TAKE ACTION or assume the RISK of sittin' around.FW: ALERT --- Protect Your Right To Refuse To Be A Victim -- Gov. Task Force
USFinfo@aol.com [mailto:USFinfo@aol.com]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 5:57 PM
USFinfo@aol.comSubject: ALERT --- Protect Your Right To Refuse To Be A Victim -- Gov. Task Force
ALERT --- Protect Your Right To Refuse To Be A Victim -- Gov. Task Force
DATE: April 23, 2012
TO: Unified Sportsmen of Florida & NRA Members and Friends
FROM: Marion P. Hammer
USF Executive Director
NRA Past President
Florida Governor Rick Scott has announced the appointment of a Task Force to review Florida's Castle Doctrine/Stand Your Ground laws.
The Castle Doctrine law protects law-abiding citizens from law enforcement and prosecutorial abuse when they fight back and use force, including deadly force against an intruder/attacker in their homes or occupied vehicles. The law removes any duty to retreat when in your home or vehicle and presumes that an intruder/attacker intends to do bodily harm, therefore allowing the use of force, including deady force, to protect yourself, your family and your home.
The Stand Your Ground law protects law-abiding citizens from law enforcement and prosecutorial abuse when they fight back and use force, including deadly force against an intruder/attacker. The law provides that a person does not have a duty to retreat if the person is in a place where he or she has a right to be, and may meet force with force if the person reasonably believes he/she is in immiment peril of death or great bodily harm.
Florida Castle Doctrine/Stand Your Ground Law
http://laws.flrules.org/files/Ch_2005-027.pdfIn the face of outrageous misinterpretations of the law by the anti-gun, anti-self defense Brady Campaign's reckless henchmen, and politically motivated anti-gun legislators and politicians, Governor Rick Scott has appointed the Task Force on Citizen Safety and Protection to actually review the law and bring the truth to light.
Governor's Press Release on Task Force Appointments
http://www.flgov.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/04.19.2012-RELEASE-Task-Force-Citizen-Safety-Protection.pdfREAD WHAT SCHOLARS WHO HAVE ACTUALLY READ THE LAW SAY:
David Kopel: Debunking The Stand Your Ground Myth
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/apr/2/debunking-the-stand-your-ground-myth/The Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground
http://www.corson.org/archives/legal/L2012_09.htmStand Your Ground, America | The American Civil Rights Union
http://theacru.org/acru/stand_your_ground_america/And from Tucson, Arizona's TusconCitizen.com is a link attacking Marion Hammer for her work to protect law-abiding gun owners' rights. The article includes a video you should watch because Hammer explains why the law became necessary.
NASTY JACK: Graying Granny Marion Hammer excellent example of NRA’s brain washing
http://nastyjackbuzz.blogspot.com/2012/04/graying-granny-marion-hammer-excellent.htmlBalance it off with a CNN Profile on Marion Hammer:
CNN Profile: Marion Hammer Stands Her Ground
http://www.cnn.com/2012/04/15/us/marion-hammer-profile/?eref=rss_latestFinally: At the bottom of the Governor's Press Release is an email address for the public to provide input by emailing the task force.
That email address is: CitizenSafety@eog.myflorida.com.
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