Another possibility is to ask them to see the map or rules/laws in writing. Let them know that you are an atty or are w/ prepaid legal and that you are a member of a large site of ppl out here. If they would like to go ahead w/ the ticket w/o proof of the violation in writing that'd you'd be happy to file a class action suit against the departments involved and it will cost you nothing.
I know you guys in the forest read this. I respect the job you are doing. I follow the rules and regulations set down but if we don't know them and can't find them in writing then we can't follow them. And y'all can't give us ticket w/o expecting someone to eventually file suit.
If you see me out there and decide on a ticket w/o writing you will be getting the comment from the first line. I have friends in low places and I'm not afraid to use that help. Beware....most of us on here make it our business to know the laws and abide by them. So should you.
You go girl