Hey, I just went chillout at keaton beach today to get out of house today
and nice, salt air down there..
Well, I was traveling on cr51 today and south of cooks hammock
is very good rightway to ride and go all way to hwy 19
i think it's more then 17miles of all rightways and it's pretty nice size rightway
not too small.
But it's out of middle nowhere land!!!
So do it on weekend, and there not alot cars out there.
It's swamp lands out there but rightways are good there.
But this way far south then mallory swamp area.
So might, have to check that out..
So one more thing don't mess up rightways just respect, rightways
and don't tear them up.If looking for place to enjoying trail riding
this a good place for them.
If i was living in that area with a piece farm land in that area then
i rode thoses rightways there.
Just don't ruin rightways for us out there...
Thats like redneck country over there!!!!
One more thing, they don't have red white signs
saying:No parking on rightway.
And I haven't see them all over road there..
Here's map to get there...
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