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General / Where to Ride? / Re: L-CROSS NOV 4-6TH- WHO'S GOING?
on: October 30, 2005, 10:31:02 AM
Thats more like it, you hear everyone complaining about L-Cross not being able to bring and throw out beads or see any boobies. Now they are having an adult party and no one wants to go.
General / Where to Ride? / L-CROSS NOV 4-6TH- WHO'S GOING?
on: October 15, 2005, 02:07:59 PM
Has everyone heard whats going on at L-Cross Nov. 4-6. Check it out at L-Cross.com click on events and scroll down to the bottom right side of the page. Looks like fun. Who's going? You can count me in.
General / Where to Ride? / Re: Lower prices at L-Cross.
on: September 16, 2005, 12:53:52 PM
Mud- Have you guys ever thought about charging half the money that you usually do and getting twice the amount of people out there. I talk to a lot of people and that is what everyone says about L-cross. They say it is just too much money, especially if you want to take your family out there on a saturday just to ride around in the mud for a couple of hours it will cost you $60. and that is just to get in the gate. Not including foood, GAS, or beverages. I know everyone that reads this is going to say well you have 24hr security and EMS and a concert and all that jazz. But a lot of the people that go out there don't care about the concert, especially someone like Molly Hatchet. They go out there for a place to ride and watch all the people in their trucks, buggies, and homemade rigs. All I am saying is just give it a little thought about charging say $15.00 a person, I guarantee you that you would have a lot bigger outcome and would probably make the same $$$ as you would charging $25 or $30. You would be very surprised how many people don't go out there just because they think it is too much to pay, to play in the mud.
General / Where to Ride? / Re: L-Cross MS&G April 15th-17th
on: April 15, 2005, 04:17:45 PM
I agree that $30.00 is way to much to pay, especially if you are only going for the day. What a rip off. I went last month and only paid $25.00, that was pushing it. I guess they will still have plenty of people to show up though. After filling up w/ gas, getting beer, ice and food and paying for two people to go, it ends up costing around $150.00 just to go play in the mud. I think I will go somewhere else and ride.
General / Where to Ride? / Re: OKEECHOBEE PRAIRIE
on: January 31, 2005, 08:17:48 PM
So I guess it wouldn't be a good idea to go out there this weekend? Did the Sherriff say that you cant ride out there unless you have property? I was out there two weekends ago and he gave us a piece of paper w/ the different statutes on it that were being violated, and he told us that we couldn't park anywhere and leave our vehicle or they would tag it abandoned. We just said ok and kept on going and went back and parked in the woods and rode all day. Do you think we could still do that or is the sheriff right there at the turn telling people that unless they own property then they can't stop and ride.
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