« Reply #25 on: May 15, 2006, 10:00:55 AM » |
His Dad has some nice stuff. How come you are never in your pictures?
Because he's like 15 years old and he keeps calling the boat, house, sea doos, etc. etc. etc. his. Ahh Gotcha , hard to relate , I have been working since 13....but Yes very nice stuff....Looks like fun.
2005 Vinson 4x4 2003 Big Bear 4x4 2001 Prarie 4x4 1987 Dirty Dakota Mud truck on 35 inch Boggers
« Reply #26 on: May 15, 2006, 05:04:15 PM » |
were's the wave runner?
so do u actualy fish on that boat or what, what did u do just go around and look at houses?
My SEA-DOO is in my Garage. I didn't have much time to take it out. And I couldn't get 110 Octane for it... I fish sometimes just usally go to ISLAND-WAY for lunch or chill at SHEPARDS... Yeah are you runnin 110?
New to the Engine 421cc Cheetah Cubs that are fully race ported, Hot Rods 4mm Stroker Crank, Ricky Stator fly wheel and 200watt stator also timing plate is at +5, NOSS Head with 17cc domes, V force 3 reeds and 36mm MIKUNI Flat Slide carbs
« Reply #27 on: May 15, 2006, 05:46:05 PM » |
His Dad has some nice stuff. How come you are never in your pictures?
Because he's like 15 years old and he keeps calling the boat, house, sea doos, etc. etc. etc. his. Its no use giving him a hard time anymore about his poppas wealth. It seems everyone just kisses his @ss, hoping he'll send them some green one time or another.  And it must be working because a lot of people are kissing his buttoks these days!
« Reply #28 on: May 15, 2006, 05:52:12 PM » |
dude. you guys are crazy. if your parents had money like him you cant tell me you wont have the same stuff. and no one is kissing his but to get money. heys a great kid to hang with at the track and a rider whos getting better. so stop all the jelousey and just say nice stuff and thats it. and my other post i made i was just messing with him and he knows that. i like messing with rich people. alan**cough**daren*****cough 
« Reply #29 on: May 15, 2006, 06:00:29 PM » |
dude. you guys are crazy. if your parents had money like him you cant tell me you wont have the same stuff. and no one is kissing his but to get money. heys a great kid to hang with at the track and a rider whos getting better. so stop all the jelousey and just say nice stuff and thats it. and my other post i made i was just messing with him and he knows that. i like messing with rich people. alan**cough**daren*****cough  I just don't understand he posts pictures of HIS house, and HIS toys in random threads, such as the "Monkey e-mail" thread.
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2006, 06:04:41 PM » |
well if your mad becasue hes saying its HIS stuff then whatever. but i call my mom & dads stuff MY stuff but they arent really MY stuff. maybee he wants to show off his house. heck i would too.  that thing is huge 
« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2006, 06:17:39 PM » |
that thing is huge  Thats what she said. 
« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2006, 06:54:50 PM » |
hey. im watching king of the hill 2  thats were that reminds me of. 
florida gator
Junior Member

Location: Inverness, Fl.
Posts: 54
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« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2006, 09:31:02 PM » |
How is Island Way. I haven't tried that yet. Where is it. I have heard of it. I normally hit Shephards, Salt Rock, The pub, Gators, Hooter's
« Reply #34 on: May 15, 2006, 09:47:29 PM » |
How is Island Way. I haven't tried that yet. Where is it. I have heard of it. I normally hit Shephards, Salt Rock, The pub, Gators, Hooter's
Island Way is in Island Estates. It's next to the Clearwater Aquriam. They got boat slips in there with a floaty dock. It's really nice. You can compare it to Salt Rock. But I haven't been their lately. 
Thanks to my Sponsors at.....
***OMF Performance*** ***Liquid Performance*** ***Fasst Flexx Handlebars*** ***Laeger's Racing*** ***AMSOIL Racing*** ***VORTEX Racing*** ***PowerMadd Handgaurds***
"Your mom? Yeah I know her. She took more shots in the mouth than Stallone in Rocky III"
Posts: 22
Finally! is here!
« Reply #35 on: May 16, 2006, 08:47:11 PM » |
hey you live by clearwater?
dont know my florida geography.. just know that my friend has a nice nice condo thingy in clearwater adn another one ahs one in st. pete?
those housees you and your friends have remind me of the houses we saw cruizing around int he channels in st pete? near johns pass? thats all i know .. lol
« Reply #36 on: May 16, 2006, 08:50:48 PM » |
dude. you guys are crazy. if your parents had money like him you cant tell me you wont have the same stuff. and no one is kissing his but to get money. heys a great kid to hang with at the track and a rider whos getting better. so stop all the jelousey and just say nice stuff and thats it. and my other post i made i was just messing with him and he knows that. i like messing with rich people.alan**cough**daren*****cough  you dont seem to be doing that bad yourself, 3 quads, all PERFECTLY set up for mx..... 
