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quad only mx series we need more support
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Topic: quad only mx series we need more support (Read 11734 times)
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Re: quad only mx series we need more support
Reply #25 on:
October 01, 2006, 08:33:34 PM »
99 entries=2475.00
Approx 50 practice=1250
Approx 150 gate entries=2250
Shutting down a series b/c they don't make any money after all the talk about how Pax trax is the first one to stick his neck out and take the first race.=Priceless
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Re: quad only mx series we need more support
Reply #26 on:
October 01, 2006, 09:35:22 PM »
Ok guys. Sorry I haven't been on to help with all the debating. I have been sick since wednesday and just felt good enough to get on this thing.
Insurance= 1292.00
That is for the one day of racing. That was paid before the race and returned after the race.
His help for the day was around 1200.00
SSQSA gets 5.00 per entry-the money class=89*5=445.00
Ray stated that he doesn't get any of the gate fees.
I can't figure that one out.
so that puts him at a 712.00 loss.
As far as the insurance goes. That is something that is a must. The insurance that SSQSA has is cheeper than the insurance that FTR has by about 500.00.
I have heard that the curve is at 150 entries.
We just need to work on getting more people involved. This is a NEW SERIES. Pax Trax new that to start with and he has decided to pull his next race. What goes around comes around.
We have the ability to control our future.
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Re: quad only mx series we need more support
Reply #27 on:
October 01, 2006, 09:49:06 PM »
The one thing that I hope does not happen, is that everyone lets this situation discourage them from participating or going forward to try to build this thing into a stronger series. We got a punch in the gut! I dont know about you, but if I get a punch in the gut, I GET PISSED!!!! Frig that bass turd!! Get mad! A series like this starts out the way it does and then grows into something that is out of control!!!!! We get this thing to a 200 entry series and we can sell it to any track we want!! Track owners need to see $800 as an investment rather than a loss in a series like this!!! Im a little pizzed off if you can tell! Tony- c ya next weekend!
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Re: quad only mx series we need more support
Reply #28 on:
October 04, 2006, 01:38:47 AM »
Hello everyone,
You know the funny thing here is,there are people on this site(actually on this thread even)who are complaining about this and getting negative when they have done everything in their power to keep people from going to the SSQSA's.I think that our core group of people have been doing our thing by showing up.I spoke with Randy from Dade the other night about this and he was excited to hear that 100 + riders have shown up to 2 races in a row!!!We are doing our part,but,some people onethis site as well as others have not shown their support and actually scheduled group rides to other tracks on the same day as SSQSA races>
The only thing to do here is boycott the tracks that back out and not show them any support,and for those of you who say it is too much money-then get out of the sport,we all spend too much money to do this and unless you have done so you need to not be involved in the complaining because you are not doing your part to try to change it.Even if you are one those guys who has been logged on this site for a long time and tell everyone what to do and how to do it and you are afraid for all of them to find out you can't really race your quad,you just spent alot of money and time to look like you do-you could at least show up ride the practice and pay the entrance fees-that would help!!!!!!!
We all need to get together at the next race and maybe have a meeting with the people who are seriuos about this and Brett to try and figure out a way to make this happen and a way to make sure we do not lose any more tracks!!! Serious people meaning the ones who actually show up and pay money,not sit on this site and pretend to care and then when it is time to race(Anyone want to go to a different track besides the SSQSA race?)
Maybe we need to start the FQRA!
Florida Quad Racers Assoc.
Sorry for the babble-tried not to do this-but i think at the next race om Sat night we should all get together and throw some ideas out to maybe boost this or save this series
Posts: 6
Re: quad only mx series we need more support
Reply #29 on:
October 10, 2006, 12:17:06 AM »
Hello Guys, my name is Randy Dinkins and while several of you know me, I'm fully aware of the fact that some of you don't. I am the founder and president of NQRA (National Quad Racing Association) and I have been reading your comments regarding this series and the politics of what has been happening.
For those of you who are trying to do the math on what happened at PAX track I tip my hat to you. It seems that for the longest time I honestly thought many of you guys didn't understand how this all works. And while you do leave a few holes in your theories, I see that you are least starting to think about it and some of you aren't that far off.
Seems that PAX has left us in a delima. Just remember, whenever you start something new your always going to have growing pains, and this new series is no different. In 1997 I started the Mid Atlantic ATV Association, our first race in January 1998 drew 36 riders. By the end of the season we were averaging 70 riders per race and we had 112 members. And while many were excited, I was disappointed, because all I thought about was seeing 200 members my first year. But I stayed the course and by end of year 2 we had 456 members, and by the end of year 4 we had 1291 members and was the 2nd largest ATV racing series in the country, 2nd only to the GNC's. Why is this relivant you may ask? Because the first year I had to call all over the state of NC and beg promoters to give me an ATV only event, and most of them said NO, they thought I was crazy for even attempting it. And while cost of insurance has increased since then, (it's only went up about $350), its not really that substancial. By the end of year 2 many of the same promoters that turned me down were now calling me back and asking for races. Take 3 guesses as to what I told them. And representaties from the AMA were calling me 2 and 3 times a week begging me to join the AMA as a club. This was the same AMA that had dissolved the AATVA and left our sport to die, ONLY, WE NEVER DID!!! The same AMA that, for years, just kept taking our money and promoting motorcycle racing with it and giving us nothing in return for our dollars that were just as green as the bike guys. No, we just kept plugging along and rufusing to go away. The manufactures had stopped making any type of sport quad by then, the AMA didn't want anything to do with us and neither did the promoters unless they could have a national. By the end of year 4 we controlled our own destiny, right? WRONG! Thank you 911 and the fall of the stock market. See we were buying insurance from the same company the AMA used, George Knight Insurance Company. But with the decline of their stock, so went their underwriting, and George Knight closed it's doors leaving everyone scrambling to find something else.
