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Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
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Topic: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !! (Read 5987 times)
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Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
March 10, 2005, 02:54:45 PM »
Many of you know of the recent posts back and forth between me and anoriginal. This is the private message he sent me.
I'm sending you a PM so I don't get accused of "hijacking" a post. Tell you what big boy. You call me an A Hole and act as if I'm forcing an opinion on you? Put your money where your mouth is. I'm going to Tallahassee in 2 weeks. Flying up out of Sarasota. I'll be conducting other business but will also meeting with several key individuals who are looking into parcels of property to designate as riding areas for us with the title money they've collected so far.
You are welcome to come with me. You have to pay your own way. You can explain to them your ideas for riding areas to them. You obviously think I am totally off base with my observations so here is your chance to prove me wrong to the folks who actually matter in this fight for our sport.
I was hoping to collect some posts off this site to take with me and show these folks just how concerned everyone was and how much volunteerism we had relative to our sport. Obviously, that's not happening.
Unlike what you may think, I am heavily involved in this sport and with public areas across the state. I'm currently involved with an organization assisting the state in identifying environmentally critical areas for purchase with an emphasis on guaranteeing access to those areas to the public. I am the sole person in this organization who is fighting tooth and nail to ensure those areas are open to us to ride on. So far, my efforts are going well despite comments like yours and others.
Regardless, there's nothing like personal face time with the people in charge. If you're not all talk, PM me back with contact info and I'll take you with me. I'm absolutely serious.
To this I have a few things to say
I declined your invitation to come to your property and ride. What makes you think that I want to go anywhere with you at a moments notice? Just because I don't work doesn't indicate that I don't have other things to do, all of which are more important than you.
If you are so important and responsible for our public places to ride as you stated "I am the sole person in this organization who is fighting tooth and nail to ensure those areas are open to us to ride on. So far, my efforts are going well despite comments like yours and others." then we should be criticizing you not commending you as no new places are yet open to ride no matter how well you think your efforts are going.
You "fighting tooth and nail" for us to all have more places to ride has nothing to do with your unwelcome, condescending remarks. We all want more legal places to ride. And if there were enough of them, there wouldn't be nearly as much illegal riding going on. Something you have overlooked in your posts is that if only people with property bought quads, very few people would have them. They would need both sufficient property, the inclination to ride, and the money for both. If only people meeting all 3 of those criteria bought quads, there would be no quads to buy, no legal places at all to ride. If there were 100 legal quad owners and riders do you really think the state would be opening new legal riding places? Furthermore do you think ,if all the states were like that, that there would be dealers in business of selling these rarely bought and used OHV's ?
The state is looking into opening new places to ride to meet the demand of all of the quad owners out there demanding more legal places to enjoy their toys. There are a lot of riders here that are conscientious and willing to volunteer, which has no bearing on where they ride (other than overtly breaking the law or destroying property) or on the fact that the state is eventually going to open new riding places. people are going to ride regardless, so the state might as well make money and regulate as much as they can. They can't stamp it out so they profit from it.
As with the invitation to ride your property, I hereby decline your invitation to join you on your business trip. I do wish you fantastic luck in persuading the appropriate individuals to secure additional land to provide more legal places for ohv owners to enjoy. Seeing as you are so moral and feel it necessary to condemn those for riding any property other than that which they own, it is in your benefit as well to be successful in what you are doing. Maybe in time, with enough luck and persuasion, you will no longer have to monitor and hi-jack posts to exhault your self for what you deem appropriate riding demeanor.
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Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #1 on:
March 10, 2005, 03:58:21 PM »
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Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #2 on:
March 10, 2005, 04:00:30 PM »
LET IT GO!!!!!
Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #3 on:
March 10, 2005, 04:40:22 PM »
wow ....it is nice to see other people have drama......
can we all feel the love
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Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #4 on:
March 10, 2005, 04:56:04 PM »
My God, I feel like I"m back in middle school. Maybe if you (anoriginal) didnt come off to be such a jerk, people would listen to you more and take you a bit more seriously. I dont know you and have nothing against you, but I have come across a few of your posts and I can totally see why people are turned off to listening to you. But anyway... thats my .02....
Lets all just shut up and ride!
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Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #5 on:
March 10, 2005, 05:01:35 PM »
Anoriginal. I must admit I'm not really sure what to make of your stance or you personally for that matter. On one hand it seems that you are on your soap box questioning the character and decency of the majority of the ATV community. On the other hand it seems that you really are trying to preserve the few riding areas that we have left. I truly stand undecided. I would love to think that it's the latter. If it is and I misjudged you I'm sorry. As for now I'm staying nuetral. I hope you prove the majority of your critics on here wrong because if you do than that would mean you were truly looking out for us all along and it would put us one step closer to our #1 goal. MORE RIDING AREAS. If you are just full of sheet than you deserve all the criticism you get.
