This is the actual appeal.
The person or lady is the attorney for the National Jeep Association, and Jason is President. The National Jeep Association appealed the Final Decision of the Forest that happened in December of 2005. If you remember after the final decision of record was recorded there was a 45 day appeal process. The National Jeep Association was one of the appeals, along with an environmental group, and someone else.
Will Ebaugh from Tallahassee, Rick Lent from the Seminole District, Bret Bush from Lake Geroge District, I don't know who the other two USFS people are. The USFS people were involved with the decision on the trails from the start. I don't know who Jennifer Hawkins is from the Jeep Association.
The below issues were not resolved. The Jeep Association and the USFS could not come to an agreement on these issues. There is a 30 day peroid on which the USFS and the Jeep Association can still come to an agreement, before it goes into aribitration, and or goes to court. If this goes to court it maybe years before a trail system get put into place, or the other alternative is, the USFS might just close the forest.
What does that mean for us, the trail system will stay the same, until the issues can be resolved. The above information was taken of the Florida Jeep Association website. The actual appeal in pdf format is at the top of this page. The jeepers want all or a good portion of the trails that was designated to close to remain open.
That is my interpetation of this.
The appeal from the Jeep Association had many concerns as follows:
Appeal Meeting with USFS 03-17-06
What follows are portions of notes I took during the meeting. Far more was discussed however these are some of the points of interests to most of our members, feel free to ask questions on these or other issues.
Concentrated Use Areas were defined by the FS as "areas" of high impact, could be a section of trail, intersection of another trail, mud hole, water hole, pond, sand pit, etc.
The Concentrated Use Areas were identified after the workgroup was concluded (public involvement).
There was no analysis conducted as to whether each Concentrated Use Area needed to be closed or remained open, Rodman Sand Pit was left open from what appears to be convinence.
The milage of unclassified roads to remain open (or to be closed) as listed in the FEIS is likely inaccurate and needs ammending. (They listed more miles closed than the Impact Statement showed as existing)
It was shown (proven in the meeting) that the number of unclassified roads to remain open (or to be closed) was predetermined.
Closed trails will not be blocked or signed unless it is deteremined that there is visitor confusion when reading a map and riding the trail.
The policy of "Closed Unless Posted Open" was done out of ease of signage/enforcement.
The change in term from "Concentrated Use Area" to "Day Use Area" does in fact indicate the FS wanting to close off those areas for night use.