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The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please Help
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Topic: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please Help (Read 47722 times)
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please Help
Reply #25 on:
April 02, 2006, 05:07:01 PM »
Keep us updated on it.
Thanks, for update on here.
I hope it passes and good luck on it,and don't be afraid
and show your feelings about it and your comments about it.
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please He
Reply #26 on:
April 02, 2006, 08:59:55 PM »
I was wondering how this was going for you. I hope it all works out for you.
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please He
Reply #27 on:
April 03, 2006, 07:56:22 PM »
Thanks for the support everyone. If we ever get all the technicalities and stuff worked out I'll definetly let you know.
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please He
Reply #28 on:
April 05, 2006, 05:07:03 PM »
Well guys its official, the decision is headed to the circuit court. It looks like we're going to be waiting a few months now before we know anything. From what I understand, once it gets there the county attorney and the attorney for Mrs Worth will be arguing to the judge whether the first hearing was within all the legal areas of being completed, or whether it warrants to be heard again. The judge then has the ability to stop the whole thing right there and say that the hearing was propperly conducted, everything that needed to be done was done. Or, he can order the zoning board to re-hear this same issue again and more or less making the first one null and void.
Theres also about a paragraph on it in amongst another article on the Greencycle manure processing plant in the Suwanee Democrat today:
In the meantime, I thought I would post a few pictures of the signs and things that some of the neighbors have been putting up in their own little seperate "protest" of the track. All of these have been posted along the county road that you have to take to get to our property. Look at them and tell me what you think...
CRAZY or what?
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please Help
Reply #29 on:
April 05, 2006, 07:42:11 PM »
Well at least i did went buy a used 17inch montior today for 10$
at my friends house today and it hads mic built into on top of montior.But i can see pics alot better
in my room.
Theses people can't spell very well too much hanging around in woods too long..(LOL)
Well it sounds like, looney crazy nutty neighbors too me
and they don't have a life in their own hands.
I think we should send some quads up here at suwwannee county court house
right outside across from street at sport shop
and have them walk streets with picking signs and
do rally protest right near court house.
This right in downtown, live oak and they are cars,trucks,vans,drive by there every single day from mon-fri during before noon hour.I think they should do a protest once every couple months in that area.
(My best bet do a rally up, protest everytime when next court meeting date
hits around corner during every month!!)
Well Thanks,
For keep us up to date on here through out this topic here.
I'll keep topic, bump once every 2 or 4days on here if goes off topic page.
Last Edit: April 06, 2006, 01:23:39 AM by americanhighlander
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please Help
Reply #30 on:
April 06, 2006, 01:07:17 AM »
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Last Edit: August 13, 2006, 06:10:44 PM by americanhighlander
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please He
Reply #31 on:
April 07, 2006, 04:33:12 PM »
Heres another letter to the editor that popped up in todays paper.
Dear Editor,
My name is Charles Bartley and I am a property owner and taxpayer in Suwannee County. I would like to speak about the zoning and permit procedures that are creating a burden on the taxpayers.
At this time I will not discuss the many infractions in the zoning codes. Nor will I discuss the lack of direction for acceptable growth in Suwannee County.
This is the time to address responsiblity. There appears to be a belief by some of you that once a zoning board has a made a decision, you as elected county commissioners, cannot change that decision. If that is correct, it would indicate you have created an entity that you cannot control.
You, the county commissioners are part of a body, have appointed these five members of the zoning/adjustment board to make decisions that are in the bext interest of Suwannee County as a whole.
You, the elected county commissioners are responsible for their decisions. If your appointed represenatives err in their decision, it is your responsibility to correct this error. The voting citizens of Suwannee County did not elect the zoning board members. The voting citizens of Suwannee county did elect you. This chain of responsiblity cannot be broke by saying "We just cannot do anything about it." I believe you can do something about it. Obviously, I feel you should do something about it.
The downside of not correcting this error in judgement in its early stages is that it leads to unhappy citizens county-wide, not just one district. The expensive of the proceedings of the courtts will be borne by the taxpayers. The citizens will not be happy to pay for these lawsuits. It will be embarrassing and difficult to explain by politicians.
To use the racetrack as an example, if the board of county commissioners fail in their duty to the citizens and zoning permit stands; if the courts fail in their representation of the democratic mass, then a new set of difficult questions rise.