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Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #6 on:
March 10, 2005, 05:13:27 PM »
Lets all just shut up and ride!
The words that should come out of everones mouth!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #7 on:
March 10, 2005, 05:23:24 PM »
Now just look at how one post can spawn many others !
Anoriginal - I have never met you and may never so I can't say what kind of man you are in person. Like Cableguy said you may be doing something great for the sport. You may be a great person. The truth is that I was never mad, but disagreed with your post and like to debate. Even if no minds are changed I see it as a mental exercise. You are entitled to your point of view as everyone is, but don't try to ram it down our throats. We were talking (initially) about something totally different until you jumped in. And I have to tell you (at least to me) you came off like a jerk in that post. I wish you no ill will. We both went back and forth and it gave me a good laugh if nothing else. But I agree with 04250, it's time to put it to rest. I just couldn't let the saga end on a private note. It would have disappointed the fans
. Drama can be entertaining, but like SkyHigh said....let's just shut up and ride.
The End (Applaud If you Wish)
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Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #8 on:
March 10, 2005, 05:36:11 PM »
[smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif]
The true measure of a man is how high he bounces after hitting the bottom
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Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #9 on:
March 10, 2005, 06:04:41 PM »
It sounded like a nice invitation to me. I will have to say that I may not have agreed with his every post but I also don't agree with posting a private message on the forums for all to see. It now looks like you are the bad person for keeping it all going.
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Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #10 on:
March 10, 2005, 06:13:21 PM »
Sorry if it comes off that way but after reading my last post on the matter I personally don't think that's how it seems. Not out to offend anyone but when people have been called idiots and A-holes each way I think the posting a personal message that, if nothing else, makes him look like a GOOD person is the least of any one's worries. I personally viewed the whole thing with good natured humor in mind.
I saw the invitation as more of a challenge when it says "if you're not all talk" etc. but appreciate it none the less. However I am not keeping anything going. In fact my last post was an attempt to end all discussion on the matter.
Maybe this time it will work.
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Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #11 on:
March 10, 2005, 06:14:31 PM »
Lets all just shut up and ride!
who what to go to BC and kick up some mud [smiley=drive.gif]
I wonder if we can get Cheney to take Obama hunting?
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Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #12 on:
March 11, 2005, 10:20:28 AM »
I don't post much here, as I really don't have the time. But i do read most of the posts.
It seems there is a lot of people that are aggravated with Anoriginal. I am not defending his or anyone elses posts, but I would like to relate to you my experience growing up riding all sorts of motorized toys.
I grew up in the country. At age 3 I had my first go-cart, moved to mini-bikes, motorcycles, atvs, snowmobiles, etc. Most of my friends had them as well. Pretty much every day after school we would go ride somewhere (not like there is much else to do in the country...nearest baseball field was too far away to walk, if you could find enough kids to play).
We never rode someone elses land unless we had permission. Sometimes I walked to the land owners door and asked for their permission, (EVERY year at the beginning of the season), other times my friends/family or others asked, other times the local snowmobile club had permission and marked the trails. Bottom line was this: If we didn't have permission, we didn't ride there. We never assumed it was o.k. to ride somewhere unless we personally had that permission. Our own property growing up had a trail through it. Our house was one of the stopping points for my friends and I. And whenever we saw a machine run through our yard that we didn't know, we ran out, stopped the person, and let them know they were more than welcome to use the trail, but it was common courtesy to ask the homeowner if it was o.k.
Many years later, here I am in Florida. We all know it's very difficult to find riding spots in Florida. My wife and I both ride, along with our 5 year old, and hopefully in a few years our 2 year old will as well. I don't go to many of the riding places discussed here, I keep it limited to the places that are legal (i.e. ONF, Seminole track, a few other places where it's legal/we have permission).
It sucks, I hate it. I'm used to being able to drive in any direction off my property and have a place to ride. But you know what, when I bought the machines, I knew I was going to have this problem. I knew it would be a challenge living in Florida, but that's the breaks.
I would agree with anoriginal that people take liberties with property that does not belong to them. The things I see people doing just makes me shake my head in wonder. It seems for some, common sense and common courtesy don't apply. I do believe I have the right to ride. I don't believe I have a right to ride anywhere I want. I do believe it is my responsibility to set a good example for my children.
If I had a lot of land, I would love to have trails and tracks. And I would let people ride. But I would expect people to respect it. My dad always told me, if you borrow something, return it in better condition than you received it: the same applies to our riding areas, if your going to ride, get permission, and leave it in better shape than your found it.
