I was on the white bike, and yeah I may have a little too aggressive for the first heat. But, believe me I did not come out of this unscathed by any means. I have pains that wont go away either. I made a mistake. Lesson learned.
no one is saying that you weren't hurt too. the thing is y'all are lucky cause it could have been worse for both of you! back in 1998 i had a friend get KILLED the EXACT same way! big track, concrete walls & someone being too aggressive for their capability's or their machine. pushed him into the wall and he died instantly from head trauma. sometimes people forget what a fragile thing life is..... we race for fun. and 2nd place vs. 3rd place isn't worth chancing getting hurt or hurting someone and not to even mention property damage.
i think this should be a lesson to everyone! don't ride over your head and when your on the track think with your head not blind fury! these big tracks are nothing to play with which is why MR. BRADY WINDSOR SAID AT THE RIDERS MEETING THAT THIS IS A HIGH SPEED TRACK AND TURN 4 COMES QUICK! SO EVERYONE PLEASE BE CAREFUL & NO BUMPING !
so if we look at it that way making a desperate move on the last turn ( and the most dangerous one)was not a good idea. LESSON LEARNED..... just hope that EVERYONE learns from your mistake. that way it would not have been made in vein.