Who will pay for the infrastructure that is growing in other counties because of this type of commercial racetrack. Additiona law enforecement, additional road maintence, additional medical support in the form of personnel, ambulances, hospital facilities, and air lifts to trauma centers. All these and more will be required. If the county is pro-active then the taxpayers must pay. Where will this money come from? The property values for miles around will be diminished by the noise and presence so th that the millage rate will have to be increased just to stay at the current revenue flow. We can expect higher taxes. If the cost of this required infrastructure is added to this, we can expect a much higher tax increase. The voting public and taxpayers will not be happy. If the county is not pro-active, then the citizens will pay in the form of diminished services. An example would be waiting in line at the hospital because there has been yet another tragic accident at the race track. The voting citizens will be beyond unhappy, they will be mad.
As a final thought on this issue, a racetrack of this nature has a reputation of killing and maiming children and adults. To enable this commercial endeavor can never be judged as noble.
Charles Barlety.
Here is a list of Suwannee County Commissioners:
Jesse Caruthers, Jr. Douglas M. Udell
District 1 District 2
Phone: (386) 362-5385 Phone: (386) 362-4189
Ivie Fowler Billy C. Maxwell
District 3 District 4
Phone: (386) 658-1602 Phone: (386) 963-5460
Randy Hatch
District 5
Phone: (386) 935-2819
Anyone that is of voting age and is a Suwannee County resident I would encourage you to find out which district you live in if you dont already know. And then place a call to your county commissioner just to assure them that the entire county is not on the edge of a massive revolt as Mr. Bartley would have you believe by his letter. I'll keep everyone updated as I learn more.
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please Help
Reply #32 on:
April 07, 2006, 08:29:36 PM »
The live oak shands hospital needs be upgrade anyway doesn't have enough supporting people there.
But,thanks for updating on here about editor letters on here you post on here today.
I will love,
see this ohv park come into live oak in few months from now.
Randy Hatch Is nice dude, and my parents have met him here in mcalpin
back in year 2000 at my house to try vote for him in suwwnnee county.
We ask him put somting for teens and kids to have entertainment for there
selfs to do in live oak area.Well the only enterainment for teens around here
to go lake city on friday nights or hanging around at oaks square parking lot over
by kens bqq in live oak on sat nights with pickup trucks.The only thing they have in this town chirstain center and bowling ally to have place to do thats there redneck weekend enterainment.LOL thats pretty sad
(Thats plain truth about this town!!!)
If you see what i'm saying then you'll understand...
Last Edit: April 07, 2006, 08:44:04 PM by americanhighlander
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please He
Reply #33 on:
April 07, 2006, 08:41:06 PM »
Quote from: HondaATC on April 07, 2006, 04:33:12 PM
. The voting public and taxpayers will not be happy. If the county is not pro-active, then the citizens will pay in the form of diminished services. An example would be waiting in line at the hospital because there has been yet another tragic accident at the race track. The voting citizens will be beyond unhappy, they will be mad.
As a final thought on this issue, a racetrack of this nature has a reputation of killing and maiming children and adults. To enable this commercial endeavor can never be judged as noble.
Charles Barlety.
Those tracks allways maiming people. I bet he belives guns kill people to & not the people using them. The letter was kinda funny, that guy is a jackass. Well I guess you better stop your track befor it maimes people & every one is your area has to wait in line at the ER. lol I wish you the best.
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please He
Reply #34 on:
April 07, 2006, 08:51:56 PM »
Quote from: dreadhed on April 07, 2006, 08:41:06 PM
Quote from: HondaATC on April 07, 2006, 04:33:12 PM
. The voting public and taxpayers will not be happy. If the county is not pro-active, then the citizens will pay in the form of diminished services. An example would be waiting in line at the hospital because there has been yet another tragic accident at the race track. The voting citizens will be beyond unhappy, they will be mad.
As a final thought on this issue, a racetrack of this nature has a reputation of killing and maiming children and adults. To enable this commercial endeavor can never be judged as noble.
Charles Barlety.
Those tracks allways maiming people. I bet he belives guns kill people to & not the people using them. The letter was kinda funny, that guy is a jackass. Well I guess you better stop your track befor it maimes people & every one is your area has to wait in line at the ER. lol I wish you the best.
They do, have alot quack azzes up here.
Thats, true about that. (Sounds like new yorker jewish jackazz nuts in brain up in boonies.)
But, I do agree
with you
the guy sounds like jackazz quack to me.
Last Edit: April 07, 2006, 08:59:58 PM by americanhighlander
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please He
Reply #35 on:
April 07, 2006, 08:56:53 PM »
Quote from: americanhighlander on April 07, 2006, 08:51:56 PM
(Sounds like new yorker jewish jackazz on editor letters on here.)