It will be interesting to see what the next 5 to 10 years brings. I hope that we don't lose all of our riding areas in Florida. I wish I had more time to get involved with the different groups that are working to support our sport. Hopefully when the kids get a bit older I'll have the time. And most importantly, I want to thank the people that are involved and are doing something about keeping our sport alive in Florida.
We should all remember the 10% rule. Most of any population of people will do the right thing. It's the 10% minority that spoil it for the rest of us.
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Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #13 on:
March 11, 2005, 10:55:16 AM »
OMG will it not die?
I am glad you had such grand riding experiences in your youth, and respect your decisions as an adult as they are admirable and worth promoting, but you weren't the one, and hopefully aren't trying to take over, attempting to ridicule others for their decisions. I would never advocate the detruction of someone else's property including land. However in the case initially discussed (not that where we were riding was the point) no one cares. In addition, we are by far the lesser of any evils as we always leave the land the same way we find it. many others use this same piece of property to dump trash instead of properly disposing of it. Seeing as how no one cares that we ride it, I don't see a problem. We don't trash the spot like others do. And back to a previous statement I made, if there were no atv riders out there demanding more riding (as opposed to those few riding only their land) there would not be ANY public places to ride. and the opposition to OHV's would run over teh few riders that there were.
Let me finish (hopefully for the last time) by reasserting the only problem that I ever had with statements about where we were riding.... we were talking about and promoting positive iteractions with law enforcement not where we ride. And even though others are entitled to their opinions, they do NOT have the right to impose them on others. Instead of the original post continuing to be about positive interactions with LEO's it turned into a debate over where people should and should not ride which only diverted attention from the original intent of the post.
I agree that regardless of where you ride you should always leave it betterthan (or at least as good as) you found it. Do not ride where it is obvious that you are not wanted or where it is illegal. If you own sufficient land fantastic in fact invite us to ride it with you. But I stop short of condeming those that ride other people's property when no one cares. and would never say that only those with enough land to ride privately are the only one that should own quads. with this caviat in mind can we not please do as suggested and "shut up and ride" instead of attempting to , in vain might I ad, persuade each other that our personal views are the way that everyone should act.
floridaatv.com come join the fun
Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #14 on:
March 11, 2005, 12:01:05 PM »
This was in no way directed at you. We may have slight differences of opinions on where we choose to ride, but we still both ride, and we need to stick together, we are all brothers and sisters in this. Who am I to judge?
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Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #15 on:
March 11, 2005, 12:06:10 PM »
I agree regardless of our minor differences we all have riding in common and need to stick together.
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Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #16 on:
March 11, 2005, 04:23:06 PM »
Hey Cain,what the heck does caviat mean? LOL.
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Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #17 on:
March 11, 2005, 04:43:56 PM »
Cableguy - caveat as in caveat empor = buyer beware caveat is often used to signify an exception, warning, caution etc. ie my statement using caveat translates to - with the exception of or caution as in using it to point out a significant digression (diversion/ deviation).
as in the case of the DS: the DS is a great quad with great power and suspension and would recommend it for many people interested in owning a quad, with the caveat that the YELLOW ones do not have the super secret stealth/acceleration chips as in the RED ones. And the YELLOW ones are summarily superfluous
However this migh have been more appropriately posted under the newer thread of "now what?"
next to the discussion about the flux capacitors etc.
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Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #18 on:
March 11, 2005, 05:02:12 PM »
Your way out there. LOL. We gotta ride together sometime. You may pass me on that big tomato on wheels but I'll sure look smooth on my sporty yellow ball of conflagration.
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Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #19 on:
March 11, 2005, 05:59:22 PM »
Uh Oh I made ole yellar break out the thesaurus
I had to look that one up ! It's good to see there are others out there that appreciate a vocabulary with a plethora of unconventional phrases of articulation.
but if you like that try this on for size:
I disagree with your current assessment of the situation for which you possess meager cognition, and I am hereby forced to exhort that you expeditiously become orally introduced to my gluteus maximus upon which time you should diverge from your present location.
No this is not aimed at you it is just an example that shows it's not always what you say, but how you say it that counts. That is about the nicest way I know to tell someone:
You are wrong, too stupid to figure it out so kiss my A&& and leave !
Yeah we need to ride ! Can't wait to hear someone run back to Scrub yelling "run for your lives! there's a giant tomato and a fat banana screaming down the trails!"
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Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #20 on:
March 11, 2005, 09:31:31 PM »
I think for the next group ride we should get tee's with atvflorida on the front and
"NOT anoriginal" on the back,lmao.
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Re: Look at How IMPORTANT I AM !!
Reply #21 on:
March 12, 2005, 06:49:30 AM »
Thanks to Cableguy I am getting ATVFlorida on the front and... Attack of the Killier Tomato ! on back
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