Ok, here's how to fight this. Call or e-mail FWC and ask for the "
environmental impact report" for the ATV"S, the full tracks, the buggies and the side x side", in Holylands, always invoke
Florida statute 119 (FS119), if they tell you that they don't have one, then ask them how can they ban just the atv and not the rest of the group and how can then they allow the other vehicles if a report has not been made,if a report has not been done, then at this point in time you might want to let them know that you will be contacting the Sierra Club and the Florida Biodiversity group so that they can handle this with the state. Also let them know that discrimination was already tried once in America and it did not and does not work and that creating a ruling to keep away only a certain group is exactly that, discrimination.
We need to start filing small claims law suits against all these agencies, SFWMD, FWC, the county that you live in, etc. It's $50.00 and a couple hours of your time. Here's what I'm currently working in Collier county. I have a meeting on Friday with Parks and Rec staff and I am planning on using this as a discriminatory policy towards the ORV/ATV community within the county. Here's the e-mail that I originally sent asking for a meeting, you might want to use this as a template, or not.
Subject: I need to spend sometime with someone from you staff next week if possible...Thxs
Hi Barry, hope all is well. I would like to try and set up an appointment with some one from you staff and gather information regarding parks, recreation, costs, boat ramps, public golfing facilities,bike paths, walking trails, horse trails, etc from your staff. Here's the kind of things that I'm looking to find out.
1) How many boat ramps are in Collier county, how much did it cost to build these, how many more are being planned if any at all, maintenance cost, mitigated environmental cost?
2) How many miles of bike lanes does the county have, how much did it cost to build, maintenance cost, where there environmental studies needed to put these in?
3) How many parks are in collier county, cost to build these parks, cost of maintaining this parks, including fertilizer, electric water,etc?
4) How many public golf courses are there in Collier county, yearly cost to maintain them, fertilizer use, water use, electric, environmental studies done for the runoff of these, cost of replanting, seeding, any profits made from these public facilities, etc?
5) Any Florida forever lands within Collier county, if so, how much and where and what are the permitted uses of these lands as of today?
6) How much "Collier conservation land" in the county and the permissible activities on this lands?
7) Does any person that currently recreates within Collier county parks or public land has to have a tracking device on their person, clothing, bicycle, walking stick, etc? If so whom?
Is there any kind of governmental mandate stating anywhere that any of these facilities HAD TO BE BUILT PER THE MANDATE, or where they built in the interest of providing recreation and access to public waterways and lands for the good of the citizens and visitors in Collier county?
Here are some of the FWC e-mail contacts that i have:
We all need to get involved more, we are a large group, but a silent group, and if you don't cry, you wont be heard...Good luck