It's been at least three weeks since I've ridden. I feel like my parts supplier should be renamed Ed's Methadone Clinic instead of EG Cycles.
I walk into the shop now everyday looking at Ed like a crackhead looks at a pipe.
He can tell I'm hurting, but what can he do? He can't give me my fix. The "stuff's" still at Honda.
The pain is blinding.
I drove by the "Hump" and saw all of the other riders getting thier fix on. Meanwhile I get to stand on the sideline and watch................................................
Oh, the humanity!!!!!!
By the way, just to be politically sensitive.........this post is meant to be quasi jovial in nature. Ergo, if you are a recovering drug user I apologize for any insensitivity that you may have felt from this post. If you are not recovering and you are a drug user and find this post offensive.....then too bad.