hate to say it but i was in a county meeting today and they voted yes on moving the urban developement boundary line and changing the zoning from open land to business use on the northwest corner of 137 ave and sw 8st for lowes and a charter school because lowes is donating the land for the school.most of the residents that were there are from pinecrest.there was a teacher who spoke in favor of the lowes store and the school and also said she hated the fact this site was a dump and the atvs trashed the place and started fires.this just goes to show you how a couple of people that race on the street, litter, ride where they should not,and most importantly dont where safety gear (atleast a helmet) they give us all a bad image.
This is IMHo why when its all said and done,any riding areas we will have will be closely monitored and policed.
Wich realy isnt a bad thing becuase we honestly had our chance to keep these areas clean,but lots of us (ATV riders) chose to
litter the land.People seem to think that it goes unnoticed or nobody realy cares when in fact everything we do these days is being watched by somone.
So why make a littered dumpsite a legal riding place when we are the ones who destroyed it?
I don't blame the county,I also want a legal place to ride becuase like most of you my garage has become a storage place for ATV's that just sit.
It totaly suxx but this is the reality of the situation.