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1  General / ATV Activist / Re: Holey Land SHUT DOWN: No more places to ride in South Florida! on: October 17, 2008, 10:02:47 AM
You are wrong, the area is considered a WMA - Wildlife Management Area, set forth as such by the FWC. It was an FWC decision, they voted on in at their February 2008 meeting, which was held in North Florida by the way. The idea first came about on their December agenda, the language of the new rule though included shutting down the area to ALL recreational vehicles and since airboats and buggies have legitimate representation at the FWC meetings, the initial rule was turned down. Then, the changed the rule to only ban ATV's and it passed with flying colors.
2  General / ATV Activist / Re: Holey Land SHUT DOWN: No more places to ride in South Florida! on: September 27, 2008, 09:19:11 AM
We can all begin to write letters to the FWC in January of 2009 asking to put this issue back on the agenda to be voted on at a future commission meeting. It will be shut down for two years no matter what, but if we start to get it back on the voting ballot in the beginning of '09 there's a great chance we can get this ruling overturned for July of 2010. However, we will ALL need to be at the meeting when they vote.

3  General / Where to Ride? / Re: wash out at holylands closed on: June 07, 2008, 11:20:22 AM
4  General / Group Rides & Events / Re: holyland last ride on: June 02, 2008, 04:39:28 PM
To all:

Please come out to show the media that ATV's need a place to ride in South Florida ... Sunday June 8th at the L-5 Levee just past Campbell Park. Just come out with your crew, ride, and enjoy the day. Sun-Sentinel's working on a story and will have a reporter, a videographer, and photographer out there to show how many people enjoy the sport and will be effected by the rule change. 
5  General / Group Rides & Events / subject on: June 02, 2008, 04:38:47 PM
filled in
6  General / Where to Ride? / Re: question about holeyland closure on: June 02, 2008, 04:38:08 PM
To all:

Please come out to show the media that ATV's need a place to ride in South Florida ... Sunday June 8th at the L-5 Levee just past Campbell Park. Just come out with your crew, ride, and enjoy the day. Sun-Sentinel's working on a story and will have a reporter, a videographer, and photographer out there to show how many people enjoy the sport and will be effected by the rule change. 
7  General / ATV Activist / subject on: June 02, 2008, 04:32:16 PM
8  General / Where to Ride? / Re: Holey Land SHUT DOWN: No more places to ride in South Florida! on: March 05, 2008, 08:15:01 AM
It's funny how much this turned into a bashing contest ... If as much effort went into finding us a safe place to ride as it did into pointing the finger, then we probably would have a few places left to enjoy ourselves at.

The trash out there is EXTREMELY disturbing! In fact, I make it a point to pick cans up and put it in our pouch to take back with us. The drunks doing donuts on the levee are also EXTREMELY disturbing! But that's a handful of people (and it seems to be underage or barely legal kids) who go out there and don't have consideration for where they are and what they're doing. Needless to say, the don't face any consequences b/c there isn't anyone there enforcing rules. It doesn't cost that much money to have rules enforced (I thought that was the point of having FWC officers in the first place). And if governmental money is available to the FWC to help pay for the proper patrolling of this land and the damage done thus far, I say it doesn't hurt to tap into it.

As for plant damage -- the only reason this area has extensive plant damage is b/c it's the only drop in points. Once you go out on the trails their is NOT any damage to the surrounding plant life. (Oh, except on the north side where there's giant holes -- hence the name holey land -- that the government created for bombing practice). Did you know wildlife (like the endangered panther) use the trails out there to get around.  And us ATV's can only go so far, we aren't going to ride over the entire everglades. Let's talk about fire, fire is GOOD for the everglades and ATV's have nothing to do with starting it. And remember that swamp buggy that caught on fire about a year ago? Let me explain the cycle, once a fire burns the old plant life, the debris helps fuel and regenerate new life, life that tons of birds, insects and animals flock to for nourishment.

Anorignal where do you find the commission meetings publicized? I'm not trying to be offensive, I'd really like to know b/c maybe I just wasn't clued in. I also ask you this -- In December's meeting, 31 people and 11 organizations voted against the rule change and 3 individuals voted for the ban. How did it pass two months later?

I am surprised! Concrete has been poured over the everglades. Everyday civilization gets closer and closer. Water is being drained from the land as we speak. Why aren't the developers shut down or fined? In retrospect, b/c there are a handful of trouble makers and b/c the FWC wasn't successful at patrolling and regulating this very small area for us to enjoy ourselves at, we are punished.

9  General / Where to Ride? / Re: Holey Land SHUT DOWN: No more places to ride in South Florida! on: March 02, 2008, 05:36:51 PM
The FWC didn't do a good job publicizing this rule change and I'd like to know how two months ago it overwhelmingly did NOT get passed, then all of a sudden they re-word it to ban ATV's only and it passes. I'm not saying ATV's don't destroy the everglades, but that's when not operated properly. I ask you this what good is the everglades if you can' t enjoy, explore and have fun. The FWC does need to do a better job at regulating out there. I posted this message to help bring awareness and try to get enough of us to stick together to try and overturn this rule or at least have the commission put it back on the ballot to get voted on again.
10  General / Open Discussion / Re: Proposed FWC change for Holeylands/ Atv's for hunting only on: March 01, 2008, 10:10:36 AM
This is upsurd! Buggies and airboats still allowed and we only ride their trails! Furthermore, In December of 2007 the commission tried to pass this rule and 31 people and 11 organizations said NO. Then, all of a sudden it was voted on again in February, only 2 months later, and it magically passes! Check it out for yourself on page 28 of this link:

http://myfwc.com/commission/2007/Sept07/Documents/MajorProposedRuleChangesforWildlifeandFreshwaterFish4C2.pdfThere’s something shaddy going on here.

