lswjth2 hope this helps.I admire your efforts on this matter.I got burnt out a while back when it seems NOBODY else here gave 2 shits.Rather spend their time slaming someone for improper english or some bullshit movie they liked.
You dont need to be an adult any minor with the proper communication skills has a say in these matters as well!
Dear Mr.Halas,
I am a very concerned with the closure of Picayune Forest to OHV use.I am a parent of two daughters whom are being raised to respect nature,there enviroment and to be passionate about what they believe in.After teaching a youngster these values how do you explain to them that they are not allowed to pursue a hobby that brings them as close to nature as it gets? Camping & OHV rides have been what they were raised with.For restrictions to be placed on our hobby's because certain individuals do not like our choice of hobby is 100% wrong.Please reply with the local or state statutes that say OHV use is not permitted in the forest.
We are not the rebellious motorcyle gangs of the 70's.We are respectibale citizens who own rental units a nursery and a business.Between the new recreational toy hauler camper and our 5 OHV's purchased I have spent tens of thousands of dollars on this hobby.Not to mention the amount of taxes and the economic benefits of these purchases to local business.The whole issue of collecting title fees to ensure future riding areas seems to be a lie,much of the same way LOTTO dollars were for education.Why not close a golf course and open it up as an OHV day use area.OHV enthusiasts would be happy to pay a nominal fee for its use.Do you realize the TONS of fertilizer & pesticides they use to maintain it,not to mention the motorized equipment they use would far defeat the amount of impact a regulated OHV trail system would have on the forest?
Kind Regard's