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Author Topic: Strange Voices  (Read 7767 times)
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Location: Anthony , Fl.

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« Reply #25 on: January 07, 2006, 12:45:22 PM »

Don't freak herr' Dr. .......... Ida is absolutley right.  Any amplified speaker has the ability to pick up a tunable frequency and emit the sound. You see when most people look at a speaker they just see the pretty case its in....... However, under that warm glowing injection molded plastic facade lies the dark and seedy world of the... the.... the..... TRUTH!  And the truth is that a speaker is simply a coned shaped device that vibrates at a specific frequency to emit sound.  There are frequencies running around all over the place from the light you see to cosmic radiation that, thankfully, our ozone layer will hopefully continue to block out (otherwise we gonna get a little warm, dog....know what I mean  Nuke Flaming Dead ) Anywho speakers are designed to pick up only one portion of all the frequencies floating around out there.  Those are the ones that happen to be called audio.  Any they run in a particular band width range.  And heres the neat part..........it don't matter where that audio be comin from brother........if it be strong enough.........it gonna make sound on the speaker and make the Dr.  wee wee himself.
So don't worry about it.................  and remember knowledge is the best cure for fear........write that down.  Wink

Now  thats  funny  sh!t  right  there !! Laugh Laugh Laugh

Team LFG , Local Fat Guys.
Mystic Motorsports Vet Class Rider #32
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