What does a Jew have to do with this. Don't make your self look dumb.
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please Help
Reply #36 on:
April 07, 2006, 09:06:46 PM »
Half area up in live oak they do have alot nice rednecks up here so
some of outsiders moved up here from south fla, and some of them come from ny and thats when you get your jewish azzholes that don't like atvs or mud blogging trucks up in this area.But, alot theses rednecks love atvs and dune buggys and big mud blog trucks up here in live oak.
Well some of letters don't make any sense what they are saying
up here and making a hassle out of it.It's going happen anyway no
matter what or not, if they are puting in atv/dirt bike race track into live oak area.
I know things will work out from time to time.
Time only can tell by that point if that happens!!!
Last Edit: April 07, 2006, 09:28:34 PM by americanhighlander
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please He
Reply #37 on:
April 07, 2006, 09:14:09 PM »
Quote from: americanhighlander on April 07, 2006, 09:06:46 PM
Half area up in live oak they do have alot nice rednecks up here so
some of outsiders move from down south fla and parts and some come from ny and thats when you get your jewish azzholes that don't like atvs or mud trucks up in this area.But, alot theses rednecks love atvs and dune buggys and big mud blog trucks up here in live oak.
OH OK It must be the Jews.
Whatever that is one of the dumbest things I have read in awhile.
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please Help
Reply #38 on:
April 07, 2006, 09:22:43 PM »
I just, refix both of my last posts on here.
Thanks, for now you can understand me very well..
I'll keep this bump untill we get anying new updates on here.
Last Edit: April 07, 2006, 09:41:10 PM by americanhighlander
always say:Ride Harder Let Your freedom Go!!)
I'm a goat farmer live on 8acrefarmlivingwith my parents.
Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please Help
Reply #39 on:
April 08, 2006, 10:20:11 PM »
Quote from: americanhighlander on April 07, 2006, 09:06:46 PM
Half area up in live oak they do have alot nice rednecks up here so
some of outsiders moved up here from south fla, and some of them come from ny and thats when you get your jewish azzholes that don't like atvs or mud blogging trucks up in this area.But, alot theses rednecks love atvs and dune buggys and big mud blog trucks up here in live oak.
Well some of letters don't make any sense what they are saying
up here and making a hassle out of it.It's going happen anyway no
matter what or not, if they are puting in atv/dirt bike race track into live oak area.
I know things will work out from time to time.
Time only can tell by that point if that happens!!!
All area Sarasota in have redneck none. Need redneck movve more down here. Too snooty ppl are sometimes down here. Wish more earthy down to ppl lived here.
People her looks lot down on peoples like myself with trucks. Too many mercredies cars and other little things. Want to ride over their judging car little people.
Somes of us locals riders would like to ride closer to home but snooty tree huggers won'ts lets us have any of the local parks or land areas to where which we could ride. It's hopefully more rednecks who's have ATV's and buggies will more move here too. Then that way maybe we could get us some more ATV people who would help to get rides areas closer to home for us.
I can feel your pain.
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please Help
Reply #40 on:
April 08, 2006, 11:29:54 PM »
Quote from: QT314 on April 08, 2006, 10:20:11 PM
Quote from: americanhighlander on April 07, 2006, 09:06:46 PM
Half area up in live oak they do have alot nice rednecks up here so
some of outsiders moved up here from south fla, and some of them come from ny and thats when you get your jewish azzholes that don't like atvs or mud blogging trucks up in this area.But, alot theses rednecks love atvs and dune buggys and big mud blog trucks up here in live oak.
Well some of letters don't make any sense what they are saying
up here and making a hassle out of it.It's going happen anyway no
matter what or not, if they are puting in atv/dirt bike race track into live oak area.
I know things will work out from time to time.
Time only can tell by that point if that happens!!!
All area Sarasota in have redneck none. Need redneck movve more down here. Too snooty ppl are sometimes down here. Wish more earthy down to ppl lived here.
People her looks lot down on peoples like myself with trucks. Too many mercredies cars and other little things. Want to ride over their judging car little people.
Somes of us locals riders would like to ride closer to home but snooty tree huggers won'ts lets us have any of the local parks or land areas to where which we could ride. It's hopefully more rednecks who's have ATV's and buggies will more move here too. Then that way maybe we could get us some more ATV people who would help to get rides areas closer to home for us.
I can feel your pain.
I can understand your point about that!!