With this I listened to the wrong people as they convinced me to finally team up with ATVA and thus we could operate under their umbrella, as no one else had insurance. Boy, what a mistake that year was. So in 2003 I created the NQRA and began sanctioning races on my own again, only now it was on a much bigger stage. 2004 was a banner year in so many ways I can't even count. We set the stage for the new WPSA series, hosted the first ever ATV MX race and ATV TT race to be held during Daytona's Bike Week, got tons of national media coverage and knocked the ATVA on it's heels. But with almost all things worth doing, we had our troubles, ATVA fighting us tooth and nail at every turn with threats to top ranked riders, promoters, and even sponsors. Sound familure? Then we had two of our most trusted staff members embezzle some money, and our major sponsor refuse to pay up. So we took a break and let things chill for a little while and regrouped.
Said all that to say this, I think it's time I let you guys in on some of the future plans for the NQRA and the SSQSA. Because I want to encourage you guys to stay the course that we have set out for you. SSQSA is but one piece of a puzzle that will continue to grow over the course of the next few years and I really want you guys to be a part of this and share in all the fun and excitement that is to come. Starting in 2007 you will have a new and unchartered reason for running a points series. The NQRA is planning a new format to national championship ATV racing. While there have been other similar series in the past for the bikes, nothing like this has ever been attempted for quads. NQRA will be sanctioning several regional series around the country and each series will run under the same rules and classes. The top 5 points earning riders from each class at the end of the series will then recieve an invitation to the NQRA US National Championships which will be a 3 moto format to be held at a predisclosed location centrally located for all the series that are paticipating, this means you do your racing around home and only travel to 1 national championship weekend instead of 12 rounds all over the country. Thus saving you several thousands of dollars and making it far more affordable for us all. And at this championship event not only will you get to run for a national championship individually against the best riders in the country, but you will also be running for a team championship for your series as well, similar to the MX des Nations for bikes. There will be more than $100,000 in prizes to be given away and the best part is, part of your entry fee money from your series races and part of your NQRA membership money will go toward helping the qualified riders get to this event. THAT'S RIGHT, READ AGAIN IF YOU NEED TO!!!
Guys remember this, Brett truly has a passion to see this series get off the ground and grow, and has done a tremendous amount of work to see it get this far. I like to see the support that he has already gotten and hope that it will only grow from here. But I think it's time I let you guys in on some ofthe future plans for the NQRA and the SSQSA.
God Speed and Good Racing!!!
Randy Dinkins
NQRA President
Last Edit: October 10, 2006, 12:19:28 AM by quadstar
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Re: quad only mx series we need more support
Reply #30 on:
October 10, 2006, 04:10:05 PM »
WOW! I HAD NO IDEA! Kind of humbling! I have to say though, I got chills! You go, big dawg!
Specializing in FAST RELIABLE Horspower!!
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Re: quad only mx series we need more support
Reply #31 on:
October 10, 2006, 07:10:07 PM »
Hello everyone,again,
I have spent alot of time talking with Brett and he had told me about the enthusiasum of Randy Dinkins and i was unsure of the level.....questions answered!!!!!!
One of the things i have been thinking about is how to get more people involved in this series and
have been discussing this with a couple of parents.We need to make this happen so that we are not forced to ride local tracks with no competition and waste our money.The proof is in the last couple of races and the level of competition-it has been great-what awsome training at the very least!!!!
I hope everyone else is getting as ecited about this series as we are,it really helps to have a real series to race for everyone involved,new people getting used to going to a Nationals type event and those of us that have started that trip and have already done it and preparing for the upcoming year!!
We definately need to keep this going!!!
anyone interested in a meeting at the next Waldo race when Brett can be there?
this would be a great time to address concerns and wants for the next series and the remaining of the current one!!!!!
Hope all is well and can't wait to see everyone at the next race!!!!!!
P.S. Thanks for the encouraging and eye opening reply Randy.
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Re: quad only mx series we need more support
Reply #32 on:
October 16, 2006, 01:44:35 PM »
Its going to be pax trax's loss, they only hold races from FTR now, besides their own saturday night stuff.
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Dana Creech Racing, Blingstar Industries, Monster Energy Drinks, ASV inventions, Utopia Optics, Alloy MX, Gaerne Boot Co., DP Brakes, Powermadd, Maxima, Atlantic Cycle Service
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