To be honest (and this is just my opinion), I think the whole thing stinks. I love going out to Ocala and riding the trails. There are
MANY people that ride out there on any given weekend and reducing the forest to just 140 miles of trails is a recipe for disastor. There are people that travel at higher rates of speed and there are going to be people that will end up going the wrong way on trials (Trust me it will happen). I cringe at the thought of it. With the forest wide open, the chances of meeting someone head on are greatly reduced because of the simple fact that you can spread out and not see another sole the whole time you are out in the trails. Not to mention people will get tired of riding the same trails and start making their own, messing it up for everyone, and then the "powers that be" will put the clamps down even more. I think it is the beginning to an end. Maybe it is just me.
I think you are right in more ways than one. Two way trails at 50 inches wide are crazy. It will be the 5% that don't obey the rules that will ruin it for everyone. You have to remember that the forest has to manage the off road destruction in some way and also this order comes from the top down.
IF the ONFA moto is to provide substantial recreation maybe they can help..