I know rednecks!! need place to ride out here in middle nowhere land here,
i get point,what your saying about that.
Last Edit: April 09, 2006, 12:14:10 AM by americanhighlander
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please He
Reply #41 on:
April 19, 2006, 09:36:06 PM »
Ill tell you if we all had the dedication that americanhighlander does we could probably ride all over this state. Its hard to read your posts sometimes man but thanks for the time you put in.
Last Edit: April 19, 2006, 09:51:52 PM by bigscrub79
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please Help
Reply #42 on:
April 19, 2006, 09:52:47 PM »
Quote from: bigscrub79 on April 19, 2006, 09:36:06 PM
Ill tell you if we all had the dedication that americanhighlander does we could probably ride all over this state. Its hard to read your posts sometimes man but thanks for the time you put in.
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please Help
Reply #43 on:
May 09, 2006, 08:05:13 PM »
people that dont want us riding should be shot
if they dont let you ride there or build the track go get a harley with straight pipes and ride it all night long in front of their houses!!
Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please He
Reply #44 on:
May 10, 2006, 05:42:16 PM »
Quote from: bigscrub79 on April 19, 2006, 09:36:06 PM
Ill tell you if we all had the dedication that americanhighlander does we could probably ride all over this state. Its hard to read your posts sometimes man but thanks for the time you put in.
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please He
Reply #45 on:
May 10, 2006, 08:09:41 PM »
Quote from: Chuck_Norris on May 10, 2006, 05:42:16 PM
Quote from: bigscrub79 on April 19, 2006, 09:36:06 PM
Ill tell you if we all had the dedication that americanhighlander does we could probably ride all over this state. Its hard to read your posts sometimes man but thanks for the time you put in.
Yep, I have to say that he is sometimes the only one that responds to his threads but he knows we read them anyways so he is not typing for nothing. LOL
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please He
Reply #46 on:
May 20, 2006, 10:01:30 PM »
Quote from: yunt2ride on May 10, 2006, 08:09:41 PM
Quote from: Chuck_Norris on May 10, 2006, 05:42:16 PM
Quote from: bigscrub79 on April 19, 2006, 09:36:06 PM
Ill tell you if we all had the dedication that americanhighlander does we could probably ride all over this state. Its hard to read your posts sometimes man but thanks for the time you put in.
Yep, I have to say that he is sometimes the only one that responds to his threads but he knows we read them anyways so he is not typing for nothing. LOL
Hey, i try keep this topic bump up becuase
i like see what happen to dirtbike/atv race track in live oak if they had improve or not,
and i haven't heard any news about it so far in suwwnnee demcrat newpaper for last 2months so far.
Well as long i keep this topic bump up i might find out what happen!!!
Well i do like keep it bump up the very important topics i like,i like
bump it up once week or once every or 3 or 4days.
I only bump up topics if they are really serious atv iuess i like.But, i don't rarely bump up topics very
much on here in past.So i love helping people out on here for their support on here!!!
Last Edit: May 20, 2006, 10:23:08 PM by americanhighlander
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please Help
Reply #47 on:
May 21, 2006, 07:44:48 AM »
Hey,my name is Lee Hinson and I've lived in live oak all my 32 years I'am a die hard atv'er me and my girlfriend have 6 atv's we want this track if we can help in any way possible please let me know I'am ready to protest in front of the court house on my YFZ450 or Banshee whatever it takes!
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please He
Reply #48 on:
May 25, 2006, 06:05:48 PM »
I just wanted to give a small update and let everyone know what we know so far. From what I understand, sometime in July the lawsuit a neighbor filed against the county will be read by a district court Judge and he will decide whether her claims warrant more investigation or it should be thrown out. Sadly there is still nothing more we can do except for sit and wait. If I find anything else out I'll be sure to post here and let everyone know. Thank you for the continuing support, Its appreciated!
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Re: The track coming to Live Oak might be dead before its even started-Please Help
Reply #49 on:
June 16, 2006, 02:22:49 PM »
Hey, ATC Honda
Lets us know what happens to the atv/dirtbike track in live Oak if it passes or not.
Keep us, updated ATC Honda..
I hope we find out what happens next month by July if the track passes in live Oak.
Ps:I'll keep this topic bump as long possible until we find out if it passes or not.
Last Edit: June 16, 2006, 03:38:34 PM by americanhighlander
always say:Ride Harder Let Your freedom Go!!)
I'm a goat farmer live on 8acrefarmlivingwith my parents.
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