rear shock. Im gunna have to take it in tommarow anyways cuz my hydraulic brakes arent working right. So what should I tell them the shock it working wierd or something? Oh yea this bike was a "TEST BIKE" as in costomers test drove it around the parking lot and stuff so could that be an excuse?
Thanks to my Sponsors at.....
***OMF Performance*** ***Liquid Performance*** ***Fasst Flexx Handlebars*** ***Laeger's Racing*** ***AMSOIL Racing*** ***VORTEX Racing*** ***PowerMadd Handgaurds***
"Your mom? Yeah I know her. She took more shots in the mouth than Stallone in Rocky III"
« Reply #42 on: August 02, 2006, 12:01:42 AM » |
yeah just say it loses
« Reply #43 on: August 02, 2006, 12:06:04 AM » |
yeah just say it loses
Yea I knew that..duh But when the seals blow that will be a internal defect correct so they wouldn't find out whats wrong unless they open it up(their not) and I might get a new shock(i hope)
Thanks to my Sponsors at.....
***OMF Performance*** ***Liquid Performance*** ***Fasst Flexx Handlebars*** ***Laeger's Racing*** ***AMSOIL Racing*** ***VORTEX Racing*** ***PowerMadd Handgaurds***
"Your mom? Yeah I know her. She took more shots in the mouth than Stallone in Rocky III"
« Reply #44 on: August 02, 2006, 09:23:04 AM » |
why don't you do the stand up thing, admit you never read the instructions and broke it yourself instead of trying to scam the company
« Reply #45 on: August 03, 2006, 06:35:08 PM » |
why don't you do the stand up thing, admit you never read the instructions and broke it yourself instead of trying to scam the company
WTF? That would be the most UN AMERICAN thing he could do. Don't listen to him's what you want to do... 1) Speak to the manager and provide him with faulty intelligence. 2) Show up at the dealership dressed in a flight suit with a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BANNER flying from your truck that way he thinks YOU were right before you even begin to speak. 3) If he balks, accuse him of having weapons of mass destruction, and ask him why he and his dealership don't support the troops in Iraq. These simple steps have been followed and field tested. You can't go wrong. "The Decider" Actually, I would agree with guy I quoted, but I've seen some bedhind the scenes stuff at Dealerships and how they screw the customer over so...I guess all's fair in love and motorcycle service.
UNLUCKY #13 RACING "I want to thank my sponsors, Jack Cass Bail Bonds, The Cleveland Steamer Carpet Cleaner Company, The Rusty Trombone Pub, and Dirty Sanchez's Liquor and Check Cashing."
« Reply #46 on: August 03, 2006, 11:14:54 PM » |
Well, here is a real set of "Floats" waiting to go on my quad. The motor quit the week after I ordered them. Suxor for me!
I might just get a new quad this weekend and swap the motor and electrics to my old quad. Decisions, decisions! ! !
Be cool, Dan
[attachment deleted by admin]
Never let fear, uncertainty OR doubt hold you back from doing what you KNOW you can do.
« Reply #47 on: August 03, 2006, 11:24:45 PM » |
Well, here is a real set of "Floats" waiting to go on my quad. The motor quit the week after I ordered them. Suxor for me!
I might just get a new quad this weekend and swap the motor and electrics to my old quad. Decisions, decisions! ! !
Be cool, Dan
mine, when they looked shiny! 
« Reply #48 on: August 03, 2006, 11:27:51 PM » |
In case someone is wondering... my old quad does not look that old. I had just replaced the frame a month before the motor quit! ! !
[attachment deleted by admin]
Never let fear, uncertainty OR doubt hold you back from doing what you KNOW you can do.
« Reply #49 on: August 03, 2006, 11:30:42 PM » |
Well, here is a real set of "Floats" waiting to go on my quad. The motor quit the week after I ordered them. Suxor for me!
I might just get a new quad this weekend and swap the motor and electrics to my old quad. Decisions, decisions! ! !
Be cool, Dan
mine, when they looked shiny! I remember you posting pics of your bike, it's schweeeeeeeeeeeeet looking mon'!
Never let fear, uncertainty OR doubt hold you back from doing what you KNOW you can do.