« Reply #37 on: May 16, 2006, 09:16:11 PM » |
2 quads not 3. and only 1 of them stays in 1 peice.  but im not rich. it only looks like it because we spend all our money on the bikes.  if i was rich id have a RV and 3 06's.
« Reply #38 on: May 16, 2006, 09:18:10 PM » |
2 quads not 3. and only 1 of them stays in 1 peice.  but im not rich. it only looks like it because we spend all our money on the bikes.  if i was rich id have a RV and 3 06's. Jake I know how you feel  One day your gunna be a pro. And everyone who hated you will kiss your butt 
Thanks to my Sponsors at.....
***OMF Performance*** ***Liquid Performance*** ***Fasst Flexx Handlebars*** ***Laeger's Racing*** ***AMSOIL Racing*** ***VORTEX Racing*** ***PowerMadd Handgaurds***
"Your mom? Yeah I know her. She took more shots in the mouth than Stallone in Rocky III"
« Reply #39 on: May 16, 2006, 09:22:54 PM » |
how do you know how i feel.  but thats true about the pro part  josh will still be trying ti hit that double at dade while im cruzing on a big rig across america 
« Reply #40 on: May 16, 2006, 09:25:32 PM » |
how do you know how i feel.  but thats true about the pro part  josh will still be trying ti hit that double at dade while im cruzing on a big rig across america  Yea..............Life comes at you fast. So live the most of it 
Thanks to my Sponsors at.....
***OMF Performance*** ***Liquid Performance*** ***Fasst Flexx Handlebars*** ***Laeger's Racing*** ***AMSOIL Racing*** ***VORTEX Racing*** ***PowerMadd Handgaurds***
"Your mom? Yeah I know her. She took more shots in the mouth than Stallone in Rocky III"
« Reply #41 on: May 19, 2006, 08:32:04 AM » |
I don't care for island way-food just isn't right-salt rock is much better-don't forget Frenchy's in clearwater with their own dock.Linda will tie you up there. Also Hooter's in newport richey (on the water). If you ever want to spend the money, go to Bon Appetite in Dunedin. They have docks also and food is better than saltrock by a longshot. $15-$20 meals but worth every penny and they know how to make a cocktail. I keep our boat at the Palm Harbor Resort. Gotta a wet slip there and its only 3 miles from our house
« Reply #42 on: May 19, 2006, 10:28:52 AM » |
alllrighty I gotta ask, is the REAL Frenchy's on a dock, or a block away from the ocean on a little side street?
I went to the one on a side street and had an awesome grouper sandwich due to a suggestion from a certain moderator here.
Id@ M@nn'99 Honda 400EX ATP'd (quietly making noise) '02 Honda Foreman Rubicon '00 Honda TRX90 8 X 20 Enclosed hauler/camper "Show me a smooth operation and I'll show you someone who is hiding mistakes, real boats rock."
« Reply #43 on: May 19, 2006, 11:00:13 AM » |
The original Frenchy's is 1 block east of the main strip. I can't remember if they're on the water or not.By far the best grouper sandwhich that I've ever had.
« Reply #44 on: May 19, 2006, 11:20:24 AM » |
its not right on the water its a street away from the water
yeah about that
« Reply #45 on: May 19, 2006, 11:44:55 AM » |
yep, you tie up and walk across the street-they are right next to cooter's
« Reply #46 on: May 19, 2006, 12:58:06 PM » |
OK good, I went to the right place then,,,,,it was about a block from the water and the best dang sandwich I ever had.
ps: I'm gonna try to get a co-worker of mine who will be driving to make a stop there for lunch on Sat when we make a delivery near there.
Id@ M@nn'99 Honda 400EX ATP'd (quietly making noise) '02 Honda Foreman Rubicon '00 Honda TRX90 8 X 20 Enclosed hauler/camper "Show me a smooth operation and I'll show you someone who is hiding mistakes, real boats rock."
Loven It
« Reply #47 on: May 19, 2006, 01:39:54 PM » |
OK good, I went to the right place then,,,,,it was about a block from the water and the best dang sandwich I ever had.
ps: I'm gonna try to get a co-worker of mine who will be driving to make a stop there for lunch on Sat when we make a delivery near there.
Try the she crab soup I ever had..we LOVE Frenchy's (the one you are talking about next to Cooters) Cooters is pretty good too.
« Reply #48 on: May 19, 2006, 02:59:14 PM » |
I agree-the she crab soup is great-especially with a crab cake sandwich and a pitcher of Labatt's!!
« Reply #49 on: May 19, 2006, 03:15:56 PM » |
Labatt's...someone's from up north...haven't heard of that beer since forever