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1  General / Open Discussion / Re: Monster Jam 2008 sucked!!! on: February 12, 2008, 10:31:36 AM
 I live out on Long Island, New York, and hit the Nassau Coliseum for Monster Jam 2008. I paid $40 x 3 (after ticketmaster took their share) for the nose bleed section (late start on tickets) with my two sons in tow. When I walked into the arena my excitement dropped from an 8 to a 1. Instead of the usual dirt jumps for the dirt bikes, quad wars, and even sometimes the tractor pulls; it was a bare arena floor with a sprinkling of dirt (you could still see the floor!)
 Yes, Gravedigger was there, the MX stunt bikes made an intermission appearance on towed out ramps.    No quad wars, no monster jumps (the cars were already crushed thin), no freestyle (we had a cyclone contest, yawn!), we got the bare bones. The MX bikers said they were coming out again to perform later, never saw them reappear.
 The only thing halfway exciting (besides the MX'rs) was when Gravedigger ripped a rear tire off in the cyclone event. For a closed arena these guys always went the extra mile. In this case though they stalled out, badly. Anyway, the circuit just lost another fan. I got better things to spend my money on.
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