Here's the guy to call: Chuck Collins 561-625-5131. Please we need everyone's help!

Here's the FWC's press release:
News Release

FWC passes ATV restrictions for 3 South Fla. WMAs

February 26, 2008
Contact: Chuck Collins, 561-625-5131

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has passed new rules regarding the use of ATVs on Everglades and Francis Taylor, Holey Land and Rotenberger wildlife management areas (WMAs). 

Effective July 1, 2008, the use of ATVs will be allowed for hunting purposes only and only during the archery, muzzleloading gun and general gun seasons.  In addition, ATVs will be allowed for scouting purposes two weeks before archery season and one week before the start of muzzleloading gun and general gun-walk seasons.

The unrestricted use of ATVs on these WMAs has resulted in extensive resource damage and public safety concerns.  The FWC took this action following its rulemaking process, which included publicizing proposed rules on its Web site in August and September 2007, publishing the proposed rules in the Florida Administrative Weekly and public meetings in September and December 2007 and February 2008.

Final consideration of this rule by FWC took place at the February Commission meeting. For further information, see the meeting agenda at MyFWC.com/Commission/2008/Feb08/index.html.   

The FWC is a member of the Florida Off-highway Vehicle Advisory Council.  The council is working with riding groups to develop safe and sustainable riding sites in Florida.  For more information on the council see www.floridaohv.org.

11  General / ATV Activist / Holey Land SHUT DOWN: No more places to ride in South Florida! on: March 01, 2008, 10:06:08 AM
For all you South Florida ATV riders – the very last place to legally ride in has just been SHUT DOWN! Effective July 1st of this year, ATV’s have been banned from the Holey Lands, Rotenberger, and Francis S. Taylor Wildlife Management Area’s of the Everglades. But here’s the kicker – Swamp Buggies and Airboats are still allowed to have fun out there!!! WE MUST TAKE A STANCE! In December of 2007 the commission tried to pass this rule and 31 people and 11 organizations said NO. Then, all of a sudden it was voted on again in February, only 2 months later, and it magically passes! There’s something shaddy going on here. AND THEY NEVER TOLD THE PUBLIC ABOUT THE MEETING! I’m urging you to please contact the FWC (Florida Fish and Wildlife Commisioners) and express your concerns, frustrations, and how unfair it is to discriminate against ATV’s and not buggies/airboats! We ride the trails that they’ve already created and they say we’re the ones destroying the land!

Here’s the guy you’ll want to talk to: Chuck Collins, 561-625-5131.
Here’s the news release from the FWC: http://myfwc.com/whatsnew/08/south/News_08_S_ATVRules.htm

12  General / Where to Ride? / Holey Land SHUT DOWN: No more places to ride in South Florida! on: March 01, 2008, 10:04:50 AM
For all you South Florida ATV riders – the very last place to legally ride in has just been SHUT DOWN! Effective July 1st of this year, ATV’s have been banned from the Holey Lands, Rotenberger, and Francis S. Taylor Wildlife Management Area’s of the Everglades. But here’s the kicker – Swamp Buggies and Airboats are still allowed to have fun out there!!! WE MUST TAKE A STANCE! In December of 2007 the commission tried to pass this rule and 31 people and 11 organizations said NO. Then, all of a sudden it was voted on again in February, only 2 months later, and it magically passes! There’s something shaddy going on here. AND THEY NEVER TOLD THE PUBLIC ABOUT THE MEETING! I’m urging you to please contact the FWC (Florida Fish and Wildlife Commisioners) and express your concerns, frustrations, and how unfair it is to discriminate against ATV’s and not buggies/airboats! We ride the trails that they’ve already created and they say we’re the ones destroying the land!

Here’s the guy you’ll want to talk to: Chuck Collins, 561-625-5131.
Here’s the news release from the FWC: http://myfwc.com/whatsnew/08/south/News_08_S_ATVRules.htm

13  General / Open Discussion / Holey Land SHUT DOWN: No more places to ride in South Florida! on: March 01, 2008, 10:03:33 AM
For all you South Florida ATV riders – the very last place to legally ride in has just been SHUT DOWN! Effective July 1st of this year, ATV’s have been banned from the Holey Lands, Rotenberger, and Francis S. Taylor Wildlife Management Area’s of the Everglades. But here’s the kicker – Swamp Buggies and Airboats are still allowed to have fun out there!!! WE MUST TAKE A STANCE! In December of 2007 the commission tried to pass this rule and 31 people and 11 organizations said NO. Then, all of a sudden it was voted on again in February, only 2 months later, and it magically passes! There’s something shaddy going on here. AND THEY NEVER TOLD THE PUBLIC ABOUT THE MEETING! I’m urging you to please contact the FWC (Florida Fish and Wildlife Commisioners) and express your concerns, frustrations, and how unfair it is to discriminate against ATV’s and not buggies/airboats! We ride the trails that they’ve already created and they say we’re the ones destroying the land!

Here’s the guy you’ll want to talk to: Chuck Collins, 561-625-5131.
Here’s the news release from the FWC: http://myfwc.com/whatsnew/08/south/News_08_S_ATVRules.htm

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